import * as React from "react"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import { PasswordReset, State } from "../password_reset"; import * as moxios from "moxios"; describe("", () => { beforeEach(function () { // import and pass your custom axios instance to this method moxios.install(); }); afterEach(function () { // import and pass your custom axios instance to this method moxios.uninstall(); }); it("resets the users password", (done) => { expect.assertions(5); const el = mount(); el.setState({ password: "knocknock", passwordConfirmation: "knocknock", serverURL: "localhost", serverPort: "3000" }); el.find("form").simulate("submit", { preventDefault: jest.fn() }); moxios.wait(function () { const request = moxios.requests.mostRecent(); request.respondWith({ status: 200, response: {} }).then(function (resp) { expect(resp.config.url).toContain("api/password_resets"); expect(resp.config.method).toEqual("put"); const json: State = JSON.parse(; expect(Object.keys(json)).toContain("password"); expect(Object.keys(json)).toContain("password_confirmation"); expect(json.password).toEqual("knocknock"); done(); }); }); }); it("Has a form set()ter", () => { const el = mount(); const i = el.instance() as PasswordReset; const field = "password"; const value = "password123"; const fn = i.set(field); i.setState = jest.fn(i.setState); type E = React.FormEvent; const e = { currentTarget: { value } } as E; fn(e as E); expect(i.setState).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ [field]: value }); }); });