import { RouteConfig } from "takeme"; import { Apology } from "./apology"; /** 99% of route configurations will use this interface. */ interface UnboundRouteConfigNoChild { children: false, $: string; getModule: () => Promise; key: keyof T; } /** A few routes (in the FarmDesigner, mainly) need to use child routes. * If that's the case, set `children: true` and pass in a `getChild`/`childKey` * property. */ interface UnboundRouteConfigChild { children: true, $: string; getModule: () => Promise; key: keyof T; getChild: () => Promise; childKey: keyof U; } /** The union of both route config types. */ export type UnboundRouteConfig = UnboundRouteConfigNoChild | UnboundRouteConfigChild; /** This is the preferred way to generate a route in the app. * PROBLEM: * 1. We want to lazy load each route's component to shrink the bundle size. * 2. We don't have access to `this.setState()` until runtime because `this` * is a mounted component. * SOLUTION: * Write a helper function that creates a route in multiple steps. * 1. Pass in an object (UnboundRouteConfig) that describes: * * the URL * * The module's file location (dynamic `import()` that returns the module * as a promise) * * The specific module that you want to use for the route. * * (optional) a set of child routes (like the FarmDesigner side panel) * 2. Once that information is available, we can create an "unbound route". * An unbound route is a function that has all needed URL / module * information but does NOT yet have a callback to trigger when a route * changes. Such a function is generated later (at runtime, in * componentDidMount) and passed to the "unbound" route to create a "real" * URL route that is needed by the `takeme` routing library. * Workflow: * * Determine how to load the route and children => * Pass that information to route() => * Pass the resulting UnboundRoute to `takeme` router. => * DONE. */ function route(info: UnboundRouteConfig) { return (callback: Function): RouteConfig => { const { $ } = info; return { $, enter: async () => { try { const comp = (await info.getModule())[info.key]; if (info.children) { const child = (await info.getChild())[info.childKey]; callback(comp, child, info); } else { callback(comp, undefined, info); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); callback(Apology); } } }; }; } /** The 404 handler. All unresolved routes end up here. MUST BE LAST ITEM IN * ROUTE CONFIG!!! */ export const NOT_FOUND_ROUTE = route({ children: false, $: "*", getModule: () => import("./404"), key: "FourOhFour" }); const getModule = () => import("./farm_designer"); const key = "FarmDesigner"; /** Bind the route to a callback by calling in a function that passes the callback in as the first argument. * * DO NOT RE-ORDER ITEMS FOR READABILITY--they are order-dependent. * Stuff will break if the route order is changed. * (e.g., must be ["a", "a/b", "a/b/:c/d", "a/b/:c", "a/:e"], * 404 must be last, etc.) */ export const UNBOUND_ROUTES = [ route({ children: false, $: "/account", getModule: () => import("./account"), key: "Account", }), route({ children: false, $: "/help", getModule: () => import("./help/help"), key: "Help", }), route({ children: false, $: "/controls", getModule: () => import("./controls/controls"), key: "Controls", }), route({ children: false, $: "/device", getModule: () => import("./devices/devices"), key: "Devices", }), route({ children: false, $: "/farmware(/:name)", getModule: () => import("./farmware"), key: "FarmwarePage", }), route({ children: false, $: "/logs", getModule: () => import("./logs"), key: "Logs", }), route({ children: false, $: "/messages", getModule: () => import("./messages"), key: "Messages", }), route({ children: false, $: "/regimens(/:regimen)", getModule: () => import("./regimens"), key: "Regimens", }), route({ children: false, $: "/sequences(/:sequence)", getModule: () => import("./sequences/sequences"), key: "Sequences", }), route({ children: false, $: "/tools", getModule: () => import("./tools"), key: "Tools", }), route({ children: false, $: "/designer", getModule: () => import("./farm_designer"), key: "FarmDesigner" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/events", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/farm_events/farm_events"), childKey: "FarmEvents" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/events/add", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/farm_events/add_farm_event"), childKey: "AddFarmEvent" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/events/:farm_event_id", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/farm_events/edit_farm_event"), childKey: "EditFarmEvent" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/plants", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/plant_inventory"), childKey: "Plants" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/move_to", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/move_to"), childKey: "MoveTo" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/plants/saved_gardens", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/saved_gardens/saved_gardens"), childKey: "SavedGardens" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/plants/select", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/select_plants"), childKey: "SelectPlants" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/points", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/point_inventory"), childKey: "Points" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/points/add", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/create_points"), childKey: "CreatePoints" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/points/:point_id", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/point_info"), childKey: "EditPoint" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/plants/crop_search", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/crop_catalog"), childKey: "CropCatalog" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/plants/crop_search/:crop/add", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/add_plant"), childKey: "AddPlant" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/plants/crop_search/:crop", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/crop_info"), childKey: "CropInfo" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/plants/:plant_id", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/plant_info"), childKey: "PlantInfo" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/saved_gardens", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/saved_gardens/saved_gardens"), childKey: "SavedGardens" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/saved_gardens/templates", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/plant_inventory"), childKey: "Plants" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/saved_gardens/templates/:plant_template_id", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/plants/plant_info"), childKey: "PlantInfo" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/saved_gardens/:saved_garden_id", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/saved_gardens/saved_gardens"), childKey: "SavedGardens" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/settings", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/settings"), childKey: "DesignerSettings" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/tools", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/tools"), childKey: "Tools" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/tools/add", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/tools/add_tool"), childKey: "AddTool" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/tools/:tool_id", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/tools/edit_tool"), childKey: "EditTool" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/groups", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/point_groups/group_list_panel"), childKey: "GroupListPanel" }), route({ children: true, $: "/designer/groups/:group_id", getModule, key, getChild: () => import("./farm_designer/point_groups/group_detail"), childKey: "GroupDetail" }), ].concat([NOT_FOUND_ROUTE]);