import * as React from "react"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import { DetectorState, HSV } from "./interfaces"; import { TitleBar } from "./title"; import { devices } from "../../device"; import { Row, Col, Widget, WidgetBody } from "../../ui/index"; import { t } from "i18next"; import { resetWeedDetection, scanImage, test } from "./actions"; import { selectImage } from "../images/actions"; import { Progress } from "../../util"; import { FarmwareProps } from "../../devices/interfaces"; import { mapStateToProps } from "../../farmware/state_to_props"; import { ToolTips } from "../../constants"; import { ImageWorkspace } from "./image_workspace"; import { WDENVKey as ENVKey } from "./remote_env/interfaces"; import { envGet } from "./remote_env/selectors"; import { translateImageWorkspaceAndSave } from "./actions"; @connect(mapStateToProps) export class WeedDetector extends React.Component> { constructor() { super(); this.state = { remoteFarmwareSettings: {} }; } clearWeeds = () => { let progress = (p: Readonly) => { let percentage = `${Math.round((p.completed / * 100)} %`; this.setState({ deletionProgress: p.isDone ? "" : percentage }); }; this.props.dispatch(resetWeedDetection(progress)); this.setState({ deletionProgress: "Deleting..." }); } /** Mapping of HSV values to FBOS Env variables. */ CHANGE_MAP: Record = { H: ["CAMERA_CALIBRATION_H_LO", "CAMERA_CALIBRATION_H_HI"], S: ["CAMERA_CALIBRATION_S_LO", "CAMERA_CALIBRATION_S_HI"], V: ["CAMERA_CALIBRATION_V_LO", "CAMERA_CALIBRATION_V_LO"] }; test = () => { devices.current.execScript("plant-detection"); } /** Maps props to weed detector ENV vars. */ translateValueAndSave = translateImageWorkspaceAndSave({ "iteration": "WEED_DETECTOR_iteration", "morph": "WEED_DETECTOR_morph", "blur": "WEED_DETECTOR_blur", "H_HI": "WEED_DETECTOR_H_HI", "H_LO": "WEED_DETECTOR_H_LO", "S_HI": "WEED_DETECTOR_S_HI", "S_LO": "WEED_DETECTOR_S_LO", "V_HI": "WEED_DETECTOR_V_HI", "V_LO": "WEED_DETECTOR_V_LO" }); render() { return { this.props.dispatch(scanImage(id)); }} onFlip={(uuid) => this.props.dispatch(selectImage(uuid))} currentImage={this.props.currentImage} images={this.props.images} onChange={this.translateValueAndSave} iteration={envGet("WEED_DETECTOR_iteration", this.props.env)} morph={envGet("WEED_DETECTOR_morph", this.props.env)} blur={envGet("WEED_DETECTOR_blur", this.props.env)} H_LO={envGet("WEED_DETECTOR_H_LO", this.props.env)} H_HI={envGet("WEED_DETECTOR_H_HI", this.props.env)} S_LO={envGet("WEED_DETECTOR_S_LO", this.props.env)} S_HI={envGet("WEED_DETECTOR_S_HI", this.props.env)} V_LO={envGet("WEED_DETECTOR_V_LO", this.props.env)} V_HI={envGet("WEED_DETECTOR_V_HI", this.props.env)} /> ; } }