const mockEditStep = jest.fn(); jest.mock("../../../../api/crud", () => ({ editStep: mockEditStep })); import * as React from "react"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import { MarkAs } from "../component"; import { MarkAsProps, UpdateResourceValue } from "../interfaces"; import { UpdateResource, Identifier, Resource, resource_type } from "farmbot"; import { fakeSequence, fakePlant, fakeWeed, } from "../../../../__test_support__/fake_state/resources"; import { buildResourceIndex, } from "../../../../__test_support__/resource_index_builder"; import { editStep } from "../../../../api/crud"; import { NOTHING_SELECTED } from "../../../locals_list/handle_select"; describe("", () => { const plant = fakePlant(); = 1; const weed = fakeWeed(); = 2; const fakeProps = (): MarkAsProps => ({ currentSequence: fakeSequence(), dispatch: jest.fn(), index: 0, currentStep: ResourceUpdateResourceStep("Device", 1, "mounted_tool_id", 0), resources: buildResourceIndex([plant, weed]).index, confirmStepDeletion: false }); it("renders the basic parts", () => { const wrapper = mount(); ["Mark", "Tool Mount", "field", "Mounted Tool", "as", "None"].map(string => expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(string)); }); it("resets step", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.instance().resetStep(); expect(editStep).toHaveBeenCalled(); mockEditStep.mock.calls[0][0].executor(p.currentStep); expect(p.currentStep).toEqual({ kind: "update_resource", args: { resource: NOTHING_SELECTED }, body: [], }); }); it("edits step", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.setState({ resource: { kind: "resource", args: { resource_type: "Plant", resource_id: 1 } }, fieldsAndValues: [{ field: "plant_stage", value: "planted" }], }); wrapper.instance().commitSelection(); expect(editStep).toHaveBeenCalled(); mockEditStep.mock.calls[0][0].executor(p.currentStep); expect(p.currentStep).toEqual( ResourceUpdateResourceStep("Plant", 1, "plant_stage", "planted")); }); it("doesn't edit step", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.setState({ resource: { kind: "nothing", args: {} }, fieldsAndValues: [{ field: "plant_stage", value: "planted" }], }); wrapper.instance().commitSelection(); expect(editStep).toHaveBeenCalled(); mockEditStep.mock.calls[0][0].executor(p.currentStep); expect(p.currentStep).toEqual( ResourceUpdateResourceStep("Device", 1, "mounted_tool_id", 0)); }); it("doesn't save partial pairs", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.setState({ resource: { kind: "resource", args: { resource_type: "Plant", resource_id: 1 } }, fieldsAndValues: [ { field: "plant_stage", value: "planted" }, { field: "x", value: 1 }, { field: "y", value: undefined }, ], }); wrapper.instance().commitSelection(); expect(editStep).toHaveBeenCalled(); mockEditStep.mock.calls[0][0].executor(p.currentStep); const expectedStep = ResourceUpdateResourceStep("Plant", 1, "plant_stage", "planted"); expectedStep.body && expectedStep.body.push({ kind: "pair", args: { label: "x", value: 1 } }); expect(p.currentStep).toEqual(expectedStep); }); it("edits step to use identifier", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.setState({ resource: { kind: "identifier", args: { label: "var" } }, fieldsAndValues: [{ field: "plant_stage", value: "planted" }], }); wrapper.instance().commitSelection(); expect(editStep).toHaveBeenCalled(); mockEditStep.mock.calls[0][0].executor(p.currentStep); expect(p.currentStep).toEqual( IdentifierUpdateResourceStep("var", "plant_stage", "planted")); }); it("updates resource", () => { const p = fakeProps(); const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.state().resource).toEqual(p.currentStep.args.resource); expect(wrapper.state().fieldsAndValues) .toEqual([{ field: "mounted_tool_id", value: 0 }]); const newResource: Resource = ({ kind: "resource", args: { resource_type: "Weed", resource_id: 2 } }); wrapper.instance().updateResource(newResource); expect(wrapper.state().resource).toEqual(newResource); expect(wrapper.state().fieldsAndValues) .toEqual([{ field: undefined, value: undefined }]); }); it("updates field", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.currentStep.body = undefined; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.state().fieldsAndValues) .toEqual([{ field: undefined, value: undefined }]); wrapper.instance().updateFieldOrValue(0)({ field: "plant_stage" }); expect(wrapper.state().fieldsAndValues) .toEqual([{ field: "plant_stage", value: undefined }]); expect(p.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("updates value", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.currentStep.body && p.currentStep.body.push({ kind: "pair", args: { label: "plant_stage", value: "planned" } }); const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.state().fieldsAndValues).toEqual([ { field: "mounted_tool_id", value: 0 }, { field: "plant_stage", value: "planned" }, ]); const callback = jest.fn(); wrapper.instance().updateFieldOrValue(1)({ value: "planted" }, callback); expect(wrapper.state().fieldsAndValues).toEqual([ { field: "mounted_tool_id", value: 0 }, { field: "plant_stage", value: "planted" }, ]); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(p.dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); const BaseUpdateResourceStep = (resource: Resource | Identifier, field: string, value: UpdateResourceValue, ): UpdateResource => ({ kind: "update_resource", args: { resource }, body: [{ kind: "pair", args: { label: field, value } }], }); const ResourceUpdateResourceStep = ( resourceType: resource_type, resourceId: number, field: string, value: UpdateResourceValue, ): UpdateResource => BaseUpdateResourceStep({ kind: "resource", args: { resource_id: resourceId, resource_type: resourceType } }, field, value); const IdentifierUpdateResourceStep = ( label: string, field: string, value: UpdateResourceValue, ): UpdateResource => BaseUpdateResourceStep({ kind: "identifier", args: { label } }, field, value);