import { FBToast } from "../fb_toast"; describe("FBToast", () => { let count = 0; const newToast = (idPrefix = ""): [FBToast, HTMLDivElement] => { const parent = document.createElement("div"); const child = new FBToast(parent, "title", "message" + (count++), "red", idPrefix); parent.appendChild(child.toastEl); return [child, parent]; }; it("instantiates", () => { const [instance, parent] = newToast(); expect(instance.leftLoaderEl.tagName).toEqual("DIV"); expect(instance.loaderEl.tagName).toEqual("DIV"); expect(instance.messageEl.tagName).toEqual("DIV"); expect(instance.rightLoaderEl.tagName).toEqual("DIV"); expect(instance.titleEl.tagName).toEqual("H4"); expect(instance.toastEl.tagName).toEqual("DIV"); expect(instance.spinnerLoaderEl.tagName).toEqual("DIV"); expect(instance.isHovered).toEqual(false); expect(instance.intervalId).toEqual(0); expect(instance.message).toEqual(("message" + (count - 1))); expect(instance.parent).toEqual(parent); expect(instance.timeout).toEqual(7); }); it("handles mouse enter events", () => { const [i] = newToast(); i.isHovered = false; const children = [ { style: { animationPlayState: "X" } }, { style: { animationPlayState: "Y" } }, { style: { animationPlayState: "Z" } }, ]; const fakeEvent: MouseEvent = { currentTarget: { children: [{}, {}, { children }] } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any } as any; i.onEnter(fakeEvent); const playState = =>; expect(playState).toEqual(["paused", "paused", "paused"]); }); it("handles mouse leave events", () => { const [i] = newToast(); i.isHovered = false; const children = [ { style: { animationPlayState: "X" } }, { style: { animationPlayState: "Y" } }, { style: { animationPlayState: "Z" } }, ]; const fakeEvent: MouseEvent = { currentTarget: { children: [{}, {}, { children }] } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any } as any; i.onLeave(fakeEvent); const playState = =>; expect(playState).toEqual(["running", "running", "running"]); }); it("handles clicks", (done) => { const [i] = newToast(); i.detach = jest.fn(); const e = ({ currentTarget: { classList: { add: jest.fn() } } }); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any i.onClick(e as any); expect(e.currentTarget.classList.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith("poof"); setTimeout(() => { expect(i.detach).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }, 200 * 1.1); }); it("attaches to the DOM", () => { const [i, p] = newToast(); p.appendChild = jest.fn();; expect(p.appendChild).toHaveBeenCalledWith(i.toastEl); expect(i.intervalId).not.toBe(0); }); it("detaches from the DOM", () => { const [i, p] = newToast(); const { message } = i; FBToast.everyMessage[message] = true; p.removeChild = jest.fn(); i.isAttached = true; i.detach(); expect(FBToast.everyMessage[message]).toBeFalsy(); expect(p.removeChild).toHaveBeenCalledWith(i.toastEl); expect(i.isAttached).toBeFalsy(); }); it("doesn't detach from the DOM", () => { const [i, p] = newToast(); p.innerHTML = ""; const { message } = i; FBToast.everyMessage[message] = true; p.removeChild = jest.fn(); i.isAttached = true; i.detach(); expect(FBToast.everyMessage[message]).toBeFalsy(); expect(p.removeChild).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(i.isAttached).toBeTruthy(); }); it("sets id", () => { const toast = newToast("id-prefix")[0]; expect("^id-prefix-toast-")); }); it("doesn't set id", () => { const toast = newToast()[0]; expect(""); }); it("does polling", () => { const [i] = newToast(); i.isHovered = false; i.timeout = 0; i.detach = jest.fn(); i.doPolling(); expect(i.detach).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("does polling: large timeout value", () => { const [i] = newToast(); i.isHovered = false; i.timeout = 8; i.detach = jest.fn(); i.doPolling(); expect(i.detach).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("does polling: hovered", () => { const [i] = newToast(); i.isHovered = true; i.timeout = 0; i.detach = jest.fn(); i.doPolling(); expect(i.detach).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });