import * as React from "react"; import { ControlPanelState } from "../interfaces"; import { toggleControlPanel } from "../actions"; import { urlFriendly } from "../../util"; import { DeviceSetting } from "../../constants"; import { trim } from "lodash"; const HOMING_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.homingAndCalibration, DeviceSetting.homing, DeviceSetting.calibration, DeviceSetting.setZeroPosition, DeviceSetting.findHomeOnBoot, DeviceSetting.stopAtHome, DeviceSetting.stopAtMax, DeviceSetting.negativeCoordinatesOnly, DeviceSetting.axisLength, ]; const MOTORS_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.motors, DeviceSetting.maxSpeed, DeviceSetting.homingSpeed, DeviceSetting.minimumSpeed, DeviceSetting.accelerateFor, DeviceSetting.stepsPerMm, DeviceSetting.microstepsPerStep, DeviceSetting.alwaysPowerMotors, DeviceSetting.invertMotors, DeviceSetting.motorCurrent, DeviceSetting.enable2ndXMotor, DeviceSetting.invert2ndXMotor, ]; const ENCODERS_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.encoders, DeviceSetting.stallDetection, DeviceSetting.enableEncoders, DeviceSetting.enableStallDetection, DeviceSetting.stallSensitivity, DeviceSetting.useEncodersForPositioning, DeviceSetting.invertEncoders, DeviceSetting.maxMissedSteps, DeviceSetting.missedStepDecay, DeviceSetting.encoderScaling, ]; const ENDSTOPS_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.endstops, DeviceSetting.enableEndstops, DeviceSetting.swapEndstops, DeviceSetting.invertEndstops, ]; const ERROR_HANDLING_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.errorHandling, DeviceSetting.timeoutAfter, DeviceSetting.maxRetries, DeviceSetting.estopOnMovementError, ]; const PIN_GUARD_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.pinGuard, ]; const DANGER_ZONE_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.dangerZone, DeviceSetting.resetHardwareParams, ]; const PIN_BINDINGS_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.pinBindings, ]; const POWER_AND_RESET_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.powerAndReset, DeviceSetting.restartFarmbot, DeviceSetting.shutdownFarmbot, DeviceSetting.restartFirmware, DeviceSetting.factoryReset, DeviceSetting.autoFactoryReset, DeviceSetting.connectionAttemptPeriod, DeviceSetting.changeOwnership, ]; const FARM_DESIGNER_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.farmDesigner, DeviceSetting.animations, DeviceSetting.trail, DeviceSetting.dynamicMap, DeviceSetting.mapSize, DeviceSetting.rotateMap, DeviceSetting.mapOrigin, DeviceSetting.confirmPlantDeletion, ]; const FIRMWARE_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.firmwareSection, DeviceSetting.firmware, DeviceSetting.flashFirmware, DeviceSetting.restartFirmware, ]; const FARMBOT_PANEL = [ DeviceSetting.farmbot,, DeviceSetting.timezone,, DeviceSetting.applySoftwareUpdates, DeviceSetting.farmbotOSAutoUpdate, DeviceSetting.farmbotOS, DeviceSetting.autoSync, DeviceSetting.bootSequence, ]; /** Look up parent panels for settings. */ const SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP = {} as Record; => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "homing_and_calibration"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "motors"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "encoders"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "endstops"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "error_handling"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "pin_guard"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "danger_zone"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "pin_bindings"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "power_and_reset"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "farm_designer"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "firmware"); => SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP[s] = "farmbot_os"); /** Keep string up until first `(` character (trailing whitespace removed). */ const stripUnits = (settingName: string) => trim(settingName.split("(")[0]); /** Look up parent panels for settings using URL-friendly names. */ const URL_FRIENDLY_LOOKUP: Record = {}; Object.entries(SETTING_PANEL_LOOKUP).map(([setting, panel]) => { URL_FRIENDLY_LOOKUP[urlFriendly(setting)] = panel; URL_FRIENDLY_LOOKUP[urlFriendly(stripUnits(setting))] = panel; }); /** Look up all relevant names for the same setting. */ const ALTERNATE_NAMES = Object.values(DeviceSetting).reduce((acc, s) => { acc[s] = [s]; return acc; }, {} as Record); ALTERNATE_NAMES[DeviceSetting.encoders].push(DeviceSetting.stallDetection); ALTERNATE_NAMES[DeviceSetting.stallDetection].push(DeviceSetting.encoders); /** Generate array of names for the same setting. Most only have one. */ const compareValues = (settingName: DeviceSetting) => (ALTERNATE_NAMES[settingName] as string[]) .concat(stripUnits(settingName)) .map(s => urlFriendly(s)); /** Retrieve a highlight search term. */ const getHighlightName = () =>"?highlight=").pop(); /** Only open panel and highlight once per app load. Exported for tests. */ export const highlight = { opened: false, highlighted: false }; /** Open a panel if a setting in that panel is highlighted. */ export const maybeOpenPanel = (panelState: ControlPanelState) => (dispatch: Function) => { if (highlight.opened) { return; } const urlFriendlySettingName = urlFriendly(getHighlightName() || ""); if (!urlFriendlySettingName) { return; } const panel = URL_FRIENDLY_LOOKUP[urlFriendlySettingName]; const panelIsOpen = panelState[panel]; if (panelIsOpen) { return; } dispatch(toggleControlPanel(panel)); highlight.opened = true; }; /** Highlight a setting if provided as a search term. */ export const maybeHighlight = (settingName: DeviceSetting) => { const item = getHighlightName(); if (highlight.highlighted || !item) { return ""; } const isCurrentSetting = compareValues(settingName).includes(item); if (!isCurrentSetting) { return ""; } highlight.highlighted = true; return "highlight"; }; export interface HighlightProps { settingName: DeviceSetting; children: React.ReactChild | React.ReactChild[] | (React.ReactChild | React.ReactChild[])[]; className?: string; } interface HighlightState { className: string; } /** Wrap highlight-able settings. */ export class Highlight extends React.Component { state: HighlightState = { className: maybeHighlight(this.props.settingName) }; componentDidMount = () => { if (this.state.className == "highlight") { /** Slowly fades highlight. */ this.setState({ className: "unhighlight" }); } } render() { return
; } }