let mockPath = ""; jest.mock("../../../history", () => ({ getPathArray: jest.fn(() => { return mockPath.split("/"); }), history: { push: jest.fn() } })); jest.mock("../../../api/crud", () => ({ initSave: jest.fn() })); jest.mock("../../actions", () => ({ unselectPlant: jest.fn(() => jest.fn()), setDragIcon: jest.fn(), })); import * as React from "react"; import { RawCropInfo as CropInfo, searchForCurrentCrop } from "../crop_info"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import { CropInfoProps } from "../../interfaces"; import { initSave } from "../../../api/crud"; import { history } from "../../../history"; import { fakeCropLiveSearchResult } from "../../../__test_support__/fake_crop_search_result"; import { unselectPlant } from "../../actions"; import { svgToUrl } from "../../../open_farm/icons"; describe("", () => { const fakeProps = (): CropInfoProps => { const cropSearchResult = fakeCropLiveSearchResult(); cropSearchResult.crop.svg_icon = "fake_mint_svg"; cropSearchResult.crop.row_spacing = 100; return { openfarmSearch: jest.fn(), dispatch: jest.fn(), cropSearchQuery: undefined, cropSearchResults: [cropSearchResult], cropSearchInProgress: false, openedSavedGarden: undefined, botPosition: { x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined }, }; }; it("renders", () => { mockPath = "/app/designer/plants/crop_search/mint"; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("Mint"); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("Drag and drop into map"); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("Row Spacing1000mm"); expect(wrapper.find("img").last().props().src) .toEqual(svgToUrl("fake_mint_svg")); }); it("navigates to /add", () => { mockPath = "/app/designer/plants/crop_search/mint"; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".right-button").simulate("click"); expect(history.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "/app/designer/plants/crop_search/mint/add"); }); it("returns to crop search", () => { mockPath = "/app/designer/plants/crop_search/mint"; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".back-arrow").simulate("click"); expect(history.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "/app/designer/plants/crop_search/"); }); it("disables 'add plant @ UTM' button", () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("location (unknown)"); }); it("adds a plant at the current bot position", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.botPosition = { x: 100, y: 200, z: undefined }; const wrapper = mount(); const button = wrapper.find("button").last(); expect(button.text()).toContain("location (100, 200)"); button.simulate("click"); expect(initSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Point", expect.objectContaining({ name: "Mint", x: 100, y: 200, z: 0 })); }); it("renders cm in mm", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.cropSearchResults[0].crop.spread = 1234; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.text().toLowerCase()).toContain("12340mm"); }); it("renders missing values", () => { const p = fakeProps(); p.cropSearchResults[0].crop.svg_icon = undefined; p.cropSearchResults[0].crop.row_spacing = undefined; p.cropSearchResults[0].crop.common_names = []; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.text().toLowerCase()).toContain("iconnot set"); expect(wrapper.text().toLowerCase()).toContain("spacingnot set"); expect(wrapper.text().toLowerCase()).toContain("common namesnot set"); }); }); describe("searchForCurrentCrop()", () => { it("searches", () => { mockPath = "/app/designer/plants/crop_search/mint"; const dispatch = jest.fn(); const fakeOFSearch = jest.fn(() => jest.fn()); searchForCurrentCrop(fakeOFSearch)(dispatch); expect(fakeOFSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mint"); expect(unselectPlant).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });