import axios from "axios"; import { success, warning, info, error } from "../toast/toast"; import { getDevice } from "../device"; import { Everything } from "../interfaces"; import { GithubRelease, MoveRelProps, MinOsFeatureLookup, SourceFwConfig, Axis, } from "./interfaces"; import { Thunk } from "../redux/interfaces"; import { McuParams, TaggedFirmwareConfig, ParameterApplication, ALLOWED_PIN_MODES, FirmwareHardware, } from "farmbot"; import { ControlPanelState } from "../devices/interfaces"; import { oneOf, versionOK, trim } from "../util"; import { Actions, Content } from "../constants"; import { mcuParamValidator } from "./update_interceptor"; import { edit, save as apiSave } from "../api/crud"; import { CONFIG_DEFAULTS } from "farmbot/dist/config"; import { Log } from "farmbot/dist/resources/api_resources"; import { FbosConfig } from "farmbot/dist/resources/configs/fbos"; import { FirmwareConfig } from "farmbot/dist/resources/configs/firmware"; import { getFirmwareConfig, getFbosConfig } from "../resources/getters"; import { isObject, isString, get, noop } from "lodash"; import { t } from "../i18next_wrapper"; import { ExternalUrl } from "../external_urls"; const ON = 1, OFF = 0; export type ConfigKey = keyof McuParams; // Already filtering messages in FarmBot OS and the API- this is just for // an additional layer of safety. const BAD_WORDS = ["WPA", "PSK", "PASSWORD", "NERVES"]; const MESSAGE: keyof Log = "message"; export function isLog(x: unknown): x is Log { const msg = get(x, MESSAGE); const yup = isObject(x) && isString(msg); if (yup) { if (oneOf(BAD_WORDS, msg.toUpperCase())) { // SECURITY CRITICAL CODE. console.error("Refusing to display log: " + JSON.stringify(x)); return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } /** Toast message upon request error. */ export const commandErr = (noun = "Command") => () => error(t(`${noun} failed`)); /** Toast message upon request success. */ export const commandOK = (noun = "Command") => () => { const msg = t(noun) + t(" request sent to device."); success(msg, t("Request sent")); }; /** Update FBOS. */ export function checkControllerUpdates() { const noun = t("Check for Updates"); commandOK(noun)(); getDevice() .checkUpdates() .catch(commandErr(noun)); } /** Shutdown FBOS. */ export function powerOff() { const noun = t("Power Off Bot"); getDevice() .powerOff() .then(commandOK(noun), commandErr(noun)); } /** Factory reset FBOS. */ export function factoryReset() { if (!confirm(t(Content.FACTORY_RESET_ALERT))) { return; } getDevice().resetOS(); } /** Reboot FBOS. */ export function reboot() { const noun = t("Reboot Bot"); getDevice() .reboot() .then(commandOK(noun), commandErr(noun)); } /** Restart Farmduino firmware serial connection. */ export function restartFirmware() { const noun = t("Restart Firmware"); const device = getDevice(); return device .rebootFirmware() .then(device.emergencyLock) .then(device.emergencyUnlock) .then(commandOK(noun), commandErr(noun)); } export function flashFirmware(firmwareName: FirmwareHardware) { const noun = t("Flash Firmware"); getDevice() .flashFirmware(firmwareName) .then(commandOK(noun), commandErr(noun)); } export function emergencyLock() { const noun = t("Emergency stop"); getDevice() .emergencyLock() .then(commandOK(noun), commandErr(noun)); } export function emergencyUnlock(force = false) { const noun = t("Emergency unlock"); if (force || confirm(t(`Are you sure you want to unlock the device?`))) { getDevice() .emergencyUnlock() .then(commandOK(noun), commandErr(noun)); } } export function sync(): Thunk { const noun = t("Sync"); return function (_dispatch, getState) { const currentFBOSversion = getState().bot.hardware.informational_settings.controller_version; const IS_OK = versionOK(currentFBOSversion); if (IS_OK) { getDevice() .sync() .catch(commandErr(noun)); } else { if (currentFBOSversion) { badVersion(); } else { info(t("FarmBot is not connected."), t("Disconnected"), "red"); } } }; } export function execSequence( sequenceId: number | undefined, bodyVariables?: ParameterApplication[], ) { const noun = t("Sequence execution"); if (sequenceId) { commandOK(noun)(); return getDevice() .execSequence(sequenceId, bodyVariables) .catch((x: Error) => { if (x && (typeof x == "object") && (typeof x.message == "string")) { error(x.message); } else { commandErr(noun)(); } }); } else { throw new Error(t("Can't execute unsaved sequences")); } } const tagNameToVersionString = (tagName: string): string => tagName.toLowerCase().replace("v", ""); /** * Fetch FarmBot OS beta release data. * Ignores a specific release provided by the url (i.e., `releases/1234`) * in favor of the latest `-beta` release. */ export const fetchLatestGHBetaRelease = (url: string) => (dispatch: Function) => { const urlArray = url.split("/"); const releasesURL = urlArray.splice(0, urlArray.length - 1).join("/"); axios .get(releasesURL) .then(resp => { const latestBeta = => x.tag_name.includes("beta") || x.tag_name.includes("rc"))[0]; const { tag_name, target_commitish } = latestBeta; const version = tagNameToVersionString(tag_name); dispatch({ type: Actions.FETCH_BETA_OS_UPDATE_INFO_OK, payload: { version, commit: target_commitish } }); }) .catch(ferror => dispatch({ type: "FETCH_BETA_OS_UPDATE_INFO_ERROR", payload: ferror })); }; /** Fetch FarmBot OS release data. */ export const