% % Introduction.tex % % SatNOGS Optical Unofficial Guide % % Copyright (C) 2022, Jeff Moe % % This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 % International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Jeff Moe. % The SatNOGS Optical Unofficial Guide documents how to set up and run an \gls{optical-ground-station} for the \gls{LSF}'s \gls{SatNOGS} network. \section{Unofficial Guide Overview} First, an overview of the this text, then the \gls{LSF}, some of it's key projects, such as the \gls{SatNOGS} network. Chapters: % Perhaps more LaTeXy ref XXX \begin{itemize} \item Satellites --- What are we looking at? \item Ground Stations --- How Earth talks to satellites and back. \item SatNOGS Optical Process Overview --- The big picture of what hardware and software is needed to set up an optical ground station for use on the distributed network. \item Hardware --- Details on appropriate hardware configurations, and example setups. \item Software --- A look at the myriad software related to satellites, and what works best at present for SatNOGS Optical. \item Acquire --- Convert photons to bits. Pointing a camera at the sky works. \item Solve --- Pictures of stars reveal the time and location of the photo. Plate solvers reviewed. \item Detect --- The plate solver says where the photo is, now detect if are there moving tracks that aren't stars that could be satellites. \item Identify --- With time, location, satellite detection, \glspl{TLE} are overlaid and compared with detected satellites. Satellite identification by computers and humans. \item Upload --- When ready, data will be pushed to the SatNOGS network. \item Support --- Where development is occurring and questions answered! \end{itemize} \section{Libre Space Foundation} The \gls{LSF} supports ``free and accessible space for all, creating \gls{open-source} space technologies.''% \footnote{\url{https://libre.space}} \index{Open Source} \begin{figure}[h!] \includegraphics[keepaspectratio=true,height=1.10\textheight,width=1.00\textwidth,angle=0]{lsf-web.png} \caption{Libre Space Foundation Website.} \label{fig:lsf-web} \index{Libre Space Foundation} \end{figure} Select \gls{LSF} projects: \index{UPSat} \begin{itemize} \item SatNOGS --- Global network of satellite ground stations \\ \url{https://satnogs.org} \item UPSat --- First open source hardware and software satellite in the world \\ \url{https://upsat.gr/} \end{itemize} \section{SatNOGS Network} SatNOGS is the \gls{LSF}'s global network of satellite ground stations. \begin{figure}[h!] \includegraphics[keepaspectratio=true,height=1.10\textheight,width=1.00\textwidth,angle=0]{satnogs-web.png} \caption{SatNOGS Website.} \label{fig:satnogs-web} \index{SatNOGS} \end{figure} \section{Network Status} The SatNOGS \gls{RF} network has been running successfully for years. Adding an optical network is a new development. At present there are zero nodes on the network. Some software already exists, some is being ported from C to Python, and other parts remain to be done. There is software available for acquiring optical data of satellites. There is no facility at present for pushing data back to the network.