import * as React from "react"; import { Row, Col, FBSelect, NULL_CHOICE, DropDownItem } from "../../ui"; import { PinBindingColWidth } from "./pin_bindings"; import { Popover, Position } from "@blueprintjs/core"; import { RpiGpioDiagram } from "./rpi_gpio_diagram"; import { PinBindingInputGroupProps, PinBindingInputGroupState } from "./interfaces"; import { isNumber, includes } from "lodash"; import { initSave } from "../../api/crud"; import { pinBindingBody } from "./tagged_pin_binding_init"; import { error, warning } from "farmbot-toastr"; import { validGpioPins, sysBindings, generatePinLabel, RpiPinList, bindingTypeLabelLookup, specialActionLabelLookup, specialActionList, reservedPiGPIO, bindingTypeList } from "./list_and_label_support"; import { SequenceSelectBox } from "../../sequences/sequence_select_box"; import { ResourceIndex } from "../../resources/interfaces"; import { PinBindingType, PinBindingSpecialAction } from "farmbot/dist/resources/api_resources"; import { t } from "../../i18next_wrapper"; export class PinBindingInputGroup extends React.Component { state = { isEditing: false, pinNumberInput: undefined, sequenceIdInput: undefined, specialActionInput: undefined, bindingType: PinBindingType.standard, }; /** Validate and provide warnings about a selected pin number. */ setSelectedPin = (pin: number | undefined) => { if (!includes(this.boundPins, pin)) { if (includes(validGpioPins, pin)) { this.setState({ pinNumberInput: pin }); if (includes(reservedPiGPIO, pin)) { warning(t("Reserved Raspberry Pi pin may not work as expected.")); } } else { error(t("Invalid Raspberry Pi GPIO pin number.")); } } else { error(t("Raspberry Pi GPIO pin already bound or in use.")); } } /** Generate a list of unavailable pin numbers. */ get boundPins(): number[] { const userBindings = => x.pin_number); return userBindings.concat(sysBindings); } /** Validate and save a pin binding. */ bindPin = () => { const { dispatch } = this.props; const { pinNumberInput, sequenceIdInput, bindingType, specialActionInput } = this.state; if (isNumber(pinNumberInput)) { if (bindingType && (sequenceIdInput || specialActionInput)) { bindingType == PinBindingType.special ? dispatch(initSave("PinBinding", pinBindingBody({ pin_num: pinNumberInput, special_action: specialActionInput, binding_type: bindingType }))) : dispatch(initSave("PinBinding", pinBindingBody({ pin_num: pinNumberInput, sequence_id: sequenceIdInput, binding_type: bindingType }))); this.setState({ pinNumberInput: undefined, sequenceIdInput: undefined, specialActionInput: undefined, bindingType: PinBindingType.standard, }); } else { error(t("Please select a sequence or action.")); } } else { error(t("Pin number cannot be blank.")); } } setBindingType = (ddi: { label: string, value: PinBindingType }) => this.setState({ bindingType: ddi.value, sequenceIdInput: undefined, specialActionInput: undefined }) setSequenceIdInput = (ddi: DropDownItem) => this.setState({ sequenceIdInput: parseInt("" + ddi.value) }) setSpecialAction = (ddi: { label: string, value: PinBindingSpecialAction }) => this.setState({ specialActionInput: ddi.value }); render() { const { pinNumberInput, bindingType, specialActionInput, sequenceIdInput } = this.state; return {bindingType == PinBindingType.special ? : } ; } } /** pin number selection */ export const PinNumberInputGroup = (props: { pinNumberInput: number | undefined, boundPins: number[], setSelectedPin: (pin: number | undefined) => void }) => { const { pinNumberInput, boundPins, setSelectedPin } = props; const selectedPinNumber = isNumber(pinNumberInput) ? { label: generatePinLabel(pinNumberInput), value: "" + pinNumberInput } : NULL_CHOICE; return setSelectedPin(parseInt("" + ddi.value))} selectedItem={selectedPinNumber} list={RpiPinList(boundPins)} /> ; }; /** binding type selection: sequence or action */ export const BindingTypeDropDown = (props: { bindingType: PinBindingType, setBindingType: (ddi: DropDownItem) => void, }) => { const { bindingType, setBindingType } = props; return ; }; /** sequence selection */ export const SequenceTargetDropDown = (props: { sequenceIdInput: number | undefined, resources: ResourceIndex, setSequenceIdInput: (ddi: DropDownItem) => void, }) => { const { sequenceIdInput, resources, setSequenceIdInput } = props; return ; }; /** special action selection */ export const ActionTargetDropDown = (props: { specialActionInput: PinBindingSpecialAction | undefined, setSpecialAction: (ddi: DropDownItem) => void, }) => { const { specialActionInput, setSpecialAction } = props; const selectedSpecialAction = specialActionInput ? { label: specialActionLabelLookup[specialActionInput || ""], value: "" + specialActionInput } : NULL_CHOICE; return ; };