fetchReleases = (url: string, options = { beta: false }) => (dispatch: Function) => { axios .get(url) .then(resp => { const { tag_name, target_commitish } =; const version = tagNameToVersionString(tag_name); dispatch({ type: options.beta ? Actions.FETCH_BETA_OS_UPDATE_INFO_OK : Actions.FETCH_OS_UPDATE_INFO_OK, payload: { version, commit: target_commitish } }); }) .catch((ferror) => { !options.beta && console.error(t("Could not download FarmBot OS update information.")); dispatch({ type: options.beta ? "FETCH_BETA_OS_UPDATE_INFO_ERROR" : "FETCH_OS_UPDATE_INFO_ERROR", payload: ferror }); }); }; /** * Structure and type checks for fetched minimum FBOS version feature object. * @param x axios response data */ function validMinOsFeatureLookup(x: MinOsFeatureLookup): boolean { return isObject(x) && Object.entries(x).every(([key, val]) => typeof key === "string" && // feature name typeof val === "string" && // version string val.split(".").length > 2); // "0.0.0" } /** * Fetch and save minimum FBOS version data for UI feature display. */ export const fetchMinOsFeatureData = () => (dispatch: Function) => { axios .get(ExternalUrl.featureMinVersions) .then(resp => { const data =; if (validMinOsFeatureLookup(data)) { dispatch({ type: Actions.FETCH_MIN_OS_FEATURE_INFO_OK, payload: data }); } else { console.log(`Warning! Got '${JSON.stringify(data)}', ` + "expected min OS feature data."); } }) .catch((ferror) => { dispatch({ type: Actions.FETCH_MIN_OS_FEATURE_INFO_ERROR, payload: ferror }); }); }; /** * Fetch and save FBOS release notes. */ export const fetchOsReleaseNotes = () => (dispatch: Function) => { axios .get(ExternalUrl.osReleaseNotes) .then(resp => { dispatch({ type: Actions.FETCH_OS_RELEASE_NOTES_OK, payload: }); }) .catch((ferror) => { dispatch({ type: Actions.FETCH_OS_RELEASE_NOTES_ERROR, payload: ferror }); }); }; /** * Toggles visibility of individual sections in the giant controls panel * found on the Devices page. */ export function toggleControlPanel(payload: keyof ControlPanelState) { return { type: Actions.TOGGLE_CONTROL_PANEL_OPTION, payload }; } /** Toggle visibility of all hardware control panel sections. */ export function bulkToggleControlPanel(open: boolean, all = false) { return { type: Actions.BULK_TOGGLE_CONTROL_PANEL, payload: { open, all }, }; } /** Factory reset all firmware settings. */ export function MCUFactoryReset() { if (!confirm(t(Content.MCU_RESET_ALERT))) { return; } return getDevice().resetMCU().catch(commandErr("MCU Reset")); } /** Toggle a firmware setting. */ export function settingToggle( key: ConfigKey, sourceFwConfig: SourceFwConfig, displayAlert?: string | undefined, ) { return function (dispatch: Function, getState: () => Everything) { if (displayAlert) { alert(trim(displayAlert)); } const update = { [key]: (sourceFwConfig(key).value === 0) ? ON : OFF }; const firmwareConfig = getFirmwareConfig(getState().resources.index); const toggleFirmwareConfig = (fwConfig: TaggedFirmwareConfig) => { dispatch(edit(fwConfig, update)); dispatch(apiSave(fwConfig.uuid)); }; if (firmwareConfig) { return toggleFirmwareConfig(firmwareConfig); } }; } export function moveRelative(props: MoveRelProps) { return getDevice() .moveRelative(props) .then(noop, commandErr("Relative movement")); } export function moveAbs(props: MoveRelProps) { const noun = t("Absolute movement"); return getDevice() .moveAbsolute(props) .then(noop, commandErr(noun)); } export function pinToggle(pin_number: number) { const noun = t("Setting toggle"); return getDevice() .togglePin({ pin_number }) .then(noop, commandErr(noun)); } export function readPin( pin_number: number, label: string, pin_mode: ALLOWED_PIN_MODES, ) { const noun = t("Read pin"); return getDevice() .readPin({ pin_number, label, pin_mode }) .then(noop, commandErr(noun)); } export function homeAll(speed: number) { const noun = t("'Home All' command"); getDevice() .home({ axis: "all", speed }) .catch(commandErr(noun)); } export function findHome(axis: Axis, speed = CONFIG_DEFAULTS.speed) { const noun = t("'Find Home' command"); getDevice() .findHome({ axis, speed }) .catch(commandErr(noun)); } /** Update firmware setting. */ export function updateMCU(key: ConfigKey, val: string) { return function (dispatch: Function, getState: () => Everything) { const firmwareConfig = getFirmwareConfig(getState().resources.index); const getParams = () => { if (firmwareConfig) { return firmwareConfig.body; } else { return getState().bot.hardware.mcu_params; } }; function proceed() { if (firmwareConfig) { dispatch(edit(firmwareConfig, { [key]: val } as Partial)); dispatch(apiSave(firmwareConfig.uuid)); } } const dont = (err: string) => warning(err); const validate = mcuParamValidator(key, parseInt(val, 10), getParams()); validate(proceed, dont); }; } /** Update FBOS setting. */ export function updateConfig(config: Partial) { return function (dispatch: Function, getState: () => Everything) { const fbosConfig = getFbosConfig(getState().resources.index); if (fbosConfig) { dispatch(edit(fbosConfig, config)); dispatch(apiSave(fbosConfig.uuid)); } }; } /** Change jog button movement amount. */ export function changeStepSize(integer: number) { return { type: Actions.CHANGE_STEP_SIZE, payload: integer }; } export function badVersion() { info(t("You are running an old version of FarmBot OS."), t("Please Update"), "red"); }