DO_INTEGRATION = !!ENV["RUN_CAPYBARA"] ENV["MQTT_HOST"] = "" ENV["OS_UPDATE_SERVER"] = "" # require "deep_cover/builtin_takeover" require "simplecov" #Ignore anything with the word "spec" in it. No need to test your tests. SimpleCov.start do add_filter "/spec/" add_filter "config/initializers" end require "codecov" SimpleCov.formatters =[ SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter, SimpleCov::Formatter::Codecov, ]) require "pry" ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "test" require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__) # This is a stub for BunnyRB because we don't want the test suite to connect to # AMQP for real. class FakeTransport < Transport # Theses are the "real" I/O inducing methods that must be Stubbed out. MOCKED_METHODS = \ [ :bind, :publish, :queue, :subscribe, :create_channel, :topic ] # When you call an AMQP I/O method, instead of doing real I/O, it will deposit # the call into the @calls dictionary for observation. attr_reader :calls do |name| # Eval is Evil, but this is pretty quick for testing. eval """ def #{name}(*x) key = #{name.inspect} (@calls[key] ||= []).push(x) @calls[key] = @calls[key].last(10) self end """ end def initialize(*) self.clear! end def start self end def clear! @calls = {} end end Transport.default_amqp_adapter = FakeTransport Transport.current = require "rspec/rails" require_relative "./stuff" require_relative "./fake_sequence" Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f } SmarfDoc.config do |c| c.template_file = "" c.output_file = "" end require "database_cleaner" DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation # then, whenever you need to clean the DB DatabaseCleaner.clean RSpec.configure do |config| if DO_INTEGRATION # Do I need to run `env RAILS_ENV=productiono npm run build`? require "capybara/rails" require "capybara/rspec" require "selenium/webdriver" # Be sure to run the server in a seperate window! Capybara.run_server = false Capybara.app_host = "http://localhost:3000" Capybara.server_host = "localhost" Capybara.server_port = "3000" end config.color = true config.fail_fast = 10 config.backtrace_exclusion_patterns = [/gems/] config.filter_run_excluding type: :feature unless DO_INTEGRATION config.include Helpers config.infer_spec_type_from_file_location! config.order = "random" if ENV["DOCS"] config.after(:each, type: :controller) do!(, response) end config.after(:suite) do SmarfDoc.finish! end end end def run_jobs_now delay_jobs = Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = false yield Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = delay_jobs end # Reassign constants without getting a bunch of warnings to STDOUT. # This is just for testing purposes, so NBD. def const_reassign(target, const, value) target.send(:remove_const, const) target.const_set(const, value) end class NiceResponse attr_reader :r, :body def initialize(r) @r = r @body = end def path r.path end def pretty_url r.method + " " + r.path.first(45) + query end def has_params? r.params .except(:controller, :action, :format, :id) .keys .length > 0 end def has_body? r.body.size > 4 end def display_body begin JSON .pretty_generate(JSON.parse(body)) .first(500) rescue JSON.pretty_generate(r .params .except(:controller, :action, :format, :id, :user_id, :device_id)).first(500) end end def query if r.query_string.present? "?" + r.query_string.first(45) else "" end end end