jest.mock("../connectivity/data_consistency", () => { return { startTracking: jest.fn(), outstandingRequests: { last: "abc" } }; }); jest.mock("../connectivity/index", () => { return { dispatchNetworkUp: jest.fn(), dispatchNetworkDown: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock("../session", () => ({ Session: { clear: jest.fn() } })); import { responseFulfilled, isLocalRequest, requestFulfilled, responseRejected } from "../interceptors"; import { AxiosResponse, Method } from "axios"; import { uuid } from "farmbot"; import { startTracking } from "../connectivity/data_consistency"; import { SafeError } from "../interceptor_support"; import { API } from "../api"; import { auth } from "../__test_support__/fake_state/token"; import { dispatchNetworkUp, dispatchNetworkDown } from "../connectivity"; import { Session } from "../session"; import { error } from "../toast/toast"; const ANY_NUMBER = expect.any(Number); interface FakeProps { uuid: string; method: Method; requestId: string; url: string; } function fakeResponse(config: Partial): AxiosResponse { const output: Partial = { headers: { "X-Farmbot-Rpc-Id": config.uuid || uuid() }, config: { method: config.method || "put", url: config.url || "" } }; return output as AxiosResponse; } describe("responseFulfilled", () => { it("won't fire for webcam feed updates", () => { const resp = fakeResponse({ method: "post", url: "" }); responseFulfilled(resp); expect(startTracking).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("responseRejected", () => { it("undefined error", async () => { await expect(responseRejected(undefined)).rejects.toEqual(undefined); expect(dispatchNetworkUp).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(dispatchNetworkDown).toHaveBeenCalledWith("user.api", ANY_NUMBER); }); it("safe error", async () => { const safeError: SafeError = { request: { responseURL: "" }, response: { status: 400 } }; await expect(responseRejected(safeError)).rejects.toEqual(safeError); expect(dispatchNetworkDown).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(dispatchNetworkUp).toHaveBeenCalledWith("user.api", ANY_NUMBER); }); it("handles 500", async () => { const safeError: SafeError = { request: { responseURL: "" }, response: { status: 500 } }; await expect(responseRejected(safeError)).rejects.toEqual(safeError); expect(error).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.stringContaining("we've been notified")); }); it("handles 401", async () => { const safeError: SafeError = { request: { responseURL: "http://localhost:3000" }, response: { status: 401 } }; API.setBaseUrl("http://localhost:3000"); await expect(responseRejected(safeError)).rejects.toEqual(safeError); expect(Session.clear).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("handles 451", async () => { const safeError: SafeError = { request: { responseURL: "" }, response: { status: 451 } }; window.alert = jest.fn(); window.location.assign = jest.fn(); await expect(responseRejected(safeError)).rejects.toEqual(safeError); expect(window.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.stringContaining("accept the new terms")); expect(window.location.assign).toHaveBeenCalledWith("/tos_update"); await expect(responseRejected(safeError)).rejects.toEqual(safeError); expect(window.alert).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); const fake = (responseURL: string): Partial => ({ request: { responseURL } }); describe("isLocalRequest", () => { it("determines if the URL is local vs. Github, Openfarm, etc...", () => { API.setBaseUrl("http://localhost:3000"); const openfarm = fake("") as SafeError; expect(isLocalRequest(openfarm)).toBe(false); const api = fake("http://localhost:3000/api/tools/1") as SafeError; expect(isLocalRequest(api)).toBe(true); }); }); describe("requestFulfilled", () => { it("returns unchanged config when not an API request", () => { API.setBaseUrl("http://localhost:3000"); const config = requestFulfilled(auth)({ url: "other" }); expect(config).toEqual({ url: "other" }); }); it("returns config with headers", () => { API.setBaseUrl("http://localhost:3000"); const config = requestFulfilled(auth)({ url: "http://localhost:3000/api" }); expect(config.url).toEqual("http://localhost:3000/api"); expect(config.headers.Authorization).toEqual(auth.token.encoded); expect(config.headers["X-Farmbot-Rpc-Id"]).toEqual("abc"); }); });