import { fakeResourceIndex } from "../../../locals_list/test_helpers"; import { resourceUpdate } from "../assertion_support"; import { unpackStep, TOOL_MOUNT, DISMOUNTED } from "../unpack_step"; import { selectAllPlantPointers, selectAllTools, selectAllGenericPointers, } from "../../../../resources/selectors"; import { DropDownPair } from "../interfaces"; import { fakeTool } from "../../../../__test_support__/fake_state/resources"; import { buildResourceIndex, } from "../../../../__test_support__/resource_index_builder"; describe("unpackStep()", () => { function assertGoodness(result: DropDownPair, action_label: string, action_value: string, resource_label: string, resource_value: string | number): void { expect(result.rightSide.label).toBe(action_label); expect(result.rightSide.value).toBe(action_value); expect(result.leftSide.label).toBe(resource_label); expect(result.leftSide.value).toBe(resource_value); } it("unpacks empty tool_ids", () => { const result = unpackStep({ step: resourceUpdate({ label: "mounted_tool_id", value: 0 }), resourceIndex: fakeResourceIndex() }); expect(result).toEqual(DISMOUNTED()); }); it("unpacks valid tool_ids", () => { const resourceIndex = fakeResourceIndex(); const { body } = selectAllTools(resourceIndex)[0]; expect(body).toBeTruthy(); const result = unpackStep({ step: resourceUpdate({ label: "mounted_tool_id", value: || NaN }), resourceIndex }); const actionLabel = "Mounted to: Generic Tool"; const { label, value } = TOOL_MOUNT(); assertGoodness(result, actionLabel, "mounted", label, value); }); it("unpacks valid tool_ids with missing names", () => { const tool = fakeTool(); = 1; = undefined; const resourceIndex = buildResourceIndex([tool]).index; const { body } = selectAllTools(resourceIndex)[0]; expect(body).toBeTruthy(); const result = unpackStep({ step: resourceUpdate({ label: "mounted_tool_id", value: || NaN }), resourceIndex }); const actionLabel = "Mounted to: Untitled Tool"; const { label, value } = TOOL_MOUNT(); assertGoodness(result, actionLabel, "mounted", label, value); }); it("unpacks invalid tool_ids (that may have been valid previously)", () => { const result = unpackStep({ step: resourceUpdate({ label: "mounted_tool_id", value: Infinity }), resourceIndex: fakeResourceIndex() }); const actionLabel = "Mounted to: an unknown tool"; const { label, value } = TOOL_MOUNT(); assertGoodness(result, actionLabel, "mounted", label, value); }); it("unpacks discarded_at operations", () => { const resourceIndex = fakeResourceIndex(); const { body } = selectAllGenericPointers(resourceIndex)[0]; expect(body.pointer_type).toBe("GenericPointer"); const result = unpackStep({ step: resourceUpdate({ resource_type: "GenericPointer", resource_id: || -1, label: "discarded_at", value: "non-configurable" }), resourceIndex }); assertGoodness(result, "Removed", "removed", `${} (${body.x}, ${body.y}, ${body.z})`, || NaN); }); it("unpacks plant_stage operations", () => { const resourceIndex = fakeResourceIndex(); const plant = selectAllPlantPointers(resourceIndex)[1]; expect(plant).toBeTruthy(); const result = unpackStep({ step: resourceUpdate({ resource_type: "Plant", resource_id: || -1, label: "plant_stage", value: "wilting" }), resourceIndex }); const { body } = plant; const plantName = `${} (${body.x}, ${body.y}, ${body.z})`; assertGoodness(result, "wilting", "wilting", plantName, || NaN); }); it("unpacks unknown resource_update steps", () => { const result = unpackStep({ step: resourceUpdate({}), resourceIndex: fakeResourceIndex() }); assertGoodness(result, "some_attr = some_value", "some_value", "Other", 1); }); });