WARNING_HEADER = \ """ // THIS INTERFACE WAS AUTO GENERATED ON #{Date.today} // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. // IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN ON EVERY CELERYSCRIPT UPGRADE. """ HASH = Sequence::Corpus.as_json({}) OUTPUT = [WARNING_HEADER] FILE_PATH = "latest_corpus.ts" VALUES = HASH.fetch(:values) VALUE_PREFIX = "CS" VALUES_TPL = "export type %{name} = %{type};\n" VALUES_OVERRIDE = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(float: "number", integer: "number") # There are some rule exceptions when generating the Typescript corpus. FUNNY_NAMES = { "Example" => "CSExample" } ENUMS = HASH.fetch(:enums) ENUM_TPL = "export type %{name} = %{type};\n" ARGS = HASH .fetch(:args) .reduce(HashWithIndifferentAccess.new) do |acc, arg| acc[arg.fetch("name").to_s] = arg acc end NODES = HASH.fetch(:nodes) NODE_START = [ "export type %{camel_case}BodyItem = %{body_types};", "/** %{docs} %{tag_docs} */", "export interface %{camel_case} {", " comment?: string | undefined;", ' kind: "%{snake_case}";', " args: {", ].join("\n") MIDDLE_CENTER = " %{arg_name}: %{arg_values};" BOTTOM_END = [ " }", " body?: %{camel_case}BodyItem[] | undefined;", "}\n", ].join("\n") CONSTANT_DECLR_HACK = { LATEST_VERSION: Sequence::LATEST_VERSION, DIGITAL: CeleryScriptSettingsBag::DIGITAL, ANALOG: CeleryScriptSettingsBag::ANALOG, } CONSTANT_DECLR_HACK_TPL = "export const %{name} = %{value};\n" PUBLIC_NODES = [] # Filled at runtime def emit_constants() CONSTANT_DECLR_HACK.map do |(name, value)| konst = CONSTANT_DECLR_HACK_TPL % { name: name, value: value } add_to_output(konst) end end def add_to_output(string) OUTPUT.push(string) end def save! File.open(FILE_PATH, "w") { |f| f.write(OUTPUT.join("")) } puts "Saved to #{FILE_PATH}" end def name_of(thing) thing.fetch("name").to_s end def emit_values output = VALUES.map do |val| real_name = name_of(val) capitalized = real_name.capitalize celerized = VALUE_PREFIX + capitalized FUNNY_NAMES[capitalized] = celerized type = VALUES_OVERRIDE.fetch(real_name, real_name) VALUES_TPL % { name: celerized, type: type } end .uniq .sort add_to_output(output) end def emit_enums output = ENUMS.map do |enum| name = name_of(enum) type = enum.fetch("allowed_values").sort.map(&:inspect).uniq.join(" | ") FUNNY_NAMES[name] = name ENUM_TPL % { name: name, type: type } end .uniq .sort add_to_output(output) end def emit_nodes() nodes = NODES.map do |node| tags = node.fetch("tags").sort.uniq # Don't publish internal CeleryScript nodes: next if tags.include?(:private) tag_list = tags.join(", ") name = name_of(node).to_s bodies = node .fetch("allowed_body_types") .sort .uniq .map(&:to_s) .map(&:camelize) bt = bodies.any? ? "(#{bodies.join(" | ")})" : "never" PUBLIC_NODES.push(name.camelize) tpl_binding = { body_types: bt, camel_case: name.camelize, docs: node.fetch("docs"), snake_case: name, tag_docs: "Tag properties: #{tag_list}." } one = NODE_START % tpl_binding two = node.fetch("allowed_args").sort.map do |arg| MIDDLE_CENTER % { arg_name: arg.to_s, arg_values: ARGS.fetch(arg) .fetch("allowed_values") .map(&:name) .map { |x| FUNNY_NAMES[x] || x.camelize } .join(" | ") } end three = BOTTOM_END % tpl_binding [one, two, three].flatten.join("\n") end .compact .uniq .join("\n") add_to_output(nodes) end def emit_misc() types = PUBLIC_NODES.sort.uniq.join(" | ") tpl = "export type CeleryNode = #{types};\n" add_to_output(tpl) end emit_constants() emit_values() emit_enums() emit_nodes() emit_misc() save!