# How to install FarmBot Web API on a Fresh Ubuntu 18.10 Machine # IMPORTANT NOTE: Resources are limited and Farmbot, inc. cannot provide # longterm support to self-hosted users. If you have never administered a # Ruby on Rails application, we highly advise stopping now. this presents an # extremely high risk of data loss. Free hosting is provided at # https://my.farm.bot and eliminates the risks and troubles of self-hosting. # # You are highly encouraged to use the my.farm.bot servers. Self hosted # documentation is provided with the assumption that you have experience with # Ruby/Javascript development. # # Self-hosting a Farmbot server is not a simple task. # Remove old (possibly broke) docker versions sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io # Install docker sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common --yes curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu xenial stable" --yes sudo apt-get update --yes sudo apt-get install docker-ce --yes sudo docker run hello-world # Should run! # Install docker-compose sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.22.0/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose # Install FarmBot Web App # ⚠ SKIP THIS STEP IF UPGRADING! git clone https://github.com/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App --depth=5 --branch=master cd Farmbot-Web-App # == This is a very important step!!! == # # Open `.env` in a text editor and change all the values. # # == Nothing will work if you skip this step!!! == snap install micro --classic # Don't like `micro`? vim, nano, etc are fine, too. cp example.env .env # ⚠ SKIP THIS STEP IF UPGRADING! micro .env # ⚠ SKIP THIS STEP IF UPGRADING! # ^ This is the most important step # READ NOTE ABOVE. Very important! # Install application specific Ruby dependencies sudo docker-compose run web bundle install # Install application specific Javascript deps sudo docker-compose run web npm install # Create a database in PostgreSQL sudo docker-compose run web bundle exec rails db:create db:migrate # Generate a set of *.pem files for data encryption sudo docker-compose run web rake keys:generate # ⚠ SKIP THIS STEP IF UPGRADING! # Build the UI assets via ParcelJS sudo docker-compose run web rake assets:precompile # Run the server! ٩(^‿^)۶ # NOTE: DONT TRY TO LOGIN until you see a message similar to this: # "✨ Built in 44.92s" # You will just get an empty screen otherwise. # This only happens during initialization sudo docker-compose up # === BEGIN OPTIONAL UPGRADES # To update to later versions of FarmBot, # shut down the server, create a database backup # and run commands below. git pull https://github.com/FarmBot/Farmbot-Web-App.git master sudo docker-compose build sudo docker-compose run web bundle install # <== ⚠ UPGRADE USERS ONLY sudo docker-compose run web npm install # <== ⚠ UPGRADE USERS ONLY sudo docker-compose run web rails db:migrate # <== ⚠ UPGRADE USERS ONLY # === END OPTIONAL UPGRADES ^ # At this point, setup is complete. Content should be visible at =============== # http://YOUR_HOST:3000/. # You can optionally verify installation by running unit tests. # Create the database for the app to use: sudo docker-compose run -e RAILS_ENV=test web bundle exec rails db:setup # Run the tests in the "test" RAILS_ENV: sudo docker-compose run -e RAILS_ENV=test web rspec spec # Run user-interface unit tests: sudo docker-compose run web npm run test