import { buildResourceIndex, fakeDevice } from "../../__test_support__/resource_index_builder"; import * as Selector from "../selectors"; import { TaggedTool, TaggedToolSlotPointer, } from "farmbot"; import { saveOK } from "../actions"; import { hasId, arrayUnwrap } from "../util"; import { fakeWebcamFeed, fakeSequence, fakePlant } from "../../__test_support__/fake_state/resources"; import { resourceReducer } from "../reducer"; import { emptyState } from "../reducer"; import { resourceReady, newTaggedResource } from "../../sync/actions"; import { chain } from "lodash"; const TOOL_ID = 99; const SLOT_ID = 100; const fakeTool: TaggedTool = arrayUnwrap(newTaggedResource("Tool", { name: "yadda yadda", id: TOOL_ID })); const fakeSlot: TaggedToolSlotPointer = arrayUnwrap(newTaggedResource("Point", { tool_id: TOOL_ID, pointer_type: "ToolSlot", radius: 0, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, name: "wow", pointer_id: SLOT_ID, meta: {}, pullout_direction: 0, gantry_mounted: false, })); const fakeIndex = buildResourceIndex().index; describe("findSlotByToolId", () => { it("returns undefined when not found", () => { const state = resourceReducer(buildResourceIndex(), saveOK(fakeTool)); expect(state.index.byKindAndId["Tool." +]); const result = Selector.findSlotByToolId(state.index, TOOL_ID); expect(result).toBeFalsy(); }); it("returns something when there is a match", () => { const initialState = buildResourceIndex(); const state = [saveOK(fakeTool), saveOK(fakeSlot)] .reduce(resourceReducer, initialState); const result = Selector.findSlotByToolId(state.index, TOOL_ID); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); if (result) { expect(result.kind).toBe("Point"); } }); }); describe("getFeeds", () => { it("returns empty array", () => { expect(Selector.selectAllWebcamFeeds(emptyState().index).length).toBe(0); }); it("finds the only WebcamFeed", () => { const feed = fakeWebcamFeed(); const state = [ resourceReady("WebcamFeed", feed) ].reduce(resourceReducer, emptyState()); expect(Selector.selectAllWebcamFeeds(state.index)[0].body).toEqual(feed.body); }); }); describe("selectAllLogs", () => { it("stays truthful to its name by finding all logs", () => { const results = Selector.selectAllLogs(fakeIndex); expect(results.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); const kinds = chain(results).map("kind").uniq().value(); expect(kinds.length).toEqual(1); expect(kinds[0]).toEqual("Log"); }); }); describe("findResourceById()", () => { it("returns UUID", () => { const uuid = Selector.findResourceById(fakeIndex, "Sequence", 23); expect(uuid).toContain("Sequence.23"); }); it("throws error", () => { const findUuid = () => Selector.findResourceById(fakeIndex, "Sequence", NaN); expect(findUuid).toThrow("UUID not found for id NaN"); }); }); describe("isKind()", () => { it("is", () => { const ret = Selector.isKind("Sequence")(fakeSequence()); expect(ret).toBeTruthy(); }); it("isn't", () => { const ret = Selector.isKind("Tool")(fakeSequence()); expect(ret).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe("groupPointsByType()", () => { it("returns points", () => { const points = Selector.groupPointsByType(fakeIndex); const expectedKeys = ["Plant", "GenericPointer", "ToolSlot"]; expect(expectedKeys.every(key => key in points)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("findPointerByTypeAndId()", () => { it("throws error", () => { const find = () => Selector.findPointerByTypeAndId(fakeIndex, "Other", 0); expect(find).toThrow("Tried to fetch bad point Other 0"); }); }); describe("findPlant()", () => { it("throws error", () => { console.warn = jest.fn(); const find = () => Selector.findPlant(fakeIndex, "bad"); expect(find).toThrowError(); expect(console.warn).toBeCalled(); }); it("finds a plant", () => { const plant = fakePlant(); = 333; const result = Selector .findPlant(buildResourceIndex([plant]).index, plant.uuid); expect(result.uuid).toBe(plant.uuid); }); }); describe("selectCurrentToolSlot()", () => { it("throws error", () => { const find = () => Selector.selectCurrentToolSlot(fakeIndex, "bad"); expect(find).toThrowError(); }); }); describe("getSequenceByUUID()", () => { it("throws error", () => { console.warn = jest.fn(); const find = () => Selector.getSequenceByUUID(fakeIndex, "bad"); expect(find).toThrow("BAD Sequence UUID"); expect(console.warn).toBeCalled(); }); }); describe("getUserAccountSettings", () => { it("throws exceptions when user is not loaded", () => { const boom = () => Selector .getUserAccountSettings(buildResourceIndex([]).index); expect(boom) .toThrow("PROBLEM: Tried to fetch user before it was available."); }); }); describe("maybeGetSequence", () => { it("returns undefined", () => { const i = buildResourceIndex([]); const result = Selector.maybeGetSequence(i.index, undefined); expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); it("returns a sequence", () => { const s = fakeSequence(); const i = buildResourceIndex([s]); const result = Selector.maybeGetSequence(i.index, s.uuid); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); expect(result?.uuid).toBe(s.uuid); }); }); describe("findAllById()", () => { it("returns", () => { const result = Selector.findAllById(fakeIndex, [23], "Sequence"); expect(result.length).toEqual(1); }); }); describe("toolsInUse()", () => { it("returns tools", () => { const activeTools = Selector.toolsInUse(fakeIndex); expect(activeTools.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); describe("hasId()", () => { it("has", () => { const result = hasId(fakeIndex, "Sequence", 23); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("findFarmEventById()", () => { it("throws error", () => { const find = () => Selector.findFarmEventById(fakeIndex, 0); expect(find).toThrow("Bad farm_event id: 0"); }); }); describe("maybeFindToolById()", () => { it("not found", () => { const result = Selector.maybeFindToolById(fakeIndex, 0); expect(result).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("findToolById()", () => { it("throws error", () => { const find = () => Selector.findToolById(fakeIndex, 0); expect(find).toThrow("Bad tool id: 0"); }); }); describe("findSequenceById()", () => { it("throws error", () => { const find = () => Selector.findSequenceById(fakeIndex, 0); expect(find).toThrow("Bad sequence id: 0"); }); }); describe("findRegimenById()", () => { it("throws error", () => { const find = () => Selector.findRegimenById(fakeIndex, 0); expect(find).toThrow("Bad regimen id: 0"); }); }); describe("findFolderById()", () => { it("throws error", () => { const find = () => Selector.findFolderById(fakeIndex, 0); expect(find).toThrow("Bad folder id: 0"); }); }); describe("maybeFindPlantById()", () => { it("not found", () => { const result = Selector.maybeFindPlantById(fakeIndex, 0); expect(result).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("getDeviceAccountSettings", () => { const DEV1 = fakeDevice(); DEV1.uuid = "Device.416.0"; const DEV2 = fakeDevice(); DEV2.uuid = "Device.417.0"; it("crashes if < 1", () => { const { index } = buildResourceIndex([]); const kaboom = () => Selector.getDeviceAccountSettings(index); expect(kaboom).toThrowError(); }); it("crashes if > 1", () => { const { index } = buildResourceIndex([DEV1, DEV2]); const kaboom = () => Selector.getDeviceAccountSettings(index); expect(kaboom).toThrowError(); }); it("returns exactly one device", () => { const { index } = buildResourceIndex([DEV1]); const result = Selector.getDeviceAccountSettings(index); expect(result.kind).toBe("Device"); }); });