import { actionList } from "../action_list"; import { updateResource, markAsResourceFixture } from "../test_support"; import { buildResourceIndex, } from "../../../../__test_support__/resource_index_builder"; import { PLANT_OPTIONS } from "../constants"; describe("actionList()", () => { it("uses args.resource_type if DropDownItem is undefined", () => { const step = updateResource({ kind: "resource", args: { resource_type: "Plant", resource_id: 0 } }); const { index } = markAsResourceFixture(); const result = actionList(undefined, step, index); expect(result).toEqual(PLANT_OPTIONS()); }); it("provides a list of tool mount actions", () => { const ddi = { label: "test case", value: 1, headingId: "Device" }; const step = updateResource(); const { index } = markAsResourceFixture(); const result = actionList(ddi.headingId, step, index); expect(result.length).toBe(3); const labels = => x.label); expect(labels).toContain("Not Mounted"); expect(labels).toContain("Mounted to: T1"); expect(labels).toContain("Mounted to: T2"); }); it("provides a list of generic pointer actions", () => { const ddi = { label: "test case", value: 1, headingId: "GenericPointer" }; const step = updateResource(); const { index } = markAsResourceFixture(); const result = actionList(ddi.headingId, step, index); expect(result.length).toBe(1); const labels = => x.label); expect(labels).toContain("Removed"); }); it("provides a list of weed pointer actions", () => { const ddi = { label: "test case", value: 1, headingId: "Weed" }; const step = updateResource(); const { index } = markAsResourceFixture(); const result = actionList(ddi.headingId, step, index); expect(result.length).toBe(1); const labels = => x.label); expect(labels).toContain("Removed"); }); it("returns an empty list for identifiers", () => { const ddi = { label: "test case", value: 1, headingId: "USB Cables" }; const step = updateResource(); const { index } = buildResourceIndex([]); const result = actionList(ddi.headingId, step, index); expect(result.length).toBe(0); }); it("returns an empty list for all other options", () => { const step = updateResource({ kind: "identifier", args: { label: "var" } }); const { index } = buildResourceIndex([]); const result = actionList("Other", step, index); expect(result.length).toBe(0); }); });