class BroadcastToAll < Mutations::Command required do string :title string :content end optional do string :type, default: "info" string :href string :href_label end def execute create_bulletin attach_alerts end def create_bulletin @bulletin ||= GlobalBulletin.create!(title: title, type: type, content: content, slug: slug, href: href, href_label: href_label) end def slug @slug ||= title.parameterize end def devices @devices ||= Device.all end def attach_alerts puts "This will take a while..." do |d| puts "attaching Alert to Device #{}"!(problem_tag: Alert::BULLETIN.fetch(:problem_tag), device: d, slug: slug) end end end def prompt(query) puts "=== #{query}" output = STDIN.gets.chomp output.length == 0 ? nil : output end def multiline_prompt(query) puts "=== #{query}" puts "TYPE @@@ TO FINISH" buffer = [] loop { chunk = STDIN.gets.chomp break if chunk == "@@@" # Just to show one example for a break condition here buffer.push(chunk) } buffer.length == 0 ? nil : buffer.join("\n") end namespace :broadcast do desc "Create a global bulletin for all users" task to_all: :environment do puts "BEGIN"!(type: prompt("(optional) Enter `type`"), href: prompt("(optional) Enter href"), href_label: prompt("(optional) Enter href label"), title: prompt("Enter title"), content: multiline_prompt("Enter content")) puts "DONE" end end