import * as React from "react"; import { Row, Col, FBSelect } from "../../ui"; import { locationFormList, NO_VALUE_SELECTED_DDI } from "./location_form_list"; import { convertDDItoVariable } from "../locals_list/handle_select"; import { LocationFormProps, PARENT, AllowedVariableNodes, VariableNode, } from "../locals_list/locals_list_support"; import { determineVector, determineDropdown, SequenceMeta, determineVarDDILabel, } from "../../resources/sequence_meta"; import { ResourceIndex, UUID } from "../../resources/interfaces"; import { DefaultValueForm } from "./default_value_form"; import { t } from "../../i18next_wrapper"; import { CoordinateInputBoxes } from "./location_form_coordinate_input_boxes"; /** * If a variable with a matching label exists in local parameter applications * (step body, etc.), use it instead of the one in scope declarations. */ const maybeUseStepData = ({ resources, bodyVariables, variable, uuid }: { resources: ResourceIndex, bodyVariables: VariableNode[] | undefined, variable: SequenceMeta, uuid: UUID, }): SequenceMeta => { if (bodyVariables) { const executeStepData = bodyVariables .filter(v => v.args.label === variable.celeryNode.args.label)[0]; if (executeStepData) { return { celeryNode: executeStepData, vector: determineVector(executeStepData, resources, uuid), dropdown: determineDropdown(executeStepData, resources, uuid), }; } } return variable; }; /** * Form with an "import from" dropdown and coordinate input boxes. * Can be used to set a specific value, import a value, or declare a variable. */ export const LocationForm = (props: LocationFormProps) => { const { sequenceUuid, resources, bodyVariables, variable, allowedVariableNodes, hideGroups } = props; const { celeryNode, dropdown, vector } = maybeUseStepData({ resources, bodyVariables, variable, uuid: sequenceUuid }); const displayVariables = allowedVariableNodes !== AllowedVariableNodes.variable; const headerForm = allowedVariableNodes === AllowedVariableNodes.parameter; const variableListItems = displayVariables ? [PARENT(determineVarDDILabel({ label: "parent", resources, uuid: sequenceUuid, forceExternal: headerForm }))] : []; const displayGroups = !hideGroups; const unfiltered = locationFormList(resources, variableListItems, displayGroups); const list = props.customFilterRule ? unfiltered.filter(props.customFilterRule) : unfiltered; /** Variable name. */ const { label } = celeryNode.args; if (variable.default) { const defaultDDI = determineDropdown(variable.celeryNode, resources); defaultDDI.label = `${t("Default value")} - ${defaultDDI.label}`; list.unshift(defaultDDI); } const formTitleWithType = props.hideVariableLabel ? t("Location") : `${label} (${t("Location")})`; const formTitle = props.hideTypeLabel ? label : formTitleWithType; return
{!props.hideHeader &&
{props.collapsible && }
} {!props.collapsed &&
{ props.onChange(convertDDItoVariable({ identifierLabel: label, allowedVariableNodes, dropdown: ddi })); }} />
; };