require "spec_helper" describe Api::PointsController do include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers describe "#index" do let(:device) { FactoryBot.create(:device) } let(:user) do FactoryBot.create(:user, device: device, password: "password123") end let(:auth_token) do params = { email:, password: "password123", fbos_version:"999.9.9") }!(params)[:token].encoded end it "shows only discarded points" do Point.destroy_all old = Plant.create!(x: 5, y: 5, z: 5, radius: 50, name: "old", device: user.device, openfarm_slug: "cabbage", pointer_type: "Plant", discarded_at: Plant.create!(x: 5, y: 5, z: 5, radius: 50, name: "new", device: user.device, openfarm_slug: "cabbage", pointer_type: "Plant", discarded_at: nil) SmarfDoc.note("If you want to see previously deleted points, " + "add `?filter=old` to the end of the URL.") sign_in user get :index, params: { filter: "old" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json.length).to eq(1) expect(json.first[:name]).to eq("old") end it "shows active points by default" do Point.destroy_all old = Plant.create!(x: 5, y: 5, z: 5, radius: 50, name: "old", device: user.device, openfarm_slug: "cabbage", pointer_type: "Plant", discarded_at: Plant.create!(x: 5, y: 5, z: 5, radius: 50, name: "new", device: user.device, openfarm_slug: "cabbage", pointer_type: "Plant", discarded_at: nil) SmarfDoc.note("If you want to see previously deleted points, " + "add `?filter=old` to the end of the URL.") sign_in user get :index, params: {} expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json.length).to eq(1) expect(json.first[:name]).to eq("new") end it "shows `discarded` and `kept` points" do Point.destroy_all old = Plant.create!(x: 5, y: 5, z: 5, radius: 50, name: "old", device: user.device, openfarm_slug: "cabbage", pointer_type: "Plant", discarded_at: Plant.create!(x: 5, y: 5, z: 5, radius: 50, name: "new", device: user.device, openfarm_slug: "cabbage", pointer_type: "Plant", discarded_at: nil) SmarfDoc.note("If you want to see previously deleted points alongside" \ " your active points, add `?filter=all` to the end of " \ "the URL.") sign_in user get :index, params: { filter: "all" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json.length).to eq(2) expect(json.pluck(:name)).to include("old") expect(json.pluck(:name)).to include("new") end it "lists non-discarded (active) points" do sign_in user FactoryBot.create_list(:generic_pointer, 3, device: device) get :index expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json.length).to eq(3) expect(json.first.keys).to include(:x) end it "lists all plants" do Point.destroy_all plants = 3.times do |num| Plant.create!(x: num, y: num, z: num, radius: 50, name: "Cabbage #{num}", device: user.device, openfarm_slug: "cabbage", pointer_type: "Plant") end sign_in user get :index expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json.length).to eq(3) { |json| expect(json[:created_at]).to eq(json[:planted_at]) } end it "lists all tool slots" do Point.destroy_all sign_in user ts = ToolSlot.create!(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, radius: 50, name: "My TS", device: user.device, pointer_type: "ToolSlot") get :index expect(json.first[:id]).to eq( expect(json.first[:name]).to eq( end it "handles outdated FBOS" do old_last_saw_api = user.device.last_saw_api ua = "FARMBOTOS/1.1.1 (RPI3) RPI3 (1.1.1)" allow(request).to receive(:user_agent).and_return(ua) request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = ua sign_in user FactoryBot.create_list(:generic_pointer, 1, device: device) get :index expect(response.status).to eq(426) expect(json[:error]).to include("Upgrade to latest FarmBot OS") end it "marks device as seen when they download points" do old_last_saw_api = user.device.last_saw_api ua = "FarmbotOS/7.0.0 (host) host ()" allow(request).to receive(:user_agent).and_return(ua) request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = ua request.headers["Authorization"] = "bearer #{auth_token}" FactoryBot.create_list(:generic_pointer, 1, device: device) get :index new_last_saw_api = user.device.reload.last_saw_api expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(new_last_saw_api).not_to eq(old_last_saw_api) end end end