# ░██████░░███████░░█████░░░██████░░ # ░██░░░░░░░░██░░░░██░░░██░░██░░░██░ READ THIS BEFORE USING IT. # ░██████░░░░██░░░░██░░░██░░██████░░ SEE NOTES BELOW: # ░░░░░██░░░░██░░░░██░░░██░░██░░░░░░ # ░██████░░░░██░░░░░████░░░░██░░░░░░ # You will hit issues if any of these are set to the wrong value. # Please read each line of this file before starting the server. # # PLEASE READ ALL ENTRIES. # ============================================================================= # # Self hosting users can safely delete this (a new key will be created). # This key is used to exchange secrets between bots and MQTT servers (important # if you don't use SSL) # SERVER WONT WORK IF YOU FORGET TO DELETE THIS EXAMPLE TEXT BELOW. # ADD A REAL RSA_KEY OR DELETE THIS LINE!! RSA_KEY: "Change this! Keys look like `-----BEGIN RSA .........`" # If you use Let's Encrypt for SSL, # you must set this when renewing SSL. # Otherwise, not required and CAN BE REMOVED. ACME_SECRET: "-----" # If your server is on a domain (eg: my-own-farmbot.com), put it here. # DONT USE `localhost`. # DONT USE ``. # DONT USE ``. # Use a real ip or domain name. API_HOST: "" # 3000 for local development. 443 is using SSL. You will need `sudo` to use PORT # 80 on most systems. API_PORT: "3000" # This can be set to anything. # Most users can just delete it. # This is used for people writing modifications to the software, mostly. DOCS: "Set this to any value if you want to generate API docs after running tests" # Most users can delete this. # Used by people who pay for managed database hosting. DATABASE_URL: "postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@URL:PORT/DB_NAME" # MUST REPLACE. # Generate a secret by typing `rake secret` into the console. DEVISE_SECRET: "Used for devise. Use `rake secret` to generate a new value." # Most personal server users can delete this. FORCE_SSL: "Remove this if not using HTTPS://" # FarmBot OS update server. Use default if you don't have a special use case. # Off grid servers may have issues connecting to our update URL. OS_UPDATE_SERVER: "https://api.github.com/repos/farmbot/farmbot_os/releases/latest" # Google Cloud Storage API Bucket for image data. # Deleting this will save to disk. # Most self hosting users will want to delete this. GCS_BUCKET: "GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME_FOR_IMAGE_FILES" # Google Cloud Storage ID for image data. # Deleting this will save images to disk. # Most self hosting users will want to delete this. GCS_ID: "GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE: 'interop' id" # Most self hosting users will want to delete this. GCS_KEY: "GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE: 'interop' key" # Most self hosting users will want to delete this. HEROKU_SLUG_COMMIT: "This is set by Heroku, used by Frontend to show current version." # Where is your MQTT server running? # Use a REAL IP ADDRESS if you are controlling real bots. # is only OK for software testing. Change this! MQTT_HOST: "" # Delete this line if you are not an employee of FarmBot, Inc. NPM_ADDON: "Used by FarmBot, Inc. to load proprietary extras, like Rollbar." # Same as above. Can be deleted unless you are a Rollbar.IO customer. ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN: "____" ROLLBAR_CLIENT_TOKEN: "____" # FarmBot, Inc. uses SendGrid to send emails. # Delete these if you don't use send grid. SENDGRID_PASSWORD: "Used by FarmBot, Inc" SENDGRID_USERNAME: "Used by FarmBot, Inc" # For email delivery. Who is your email host? SMTP_HOST: "smtp.sendgrid.net" # Optional with default of 587 SMTP_PORT: "587" # Set this if you don't want to deal with email verification of new users. # (self hosted users) NO_EMAILS: "TRUE" # Self hosting users can delete this line. # If you are not using the standard MQTT broker (eg: you use a 3rd party # MQTT vendor), you will need to change this line. MQTT_WS: "ws://DELETE_OR_CHANGE_THIS_LINE/ws" # ENV var used by FarmBot employees when building different versions of the JWT # auth backend plugin. # Can be deleted safely. API_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH: "http://changeme.io/api/public_key" # If you are using a shared RabbitMQ server and need to use a VHost other than # "/", change this ENV var. MQTT_VHOST: "/" # If you run a server with multiple domain names (HINT: You probably don't), # you can list the names here. This is used by FarmBot employees so that they # can securly host the same server on multiple domain names # ex: my.farm.bot, my.farmbot.io EXTRA_DOMAINS: staging.farm.bot,whatever.farm.bot # If you are a software developer and you wish to run integration tests, set the # ENV below to "true". # Most users will not want this enabled. RUN_CAPYBARA: "true" # Set this to "production" in most cases. # If you need help debugging issues, please delete this line. RAILS_ENV: "production"