import * as React from "react"; import { t } from "i18next"; import { BooleanMCUInputGroup } from "../boolean_mcu_input_group"; import { ToolTips } from "../../../constants"; import { NumericMCUInputGroup } from "../numeric_mcu_input_group"; import { HomingRow } from "../homing_row"; import { CalibrationRow } from "../calibration_row"; import { ZeroRow } from "../zero_row"; import { enabledAxisMap } from "../axis_tracking_status"; import { HomingAndCalibrationProps } from "../interfaces"; import { Header } from "./header"; import { Collapse } from "@blueprintjs/core"; export function HomingAndCalibration(props: HomingAndCalibrationProps) { let { dispatch, bot } = props; let { mcu_params } = bot.hardware; let { homing_and_calibration } =; /** * Tells us if X/Y/Z have a means of checking their position. * FARMBOT WILL CRASH INTO WALLS IF THIS IS WRONG! BE CAREFUL. */ let enabled = enabledAxisMap(mcu_params); return
; }