import * as _ from "lodash"; import axios from "axios"; import { t } from "i18next"; import { success, error } from "farmbot-toastr"; import { Thunk } from "../../redux/interfaces"; import { API } from "../../api"; import { Progress, ProgressCallback, HttpData } from "../../util"; import { GenericPointer } from "../../interfaces"; import { devices } from "../../device"; import { WDENVKey } from "./remote_env/interfaces"; import { NumericValues } from "./image_workspace"; import { envSave } from "./remote_env/actions"; type Key = keyof NumericValues; type Translation = Record; const QUERY = { meta: { created_by: "plant-detection" } }; export let translateImageWorkspaceAndSave = (map: Translation) => { return (key: Key, value: number) => { envSave(map[key], value); }; }; export function resetWeedDetection(cb: ProgressCallback): Thunk { return async function (dispatch, getState) { const URL = API.current.pointSearchPath; try { let resp: HttpData = await, QUERY); let ids = =>; // If you delete too many points, you will violate the URL length // limitation of 2,083. Chunking helps fix that. let chunks = _.chunk(ids, 179 /* Prime numbers, why not? */); let prog = new Progress(chunks.length, cb);; let promises = (chunk) { return axios .delete(API.current.pointsPath + chunk.join(",")) .then(function (x) {; return x; }); }); Promise .all(promises) .then(function () { dispatch({ type: "DELETE_POINT_OK", payload: ids }); success(t("Deleted {{num}} weeds", { num: ids.length })); prog.finish(); }) .catch(function (e) { error(t("Some weeds failed to delete. Please try again.")); prog.finish(); }); } catch (e) { throw e; } }; } const label = "PLANT_DETECTION_selected_image"; export function scanImage(imageId: number) { return function () { devices .current .execScript("historical-plant-detection", [{ kind: "pair", args: { label: label, value: "" + imageId } }]); }; } export function test() { return function () { devices.current.execScript("plant-detection"); }; }