import * as React from "react"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import { init, error } from "./toast/toast"; import { NavBar } from "./nav"; import { Everything, TimeSettings } from "./interfaces"; import { LoadingPlant } from "./loading_plant"; import { BotState, Xyz, UserEnv } from "./devices/interfaces"; import { ResourceName, TaggedUser, TaggedLog } from "farmbot"; import { maybeFetchUser, maybeGetTimeSettings, getDeviceAccountSettings, } from "./resources/selectors"; import { HotKeys } from "./hotkeys"; import { ControlsPopup } from "./controls_popup"; import { Content } from "./constants"; import { validBotLocationData, validFwConfig, validFbosConfig } from "./util"; import { BooleanSetting } from "./session_keys"; import { getPathArray } from "./history"; import { getWebAppConfigValue, GetWebAppConfigValue, } from "./config_storage/actions"; import { takeSortedLogs } from "./logs/state_to_props"; import { FirmwareConfig } from "farmbot/dist/resources/configs/firmware"; import { getFirmwareConfig, getFbosConfig } from "./resources/getters"; import { intersection } from "lodash"; import { t } from "./i18next_wrapper"; import { ResourceIndex } from "./resources/interfaces"; import { isBotOnline } from "./devices/must_be_online"; import { getStatus } from "./connectivity/reducer_support"; import { getAllAlerts } from "./messages/state_to_props"; import { PingDictionary } from "./devices/connectivity/qos"; import { getEnv, getShouldDisplayFn } from "./farmware/state_to_props"; /** For the logger module */ init(); export interface AppProps { dispatch: Function; loaded: ResourceName[]; logs: TaggedLog[]; user: TaggedUser | undefined; bot: BotState; consistent: boolean; timeSettings: TimeSettings; axisInversion: Record; xySwap: boolean; firmwareConfig: FirmwareConfig | undefined; animate: boolean; getConfigValue: GetWebAppConfigValue; tour: string | undefined; resources: ResourceIndex; autoSync: boolean; alertCount: number; pings: PingDictionary; env: UserEnv; } export function mapStateToProps(props: Everything): AppProps { const webAppConfigValue = getWebAppConfigValue(() => props); const fbosConfig = validFbosConfig(getFbosConfig(props.resources.index)); const shouldDisplay = getShouldDisplayFn(props.resources.index,; const env = getEnv(props.resources.index, shouldDisplay,; return { timeSettings: maybeGetTimeSettings(props.resources.index), dispatch: props.dispatch, user: maybeFetchUser(props.resources.index), bot:, logs: takeSortedLogs(250, props.resources.index), loaded: props.resources.loaded, consistent: !!( || {}).consistent, axisInversion: { x: !!webAppConfigValue(BooleanSetting.x_axis_inverted), y: !!webAppConfigValue(BooleanSetting.y_axis_inverted), z: !!webAppConfigValue(BooleanSetting.z_axis_inverted), }, xySwap: !!webAppConfigValue(BooleanSetting.xy_swap), firmwareConfig: validFwConfig(getFirmwareConfig(props.resources.index)), animate: !webAppConfigValue(BooleanSetting.disable_animations), getConfigValue: webAppConfigValue, tour:, resources: props.resources.index, autoSync: !!(fbosConfig && fbosConfig.auto_sync), alertCount: getAllAlerts(props.resources).length, pings:, env, }; } /** Time at which the app gives up and asks the user to refresh */ const LOAD_TIME_FAILURE_MS = 25000; /** * Relational resources that *must* load before app starts. * App will crash at load time if they are not pre-loaded. */ const MUST_LOAD: ResourceName[] = [ "Sequence", "Regimen", "FarmEvent", "Point", "Device", "Tool", // Sequence editor needs this for rendering. ]; export class RawApp extends React.Component { private get isLoaded() { return (MUST_LOAD.length === intersection(this.props.loaded, MUST_LOAD).length); } /** * If the sync object takes more than 10s to load, the user will be granted * access into the app, but still warned. */ componentDidMount() { setTimeout(() => { if (!this.isLoaded) { error(t(Content.APP_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE), t("Warning")); } }, LOAD_TIME_FAILURE_MS); } render() { const syncLoaded = this.isLoaded; const currentPage = getPathArray()[2]; const { location_data, mcu_params } =; const { sync_status } =; const bot2mqtt =["bot.mqtt"]; return
{!syncLoaded && } {syncLoaded && } {syncLoaded && this.props.children} {!(["controls", "account", "regimens"].includes(currentPage)) && }
; } } export const App = connect(mapStateToProps)(RawApp);