import { sequence2ddi, mapStateToProps, RawBootSequenceSelector } from "../boot_sequence_selector"; import { fakeSequence, fakeFbosConfig } from "../../../../__test_support__/fake_state/resources"; import { fakeState } from "../../../../__test_support__/fake_state"; import { buildResourceIndex } from "../../../../__test_support__/resource_index_builder"; import React from "react"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import { FBSelect } from "../../../../ui"; // import { mount } from "enzyme"; // import React from "react"; // import { FBSelect } from "../../../../ui"; describe("sequence2ddi", () => { it("converts TaggedSequences", () => { const s = fakeSequence(); = 1; s.body.args.locals.body = []; const result1 = sequence2ddi(s); expect(result1).toBeTruthy(); s.body.args.locals.body = undefined; const result2 = sequence2ddi(s); expect(result2).toBeTruthy(); }); it("doesn't convert TaggedSequences with variables", () => { const s = fakeSequence(); = 1; s.body.args.locals.body = [{ kind: "variable_declaration", args: { label: "foo", data_value: { kind: "point", args: { pointer_id: 1, pointer_type: "GenericPointer" } } } }]; const result1 = sequence2ddi(s); expect(result1).not.toBeTruthy(); }); it("doesn't convert TaggedSequences missing an ID", () => { const s = fakeSequence(); = undefined; const result1 = sequence2ddi(s); expect(result1).not.toBeTruthy(); }); }); const fakeProps = () => { const state = fakeState(); const sequence = fakeSequence(); const config = fakeFbosConfig(); = 1; config.body.boot_sequence_id = 1; state.resources = buildResourceIndex([config, fakeFbosConfig(), sequence]); return mapStateToProps(state); }; describe("mapStateToProps", () => { it("creates props", () => { const result = fakeProps(); if (result.selectedItem) { expect(result.selectedItem.value).toEqual(1); } else { fail(); } }); it("crashes when config is missing", () => { const state = fakeState(); const boom = () => mapStateToProps(state); expect(boom).toThrowError("No config found?"); }); }); describe("RawBootSequenceSelector", () => { it("handles the `onChange` event", () => { const props = fakeProps(); const el = new RawBootSequenceSelector(props); el.onChange({ label: "X", value: 3 }); expect(props.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(props.dispatch) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ type: "EDIT_RESOURCE" })); }); it("renders", () => { const props = fakeProps(); const el = mount(); expect(el.find(FBSelect).length).toEqual(1); }); });