[![codebeat badge](https://codebeat.co/badges/7b023dc5-6509-42af-ad6e-ec0b8262ef13)](https://codebeat.co/projects/github-com-rickcarlino-farmbot-web-app-master) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App/badge.svg)](https://coveralls.io/github/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App)(Frontend) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App)(API) # Q: Do I need this? This repository is intended for *software developers* who wish to modify the [Farmbot Web App](http://my.farmbot.io/). **If you are not a developer**, you are highly encouraged to use [the publicly available web app](http://my.farmbot.io/). Running a server is *a non-trivial task with security implications*. It requires an intermediate background in Ruby, SQL and Linux system administration. If you are a developer interested in contributing or would like to provision your own server, you are in the right place. # Q: What is the Farmbot Web App? This repo contains FarmBot's web based user interface, a RESTful JSON API and a Dockerized MQTT server. The API stores data such as user account information, plant data, authorization tokens and a variety of other resources. The MQTT server facilitates realtime messaging from the browser to the device. # Q: Can I see some example API requests? For a list of example API requests and responses, see our [reference documentation](https://gist.github.com/RickCarlino/10db2df375d717e9efdd3c2d9d8932af). If you wish to write an add-on application that uses the FarmBot API, please let us know in an issue. We are happy to answer any specific questions you may have. # Q: How do I Setup an instance locally? ## Prerequisites You will need the following: 1. A Linux or Mac based machine. We do not support windows at this time. 0. [Docker 17.06.0-ce or greater](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/) 0. [Ruby 2.4.2](http://rvm.io/rvm/install) 0. [ImageMagick](https://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php) (`brew install imagemagick` (Mac) or `sudo apt-get install imagemagick` (Ubuntu)) 0. [Node JS > v6](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) 0. [`libpq-dev` and `postgresql`](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6040583/cant-find-the-libpq-fe-h-header-when-trying-to-install-pg-gem/6040822#6040822) and `postgresql-contrib` 0. `gem install bundler` ### Setup 1. `git clone https://github.com/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App --depth=10` 0. `cd Farmbot-Web-App` 0. `bundle install` 0. `yarn install` 0. Database config: Copy `config/database.example.yml` to `config/database.yml` via `cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml` 0. App config: **MOST IMPORTANT STEP**. Copy `config/application.example.yml` to `config/application.yml` via `mv config/application.example.yml config/application.yml`. **Please read the instructions inside the file. Replace the example values provided with real world values.** 0. Give permission to create a database* 0. `rake db:create:all db:migrate db:seed` 0. (optional) Verify installation with `RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create db:migrate && rspec spec` (API) and `npm run test` (Frontend). 0. Start server with `rails api:start`. Make sure you set an `MQTT_HOST` entry in `application.yml` pointing to the IP address or domain of MQTT server. If you are not running the MQTT server on a separate machine, `MQTT_HOST` and `API_HOST` will point to the same server. 0. Start MQTT with `rails mqtt:start`. **Important note:** You may be required to enter a `sudo` password because [docker requires root access](https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/security/#docker-daemon-attack-surface). 0. Open [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000). 0. [Raise an issue](https://github.com/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App/issues/new?title=Installation%20Failure) if you hit problems with any of these steps. *We can't fix issues we don't know about.* \*Give permission to `user` to create database: ``` sudo -u postgres psql CREATE USER "user" WITH SUPERUSER; ``` # Q: Is Dokku / Docker supported? Dokku (a Docker management system) is partially supported. Pull requests welcome. Please see `deployment.md` for more information. # Config Settings (important) We try our best to follow the [12 Factor Methodology](https://12factor.net/). Part of that means using ENV variables as a means of [storing configuration](https://12factor.net/config). **Your server won't run without setting ENV variables first**. You can accomplish this by setting the ENV variables directly from your shell / server management tool or by writing an `application.yml` file. See `config/application.example.yml` for a list of all the variables that must be set. **Encryption keys**: Encryption keys will be auto-generated if not present. They can be reset using `rake keys:generate`. If `ENV['RSA_KEY']` is set, it will be used in place of the `*.pem` files. Useful for environments like Heroku, where file system access is not allowed. **We can't fix issues we don't know about.** Please submit an issue if you are having trouble installing on your local machine. # Q: How can I Generate an API token? You must pass a `token` string into most HTTP requests under the `Authorization: ` request header. Here's what a response looks like when you request a token: ```json { "token": { "unencoded": { "sub": "test123@test.com", "iat": 1459109728, "jti": "922a5a0d-0b3a-4767-9318-1e41ae600352", "iss": "http://localhost:3000/", "exp": 1459455328, "mqtt": "localhost", "bot": "aa7bb37f-5ba3-4654-b2e4-58ed5746508c" }, "encoded": // THE IMPORTANT PART IS HERE!!: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0MTIzQHRlc3QuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNDU5MTA5NzI4LCJqdGkiOiI5MjJhNWEwZC0wYjNhLTQ3NjctOTMxOC0xZTQxYWU2MDAzNTIiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjMwMDAvIiwiZXhwIjoxNDU5NDU1MzI4LCJtcXR0IjoibG9jYWxob3N0IiwiYm90IjoiYWE3YmIzN2YtNWJhMy00NjU0LWIyZTQtNThlZDU3NDY1MDhjIn0.KpkNGR9YH68AF3iHP48GormqXzspBJrDGm23aMFGyL_eRIN8iKzy4gw733SaJgFjmebJOqZkz3cly9P5ZpCKwlaxAyn9RvfjQgFcUK0mywWAAvKp5lHfOFLhBBGICTW1r4HcZBgY1zTzVBw4BqS4zM7Y0BAAsflYRdl4dDRG_236p9ETCj0MSYxFagfLLLq0W63943jSJtNwv_nzfqi3TTi0xASB14k5vYMzUDXrC-Z2iBdgmwAYUZUVTi2HsfzkIkRcTZGE7l-rF6lvYKIiKpYx23x_d7xGjnQb8hqbDmLDRXZJnSBY3zGY7oEURxncGBMUp4F_Yaf3ftg4Ry7CiA" } } ``` **Important:** The response is provided as JSON for human readability. For your `Authorization` header, you will only be using `data.token.encoded`. In this example, it's the string starting with `eyJ0eXAiOiJ...` ## Via CURL ``` curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST \ -d '{"user":{"email":"test123@test.com","password":"password123"}}' \ https://my.farmbot.io/api/tokens ``` ## Via JQuery Since the API supports [CORS](http://enable-cors.org/), you can generate your token right in the browser. Here's an example: ```javascript $.ajax({ url: "https://my.farmbot.io/api/tokens", type: "POST", data: JSON.stringify({user: {email: 'admin@admin.com', password: 'password123'}}), contentType: "application/json", success: function (data) { // You can now use your token: var MY_SHINY_TOKEN = data.token.encoded; } }); ``` # Want to Help? [Low Hanging Fruit](https://github.com/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=todo). [Raise an issue](https://github.com/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App/issues/new?title=Question%20about%20a%20TODO) if you have any questions. ## Translating the web app into your language Thanks for your interest in internationalizing the FarmBot web app! To add translations: 1. Fork this repo 0. Navigate to `/public/app-resources/languages` and run the command `node _helper.js yy` where `yy` is your language's [language code](http://www.science.co.il/Language/Locale-codes.php). Eg: `ru` for Russian. 0. Edit the translations in the file created in the previous step: `"phrase": "translated phrase"`. 0. When you have updated or added new translations, commit/push your changes and submit a pull request.