import * as React from "react"; import { McuParams, Encoder, McuParamName } from "farmbot/dist"; import { FBSelect, DropDownItem } from "../../../ui/index"; import { t } from "../../../i18next_wrapper"; export interface EncoderTypeProps { hardware: McuParams; onChange(key: McuParamName, value: Encoder): void; } export const LOOKUP: { [name: string]: DropDownItem } = { [Encoder.differential]: { label: "Differential", value: Encoder.differential }, [Encoder.quadrature]: { label: "Single-Ended", value: Encoder.quadrature }, DEFAULT: { label: "---", value: Encoder.unknown } }; const OPTIONS = [LOOKUP[Encoder.differential], LOOKUP[Encoder.quadrature]]; const KEYS: McuParamName[] = [ "encoder_type_x", "encoder_type_y", "encoder_type_z" ]; export function isEncoderValue(x: unknown): x is Encoder { return !!Encoder[parseInt("" + x)]; } export function findByType(input: number | string | undefined) { return LOOKUP[input || "DEFAULT"] || LOOKUP.DEFAULT; } export function EncoderType(props: EncoderTypeProps) { const { hardware } = props; const handleChange = (key: McuParamName) => (d: DropDownItem) => { const val = d.value; if (isEncoderValue(val)) { props.onChange(key, val); } else { throw new Error("Got bad encoder type in device panel."); } }; return
{t(`Rotary encoder type. Differential encoders use A, A+, B, and B+ channels. Single-Ended encoders use A and B channels.`)}
{ (key, inx) { return ; })} ; }