module Api # When RabbitMQ gets a connection, it will check in with the API to make sure # the user is allowed to perform the action. # Returning "allow" will allow them to perform the requested action. # Any other response results in denial. # Results are cached for 10 minutes to prevent too many requests to the API. class RmqUtilsController < Api::AbstractController class BrokerConnectionLimiter attr_reader :cache CACHE_KEY_TPL = "mqtt_limiter:%s" TTL = 60 * 5 # Five Minutes PER_DEVICE_MAX = 20 MAX_GUEST_COUNT = 256 WARNING = "'%s' was rate limited." class RateLimit < StandardError; end def self.current(cache = Rails.cache.redis) end def initialize(cache) @cache = cache end def maybe_continue(username) is_guest = (username == FARMBOT_DEMO_USER) max = is_guest ? MAX_GUEST_COUNT : PER_DEVICE_MAX key = CACHE_KEY_TPL % username total = (cache.get(key) || "0").to_i needs_ttl = cache.ttl(key) < 1 if total < max cache.incr(key) cache.expire(key, TTL) if needs_ttl yield else Device .delay .connection_warning(username) if !is_guest raise RateLimit, username end end end # List of AMQP/MQTT topics we support in the following format: # "bot.device_123.
" BOT_CHANNELS = %w( from_api from_clients from_device logs nerves_hub ping pong resources_v0 status status_v8 sync telemetry \\# \\* ).map { |x| x + "(\\.|\\z)" }.join("|") # The only valid format for AMQP / MQTT topics. # Prevents a whole host of abuse / security issues. DEVICE_SPECIFIC_CHANNELS ="bot\\.device_\\d*\\.(#{BOT_CHANNELS})") PUBLIC_BROADCAST = "public_broadcast" PUBLIC_CHANNELS = ["", ".*", ".#"].map { |x| PUBLIC_BROADCAST + x } MALFORMED_TOPIC = "malformed topic. Must match #{DEVICE_SPECIFIC_CHANNELS.inspect}" VHOST = ENV.fetch("MQTT_VHOST") { "/" } RESOURCES = ["queue", "exchange"] PERMISSIONS = ["configure", "read", "write"] FARMBOT_DEMO_USER = "farmbot_demo" DEMO_REGISTRY_ROOT = "demos" class PasswordFailure < Exception; end rescue_from PasswordFailure, with: :report_suspicious_behavior rescue_from BrokerConnectionLimiter::RateLimit, with: :deny skip_before_action :check_fbos_version, except: [] skip_before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [] before_action :always_allow_admin, except: [:user_action] def user_action # Session entrypoint - Part I # Example JSON: # "username" => "", # "password" => "******", # "vhost" => "/", # "client_id" => "MQTT_FX_Client", case username_param # NOTE: "guest" is not the same as # "farmbot_demo". We intentionally # differentiate to avoid accidental # security issues. -RC when "guest" then deny when "admin" then authenticate_admin when FARMBOT_DEMO_USER with_rate_limit { allow } else is_ok = device_id_in_username == is_ok ? (with_rate_limit { allow }) : deny end end def vhost_action # Session entrypoint - Part II # Example JSON: # "username" => "admin", # "vhost" => "/", # "ip" => "::ffff:", vhost_param == VHOST ? allow : deny end def resource_action # Example JSON: # "username" => "admin", # "vhost" => "/", # "resource" => "queue", # "name" => "mqtt-subscription-MQTT_FX_Clientqos0", # "permission" => "configure", ok = RESOURCES.include?(resource_param) && PERMISSIONS.include?(permission_param) ok ? allow : deny end def topic_action # Called during subscribe # Example JSON: # "name" => "amq.topic", # "permission" => "read", # "resource" => "topic", # "routing_key" => "from_api", # "username" => "admin", # "vhost" => "/", case routing_key_param when *PUBLIC_CHANNELS permission_param == "read" ? allow : deny else if_topic_is_safe do device_id_in_topic == device_id_in_username ? allow : deny end end end private def always_allow_admin raise "NEVER" if action_name == "user" # Security failsafe allow if admin? end def farmbot_demo? username_param == FARMBOT_DEMO_USER end def admin? username_param == "admin" end def authenticate_admin correct_pw = password_param == admin_password ok = admin? && correct_pw if ok allow("management", "administrator") else raise PasswordFailure end end def admin_password @admin_password ||= ENV.fetch("ADMIN_PASSWORD") rescue KeyError raise PasswordFailure end def report_suspicious_behavior Rollbar.error("Failed password attempt on RMQ: " + password_param) deny end def deny render json: "deny", status: 403 end def allow(*tags) render json: (["allow"] + tags).join(" ") end def username_param @username ||= params.fetch("username") end def password_param @password ||= params.fetch("password") end def routing_key_param @routing_key ||= params.fetch("routing_key") end def vhost_param @vhost ||= params.fetch("vhost") end def resource_param @resource ||= params.fetch("resource") end def permission_param @permission ||= params.fetch("permission") end def if_topic_is_safe if farmbot_demo? a, b, c = (routing_key_param || "").split(".") if !(permission_param == "read") deny return end if !(a == DEMO_REGISTRY_ROOT) deny return end if b.nil? deny return end if b.include?("*") deny return end if b.include?("#") deny return end if c.present? deny return end yield return end if !!DEVICE_SPECIFIC_CHANNELS.match(routing_key_param) yield return end render json: MALFORMED_TOPIC, status: 422 end def device_id_in_topic (routing_key_param || "") # "bot.device_9.logs" .gsub("bot.device_", "") # "9.logs" .split(".") # ["9", "logs"] .first # "9" .to_i || 0 # 9 end def with_rate_limit BrokerConnectionLimiter .current .maybe_continue(username_param) { yield } end def current_device @current_device ||=!(jwt: password_param).device rescue Mutations::ValidationException => e raise JWT::VerificationError, "RMQ Provided bad token" end def device_id_in_username @device_id ||= username_param.gsub("device_", "").to_i end end end