import { uuid } from "farmbot"; /** This is a [surprisingly reliable] legacy component. * TODO: Convert this to React. */ export class FBToast { /** * Warnings and errors fire once, to avoid bombarding the user with repetition. * Eg: "Can"t connect to server!" might get repetitive. */ static everyMessage: Record = {}; public toastEl = document.createElement("div"); public titleEl = document.createElement("h4"); public messageEl = document.createElement("div"); public loaderEl = document.createElement("div"); public leftLoaderEl = document.createElement("div"); public rightLoaderEl = document.createElement("div"); public spinnerLoaderEl = document.createElement("div"); /** Used to stop a running interval timer */ public intervalId = 0; /** Amount of time before each element is removed. */ public timeout = 7; /** Declare if the user's mouse is hovering over the message. */ public isHovered = false; public message = ""; public isAttached = false; constructor(public parent: Element, title: string, raw_message: string, color: string, idPrefix: string) { idPrefix && ( = `${idPrefix}-toast-${uuid()}`); this.message = raw_message.replace(/\s+/g, " "); /** Fill contents. */ this.titleEl.innerText = title; this.messageEl.innerText = this.message; /** Add classes. */ this.toastEl.classList.add("toast"); this.toastEl.classList.add(color); this.titleEl.classList.add("toast-title"); this.messageEl.classList.add("toast-message"); this.loaderEl.classList.add("toast-loader"); this.leftLoaderEl.classList.add("toast-loader-left"); this.leftLoaderEl.classList.add(color); this.rightLoaderEl.classList.add("toast-loader-right"); this.spinnerLoaderEl.classList.add("toast-loader-spinner"); this.loaderEl.appendChild(this.leftLoaderEl); this.loaderEl.appendChild(this.rightLoaderEl); this.loaderEl.appendChild(this.spinnerLoaderEl); this.toastEl.appendChild(this.titleEl); this.toastEl.appendChild(this.messageEl); this.toastEl.appendChild(this.loaderEl); /** MouseLeave (resumes the timer). */ this.toastEl.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.onLeave); /** MouseEnter (pauses the timer). */ this.toastEl.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.onEnter); /** Click (makes the message go away entirely). */ this.toastEl.addEventListener("click", this.onClick); } onEnter = (e: MouseEvent) => { const children = (e.currentTarget as HTMLElement).children[2].children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { (children[i] as HTMLElement).style.animationPlayState = "paused"; } this.isHovered = true; }; onLeave = (e: MouseEvent) => { const children = (e.currentTarget as HTMLElement).children[2].children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { (children[i] as HTMLElement).style.animationPlayState = "running"; } this.isHovered = false; }; detach = () => { clearInterval(this.intervalId); delete FBToast.everyMessage[this.message]; if (this.isAttached && this.parent.contains(this.toastEl)) { this.parent.removeChild(this.toastEl); this.isAttached = false; } }; onClick = (e: MouseEvent) => { (e.currentTarget as Element).classList.add("poof"); setTimeout(this.detach, 200); } /** Start timer. */ doPolling = () => { if (this.timeout <= 7) { this.toastEl.classList.add("active"); } if (this.isHovered) { return; } if (this.timeout <= 0.800) { this.toastEl.classList.add("poof"); } this.timeout -= 0.100; if (this.timeout <= 0) { this.detach(); } }; run = () => { /** Append children. */ this.parent.appendChild(this.toastEl); this.isAttached = true; // TSC Thinks this is a node project :-\ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any this.intervalId = setInterval(this.doPolling, 100) as any; } }