jest.mock("../thunks", () => ({ saveGrid: jest.fn(() => "SAVE_GRID_MOCK"), stashGrid: jest.fn(() => "STASH_GRID_MOCK") })); import * as React from "react"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import { PlantGrid } from "../plant_grid"; import { saveGrid, stashGrid } from "../thunks"; import { error, success } from "../../../../toast/toast"; describe("PlantGrid", () => { function fakeProps() { return { xy_swap: true, openfarm_slug: "beets", cropName: "Beets", dispatch: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({})), }; } it("renders", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const el = mount(); // Upon load, there should be one button. const previewButton = el.find("a.preview-button"); expect(previewButton.text()).toContain("Preview"); previewButton.simulate("click"); // After clicking PREVIEW, there should be two buttons. const cancel = el.find("a.cancel-button"); const save = el.find(""); expect(cancel.text()).toContain("Cancel"); expect(save.text()).toContain("Save"); expect(el.state().status).toEqual("dirty"); }); it("saves a grid", async () => { const props = fakeProps(); const pg = mount().instance(); const oldId = pg.state.gridId; await pg.saveGrid(); expect(saveGrid).toHaveBeenCalledWith(oldId); expect(success).toHaveBeenCalledWith("16 plants added."); expect(pg.state.gridId).not.toEqual(oldId); }); it("stashes a grid", async () => { const props = fakeProps(); const pg = mount().instance(); await pg.revertPreview(); expect(stashGrid).toHaveBeenCalledWith(pg.state.gridId); }); it("prevents creation of grids with > 100 plants", () => { const props = fakeProps(); const pg = mount().instance(); pg.setState({, grid: {, numPlantsH: 10, numPlantsV: 11 } }); pg.performPreview(); expect(error).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Please make a grid with less than 100 plants"); }); it("discards unsaved changes", async () => { window.confirm = jest.fn(() => false); const props = fakeProps(); const pg = mount().instance(); pg.setState({, status: "dirty" }); pg.componentWillUnmount(); expect(pg.props.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith("STASH_GRID_MOCK"); }); it("keeps unsaved changes", () => { window.confirm = jest.fn(() => true); const props = fakeProps(); const pg = mount().instance(); pg.setState({, status: "dirty" }); pg.componentWillUnmount(); expect(pg.props.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith("SAVE_GRID_MOCK"); }); it("handles data changes", () => { const props = fakeProps(); const pg = mount().instance(); pg.onchange("numPlantsH", 6); expect(pg.state.grid.numPlantsH).toEqual(6); }); });