import * as React from "react"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import { Everything, ResourceColor, } from "../../interfaces"; import { initSave } from "../../api/crud"; import { Row, Col, BlurableInput, ColorPicker, } from "../../ui/index"; import { DrawnPointPayl } from "../interfaces"; import { Actions, Content } from "../../constants"; import { deletePoints } from "../../farmware/weed_detector/actions"; import { GenericPointer, WeedPointer } from "farmbot/dist/resources/api_resources"; import { DesignerPanel, DesignerPanelHeader, DesignerPanelContent, } from "../designer_panel"; import { parseIntInput } from "../../util"; import { t } from "../../i18next_wrapper"; import { Panel } from "../panel_header"; import { history, getPathArray } from "../../history"; import { ListItem } from "../plants/plant_panel"; import { success } from "../../toast/toast"; export function mapStateToProps(props: Everything): CreatePointsProps { const { position } =; const { drawnPoint, drawnWeed } = props.resources.consumers.farm_designer; return { dispatch: props.dispatch, drawnPoint: drawnPoint || drawnWeed, deviceX: position.x || 0, deviceY: position.y || 0, }; } export interface CreatePointsProps { dispatch: Function; drawnPoint: DrawnPointPayl | undefined; deviceX: number; deviceY: number; } type CreatePointsState = Partial; const DEFAULTS: DrawnPointPayl = { name: undefined, cx: 1, cy: 1, r: 15, color: undefined, }; export class RawCreatePoints extends React.Component> { constructor(props: CreatePointsProps) { super(props); this.state = {}; } attr = (key: T, fallback = DEFAULTS[key]): DrawnPointPayl[T] => { const p = this.props.drawnPoint; const userValue = this.state[key] as DrawnPointPayl[T] | undefined; const propValue = p ? p[key] : fallback; if (typeof userValue === "undefined") { return propValue; } else { return userValue; } }; get defaultName() { return this.panel == "weeds" ? t("Created Weed") : t("Created Point"); } get defaultColor() { return this.panel == "weeds" ? "red" : "green"; } getPointData = (): DrawnPointPayl => { return { name: this.attr("name"), cx: this.attr("cx"), cy: this.attr("cy"), r: this.attr("r"), color: this.attr("color") || this.defaultColor, }; } cancel = () => { this.props.dispatch({ type: this.panel == "weeds" ? Actions.SET_DRAWN_WEED_DATA : Actions.SET_DRAWN_POINT_DATA, payload: undefined }); this.setState({ cx: undefined, cy: undefined, r: undefined, color: undefined }); } loadDefaultPoint = () => { this.props.dispatch({ type: this.panel == "weeds" ? Actions.SET_DRAWN_WEED_DATA : Actions.SET_DRAWN_POINT_DATA, payload: { name: this.defaultName, cx:, cy:, r: DEFAULTS.r, color: this.defaultColor, } as DrawnPointPayl }); } UNSAFE_componentWillMount() { this.loadDefaultPoint(); } componentWillUnmount() { this.cancel(); } /** Update fields. */ updateValue = (key: keyof CreatePointsState) => { return (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => { const { value } = e.currentTarget; if (this.props.drawnPoint) { const point = this.getPointData(); switch (key) { case "name": case "color": this.setState({ [key]: value }); point[key] = value; break; default: const intValue = parseIntInput(value); this.setState({ [key]: intValue }); point[key] = intValue; } this.props.dispatch({ type: this.panel == "weeds" ? Actions.SET_DRAWN_WEED_DATA : Actions.SET_DRAWN_POINT_DATA, payload: point }); } }; } changeColor = (color: ResourceColor) => { this.setState({ color }); const point = this.getPointData(); point.color = color; this.props.dispatch({ type: this.panel == "weeds" ? Actions.SET_DRAWN_WEED_DATA : Actions.SET_DRAWN_POINT_DATA, payload: point }); } get panel() { return getPathArray()[3] || "points"; } createPoint = () => { const body: GenericPointer | WeedPointer = { pointer_type: this.panel == "weeds" ? "Weed" : "GenericPointer", name: this.attr("name") || this.defaultName, meta: { color: this.attr("color") || this.defaultColor, created_by: "farm-designer", type: this.panel == "weeds" ? "weed" : "point", }, x: this.attr("cx"), y: this.attr("cy"), z: 0, radius: this.attr("r"), }; this.props.dispatch(initSave("Point", body)); success(this.panel == "weeds" ? t("Weed created.") : t("Point created.")); this.cancel(); history.push(`/app/designer/${this.panel}`); } PointProperties = () =>
PointActions = () => DeleteAllPoints = (type: "point" | "weed") => { const meta = { created_by: "farm-designer" }; return

{type === "weed" ? t("Delete all of the weeds created through this panel.") : t("Delete all of the points created through this panel.")}

; }; render() { const panelType = this.panel == "weeds" ? Panel.Weeds : Panel.Points; const panelDescription = this.panel == "weeds" ? Content.CREATE_WEEDS_DESCRIPTION : Content.CREATE_POINTS_DESCRIPTION; return {this.DeleteAllPoints(this.panel == "weeds" ? "weed" : "point")} ; } } export const CreatePoints = connect(mapStateToProps)(RawCreatePoints);