import * as React from "react"; import { DEFAULT_ICON, svgToUrl } from "../../open_farm/icons"; import { maybeGetCachedPlantIcon } from "../../open_farm/cached_crop"; import { setHoveredPlant } from "../map/actions"; import { TaggedPointGroup, uuid, TaggedPoint } from "farmbot"; import { overwrite } from "../../api/crud"; import { error } from "../../toast/toast"; import { t } from "../../i18next_wrapper"; import { DEFAULT_WEED_ICON } from "../map/layers/weeds/garden_weed"; export interface PointGroupItemProps { point: TaggedPoint; group: TaggedPointGroup; dispatch: Function; hovered: boolean; } interface PointGroupItemState { icon: string; } const removePoint = (group: TaggedPointGroup, pointId: number) => { type Body = (typeof group)["body"]; const nextGroup: Body = { }; nextGroup.point_ids = nextGroup.point_ids.filter(x => x !== pointId); return overwrite(group, nextGroup); }; export const genericPointIcon = (color: string | undefined) => ` `; export const genericWeedIcon = (color: string | undefined) => ` `; export const OTHER_POINT_ICON = ` `; // The individual plants in the point group detail page. export class PointGroupItem extends React.Component { state: PointGroupItemState = { icon: "" }; key = uuid(); enter = () => this.props.dispatch( setHoveredPlant(this.props.point.uuid, this.state.icon)); leave = () => this.props.dispatch(setHoveredPlant(undefined)); click = () => { if (this.criteriaIcon) { return error(t("Cannot remove points selected by criteria.")); } this.props.dispatch( removePoint(, || 0)); this.leave(); } setIconState = (icon: string) => this.setState({ icon }); get criteriaIcon() { return ! .includes( || 0); } maybeGetCachedIcon = (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => { const img = e.currentTarget; if (this.props.point.body.pointer_type == "Plant") { const slug = this.props.point.body.openfarm_slug; maybeGetCachedPlantIcon(slug, img, this.setIconState); } }; get initIcon() { switch (this.props.point.body.pointer_type) { case "Plant": return DEFAULT_ICON; case "GenericPointer": const { color } = this.props.point.body.meta; return svgToUrl(genericPointIcon(color)); case "Weed": const weedColor = this.props.point.body.meta.color; return svgToUrl(genericWeedIcon(weedColor)); default: return svgToUrl(OTHER_POINT_ICON); } } render() { return {this.props.point.body.pointer_type == "Weed" && } ; } }