const mockDevice = { execScript: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({})) }; jest.mock("../../device", () => ({ getDevice: () => mockDevice })); import * as React from "react"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import { RawFarmwarePage as FarmwarePage, BasicFarmwarePage } from "../index"; import { FarmwareProps } from "../../devices/interfaces"; import { fakeFarmware, fakeFarmwares } from "../../__test_support__/fake_farmwares"; import { clickButton } from "../../__test_support__/helpers"; import { Actions } from "../../constants"; import { fakeTimeSettings } from "../../__test_support__/fake_time_settings"; describe("", () => { const fakeProps = (): FarmwareProps => ({ farmwares: fakeFarmwares(), botToMqttStatus: "up", env: {}, user_env: {}, dispatch: jest.fn(), currentImage: undefined, images: [], timeSettings: fakeTimeSettings(), syncStatus: "synced", getConfigValue: jest.fn(), firstPartyFarmwareNames: [], currentFarmware: undefined, shouldDisplay: () => false, saveFarmwareEnv: jest.fn(), taggedFarmwareInstallations: [], imageJobs: [], infoOpen: false, }); it("renders panels", () => { const wrapper = mount(); ["Farmware", "My Farmware"].map(string => expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(string)); }); it("renders photos page by default", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("Take Photo"); expect(p.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ type: Actions.SELECT_FARMWARE, payload: "Photos" }); }); it("doesn't render photos page by default", () => { Object.defineProperty(window, "innerWidth", { value: 400, configurable: true }); const p = fakeProps(); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.mount(); expect(p.dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("renders photos page by default without farmware data", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.farmwares = {}; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("Take Photo"); }); const TEST_DATA = { "Photos": ["Take Photo"], "take-photo": ["Take Photo"], "Weed Detector": ["detect weeds", "CLEAR WEEDS", "Color Range"], "plant-detection": ["detect weeds", "CLEAR WEEDS", "Color Range"], "Camera Calibration": ["Calibrate", "Color Range", "Invert Hue Range Selection"], "camera-calibration": ["Calibrate", "Color Range", "Invert Hue Range Selection"], }; Object.entries(TEST_DATA).map(([farmware, expectedText]) => it(`renders ${farmware} Farmware page`, () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.currentFarmware = farmware; const wrapper = mount(); => expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(string)); }) ); it("renders installed Farmware page", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const farmware = fakeFarmware(); = "My Fake Test Farmware"; p.farmwares["My Fake Test Farmware"] = farmware; p.currentFarmware = "My Fake Test Farmware"; const wrapper = mount(); ["My Fake Test Farmware", "Does things", "Run", "Config 1", "Information", "Description", "Version", "Update", "Remove" ].map(string => expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(string)); }); it("renders installed Farmware page with no inputs", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const farmware = fakeFarmware(); farmware.config = []; = "My Fake Test Farmware"; p.farmwares["My Fake Test Farmware"] = farmware; p.currentFarmware = "My Fake Test Farmware"; const wrapper = mount(); ["My Fake Farmware", "Does things", "Run", "No inputs provided." ].map(string => expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(string)); }); it("runs Farmware", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const farmware = fakeFarmware(); farmware.config = []; = "My Fake Test Farmware"; p.farmwares["My Fake Test Farmware"] = farmware; p.currentFarmware = "My Fake Test Farmware"; const wrapper = mount(); clickButton(wrapper, 2, "Run"); expect(mockDevice.execScript).toHaveBeenCalledWith("My Fake Test Farmware"); }); it("shows Farmware info", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.botToMqttStatus = "up"; p.infoOpen = true; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.html()).toContain("farmware-info-open"); }); it("opens Farmware list", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.botToMqttStatus = "up"; p.infoOpen = false; const wrapper = mount(); const back = wrapper.find(".fa-arrow-left").first(); expect(back.props().title).toEqual("back to farmware list"); back.simulate("click"); expect(p.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ type: Actions.SELECT_FARMWARE, payload: undefined }); }); it("closes Farmware info", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.botToMqttStatus = "up"; p.infoOpen = true; const wrapper = mount(); const back = wrapper.find(".fa-arrow-left").first(); expect(back.props().title).toEqual("back to farmware"); back.simulate("click"); expect(p.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ type: Actions.SET_FARMWARE_INFO_STATE, payload: false }); }); it("opens Farmware info", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.botToMqttStatus = "up"; p.infoOpen = false; const wrapper = mount(); clickButton(wrapper, 1, "farmware info"); expect(p.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ type: Actions.SET_FARMWARE_INFO_STATE, payload: true }); }); }); describe("", () => { it("renders Farmware pending install", () => { const farmware = fakeFarmware(); = "My Farmware 1"; farmware.installation_pending = true; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.text().toLowerCase()).toContain("pending installation"); expect(wrapper.find("button").first().props().disabled).toEqual(true); }); });