jest.mock("../toast_internal_support", () => { return { createToast: jest.fn(), createToastOnce: jest.fn() }; }); import { createToastOnce, createToast } from "../toast_internal_support"; const { warning, error, success, info, fun, init, removeToast, busy, }: typeof import("../toast") = jest.requireActual("../toast"); describe("toasts", () => { it("pops a warning() toast", () => { warning("test suite msg 1"); expect(createToastOnce).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg 1", "Warning", "orange", "", console.warn); }); it("pops a warning() toast with different title and color", () => { warning("test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); expect(createToastOnce).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix", console.warn); }); it("pops a error() toast", () => { error("test suite msg 2"); expect(createToastOnce).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg 2", "Error", "red", "", console.error); }); it("pops a error() toast with different title and color", () => { error("test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); expect(createToastOnce).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix", console.error); }); it("pops a success() toast", () => { success("test suite msg"); expect(createToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "Success", "green", ""); }); it("pops a success() toast with different title and color", () => { success("test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); expect(createToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); }); it("pops a info() toast", () => { info("test suite msg"); expect(createToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "FYI", "blue", ""); }); it("pops a info() toast with different title and color", () => { info("test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); expect(createToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); }); it("pops a busy() toast", () => { busy("test suite msg"); expect(createToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "Busy", "yellow", ""); }); it("pops a busy() toast with different title and color", () => { busy("test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); expect(createToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); }); it("pops a fun() toast", () => { fun("test suite msg"); expect(createToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "Did you know?", "dark-blue", ""); }); it("pops a fun() toast with different title and color", () => { fun("test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); expect(createToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test suite msg", "new title", "purple", "id-prefix"); }); const getToastContainerCount = () => Object.values(document.querySelectorAll(".toast-container")).length; const getToastCount = () => document.querySelector(".toast-container")?.childElementCount; it("adds the appropriate div to the DOM", () => { document.body.innerHTML = ""; expect(getToastContainerCount()).toEqual(0); init(); expect(getToastContainerCount()).toEqual(1); }); it("removes a toast message", () => { document.body.innerHTML = ""; init(); expect(getToastCount()).toEqual(0); const toast = document.createElement("div"); = "id-prefix-123"; document.querySelector(".toast-container")?.appendChild(toast); expect(getToastCount()).toEqual(1); removeToast("id-prefix"); expect(getToastCount()).toEqual(0); }); it("doesn't remove a toast message: parent missing", () => { document.body.innerHTML = ""; expect(getToastContainerCount()).toEqual(0); console.error = jest.fn(); removeToast("id-prefix"); expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith("toast-container is null."); }); });