# LibreSatCam LibreSatCam is a project to make a free software, open source hardware, libre camera optimized for photographing artificial satellites. It is a fork of an upstream project, see below for details. ![KiCad Camera PCB in 3D.](img/kicad-camera-pcb-3d.png) ![KiCad FPGA PCB in 3D.](img/kicad-fpga-pcb-3d.png) ![KiCad USB PCB in 3D.](img/kicad-usb-pcb-3d.png) # TODO Perhaps, round one: * Create bill of materials (BoM) suitable for ProtoExpress. * Submit BoM to ProtoExpress. * Submit upstream pre-made Altium gerber files to ProtoExpress. Round two: * Port board to KiCad. * Submit new design to ProtoExpress. # Altium to KiCad The upstream files for this project are created in the proprietary Altium application. The files are being converted to KiCad, which is free software. * Import schematics with standalone `eeschema`. `*.kicad_pro` file is automatically created. * Import `.PrjPcb` file with standalone `pcbnew`. * `Tools` --> `Harvest footprints to new library...`. Create the library, containing all pcb footprints. XXX *Note: not in KiCad 6?* * Close everything, open `.kicad_pcb` files with text editor. * Replace all references of non-existing library names from Altium, to the new library, created earlier. * Launch KiCad, open `.kicad_pro` file, created above by eeschema. * Start `pcbnew`, `Tools` --> `Update Schematic from pcb...`. This will set correct footprint assignments from PCB to schematics. * Save everything. * `Tools` --> `Update PCB from schematics...` as sanity check. The conversion process steps came from looking at issues, the KiCad forum, and trial and error. * https://forum.kicad.info/t/work-in-progress-native-altium-importer/20712 * https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues/6282 **Note: this process still doesn't work perfect, and some of the steps above are no longer options.** # Bill of Materials See the `BoM/` directory for the bill of materials spreadsheets. There are three PCBs to be manufactured, requiring three BoMs. Converting the three below to BoMs suitable for ProtoExpress. * Camera --- Initial draft. * FPGA --- Draft, some Mouser parts. * USB --- Initial draft. # Upstream See `README-upstream.md`. Upstream main website: * http://www.circuitvalley.com/ Upstream source code (cloned to master branch in local repo): * https://github.com/circuitvalley/USB_C_Industrial_Camera_FPGA_USB3 Upstream blog post documentation, also a copy in this repo in `docs/`: * https://www.circuitvalley.com/2022/06/pensource-usb-c-industrial-camera-c-mount-fpga-imx-mipi-usb-3-crosslinknx.html Upstream video documentation: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwXs9RB6uD0 Upstream license, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). * https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ *Copyright © Gaurav Singh.* May contain components from upstream Altium libraries, which retain their upstream copyright. # Copyright Upstream sources under their respective copyrights. License: CC By 4.0 International, same as upstream. *Copyright © 2022, Jeff Moe.*