import * as React from "react"; import { equals, parseIntInput } from "../util"; import { isNumber } from "lodash"; import { InputError } from "./input_error"; import { t } from "../i18next_wrapper"; import { error } from "../toast/toast"; export interface BIProps { value: string | number; onCommit(e: React.SyntheticEvent): void; min?: number; max?: number; type?: | "text" | "number" | "email" | "time" | "date" | "hidden"; name?: string; id?: string; /** Allow the user to empty out the form control. If unset, form control * will reset itself to previous defaultValue. */ allowEmpty?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; className?: string; placeholder?: string; hidden?: boolean; error?: string; title?: string; autoFocus?: boolean; autoSelect?: boolean; } interface BIState { buffer: string; isEditing: boolean; error: string | undefined; } export class BlurableInput extends React.Component> { state: BIState = { buffer: "", isEditing: false, error: undefined }; get error() { return this.props.error || this.state.error; } withinLimits = (options?: { toasts?: boolean }): boolean => { const onError = (msg: string) => { this.setState({ error: msg }); options?.toasts && error(msg); }; if (this.props.type === "number") { const value = parseIntInput(this.state.buffer); if (isNumber(this.props.min) && value < this.props.min) { onError(t("Value must be greater than or equal to {{min}}.", { min: this.props.min })); return false; } if (isNumber(this.props.max) && value > this.props.max) { onError(t("Value must be less than or equal to {{max}}.", { max: this.props.max })); return false; } /** `e.currentTarget.value` is "" for any invalid number input. */ if ((this.state.buffer === "") && !this.props.allowEmpty) { onError(t("Please enter a number.")); return false; } } this.setState({ error: undefined }); return true; } /** Called on blur. */ maybeCommit = (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => { const bufferOk = this.state.buffer || this.props.allowEmpty; const shouldPassToParent = bufferOk && this.withinLimits({ toasts: true }); shouldPassToParent && this.props.onCommit(e); this.setState({ isEditing: false, buffer: "", error: undefined }); } focus = (e: React.FocusEvent) => { const { value } = this.props; this.props.autoSelect &&,; this.setState({ isEditing: true, buffer: "" + (value || ""), error: undefined }); } updateBuffer = (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => { this.setState({ buffer: e.currentTarget.value }, this.withinLimits); } usualProps = () => { const value = this.state.isEditing ? this.state.buffer : this.props.value; return { value, hidden: !!this.props.hidden, onFocus: this.focus, onChange: this.updateBuffer, onSubmit: this.maybeCommit, onBlur: this.maybeCommit, name:, id:, min: this.props.min, max: this.props.max, type: this.props.type || "text", disabled: this.props.disabled, className: (this.props.className || "") + (this.error ? " error" : ""), title: this.props.title || "", placeholder: this.props.placeholder, autoFocus: this.props.autoFocus, }; } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: BIProps, nextState: Partial) { return !equals(this.props, nextProps) || !equals(this.state, nextState); } render() { return
; } }