% % BlackmagicLibre.tex % Main LaTeX document for formatting BlackmagicLibre % % Blackmagic Libre % % Copyright (C) 2023, Jeff Moe % % Previous versions of this LaTeX template (with different content): % Copyright (C) 2017, 2022 Jeff Moe % Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Aleph Objects, Inc. % Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Jeff Moe % % This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 % International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) by Jeff Moe. % % LaTeX Docs: % http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Category:LaTeX % LaTeX Memoir Class % Docs: /usr/share/doc/texlive-doc/latex/memoir/memman.pdf \documentclass[twoside,10pt,openright,final,english]{memoir} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shadows,shapes,arrows,chains,calc,decorations.pathmorphing,patterns,trees,positioning,automata,fit} % This breaks things, but would be great to use %\usepackage{tikz-qtree,tikz-qtree-compat} \usepackage{rotating} \usepackage{forest} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,shapes} 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%%% LIST OF LISTINGS %%% %\usepackage{listings} %%% END LIST OF LISTINGS %%% %%% PREAMBLE FONTS %%% % For XeTeX % http://www.ctan.org/pkg/fontspec % http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fontspec/fontspec.pdf \usepackage{fontspec} \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX} % To support LaTeX quoting style % To get font name, run, for example: % otfinfo -i `kpsewhich lmroman12-regular.otf` | grep "^Full name:" % STIX \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{STIXGeneral-Regular} % Latin Modern \setmonofont{LMMono12-Regular} % Linux Biolinum \setsansfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Biolinum O} %%% END PREAMBLE FONTS %%% %%% MISC %%% \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % underline \usepackage{floatpag} % Full page figures without page numbers. %%% END MISC %%% %%% PAGE, STOCK, AND MARGIN SIZE %%% % 7.44 x 9.68" 18.90 x 24.58cm % "Crown Quarto/Crown 4vo" at Lulu and Lightning Source \setstocksize{24.58cm}{18.90cm} % { height }{ width } \settrimmedsize{\stockheight}{\stockwidth}{*} %\settypeblocksize{ height }{ width 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\makeindex %%% END INDEX %%% %%% GLOSSARY %%% \let\printindex\relax % or conflicts with memoir \usepackage[ automake, % Automatically create glossary files when compiling acronyms, % Allow the use of acronyms as a separate glossary type abbreviations, % Allow the use of abbreviations as a separate glossary type nonumberlist,record=hybrid,index,toc,indexcrossrefs,translate=babel, % TODO comment what each of these does ]{glossaries-extra} %%% Multiple Columns (Abbreviations) \usepackage{glossary-mcols} \renewcommand{\abbreviationsname}{List of Abbreviations} % Change the default name of the abbreviations \makeindex % Specify the in-text glossary abbreviation style for each glossary type \setabbreviationstyle{long-short} \setabbreviationstyle[acronym]{long-short} % The first time an acronym is used in text, display it as (), e.g. "Network Time Protocol (NTP)" % Load all glossary type entries from separate .bib files. Acronyms and abbreviations are input using @dual entries which the code below duplicates and puts into 2 separate glossary types: 1) acronym/abbreviation and 2) main. The former populate the acronyms/abbreviations and the latter populates the main glossary. % Main glossary \GlsXtrLoadResources[ src={Glossary.bib}, sort={en-US}, % Default sorting type=main, % Glossary type of main (primary) entries (e.g. @entry) dual-sort={combine}, % TODO this should be working but it's not >_< it also doesn't work in \GlsXtrLoadResources for the main glossary where it might need to go instead dual-sort-field={sort}, % TODO not working ] % Acronyms \GlsXtrLoadResources[ src={Acronyms.bib}, % Source bib file containing acronym entries sort={letter-nocase}, % Default sorting type=acronym, % Glossary type of main (primary) entries (e.g. @acronym) dual-type=main, % Glossary type of dual (secondary) entries, dual entries are only created with @dual* entries in the .bib file dual-abbrv-map={{long}, {name}}, % Map the long field in the @dualacronym entry to the name field used in the main glossary abbreviation-sort-fallback={name}, % Sort entries by the long field (check this in .glstex by looking at the dual entry sort= values) dual-sort={combine}, % TODO this should be working but it's not >_< it also doesn't work in \GlsXtrLoadResources for the main glossary where it might need to go instead dual-sort-field={sort}, % TODO not working ] % Abbreviations \GlsXtrLoadResources[ src={Abbreviations.bib}, % Source bib file containing abbreviations entries sort={letter-nocase}, % Default sorting type=abbreviations, % Glossary type of main (primary) entries (e.g. @abbreviation) dual-type=main, % Glossary type of dual (secondary) entries, dual entries are only created with @dual* entries in the .bib file dual-abbrv-map={{long}, {name}}, % Map the long field in the @dualabbreviation entry to the name field used in the main glossary abbreviation-sort-fallback={name}, % Sort entries by the long field (check this in .glstex by looking at the dual entry sort= values) dual-sort={combine}, % TODO this should be working but it's not >_< it also doesn't work in \GlsXtrLoadResources for the main glossary where it might need to go instead dual-sort-field={sort}, % TODO not working ] % Another approach that uses just the normal @abbreviation and @acronym entries but doesn't format entries in the main glossary correctly %\GlsXtrLoadResources[ % src={Glossary.bib}, % sort={en-US}, % Default sorting % type=main, % Glossary type of main (primary) entries (e.g. @entry) %] %% Acronyms %\GlsXtrLoadResources[ % src={Acronyms.bib}, % Source bib file containing acronym entries % sort={letter-nocase}, % Default sorting % type=acronym, % Glossary type of main (primary) entries (e.g. @acronym) % secondary={en-US:long:main}, %] %% Abbreviations %\GlsXtrLoadResources[ % src={Abbreviations.bib}, % Source bib file containing abbreviations entries % sort={letter-nocase}, % Default sorting % type=abbreviations, % Glossary type of main (primary) entries (e.g. @abbreviation) % secondary={en-US:long:main}, %] \GlsXtrEnableIndexFormatOverride \glsdefpostname{acronym}{ (\glsentryshort{\glscurrententrylabel})} % Add " () to acronym entries in the main glossary \glsdefpostname{abbreviation}{ (\glsentryshort{\glscurrententrylabel})} % Add " () to abbreviation entries in the main glossary % Define a new glossary style that outputs short and long fields from glossary entries in a description list environment \newglossarystyle{shortlongglossary}{% % Put glossary entries into a description environment \renewenvironment{theglossary}{ \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{description} }{ \end{description} \end{multicols} }% % Define which fields are output for each glossary entry \renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{% \item[\glstarget{##1}{\glsentryshort{##1}}] \glsentrylong{##1} % Each glossary entry is output as a description item in the format: \item[] }% } % Adds acronym to index like: % World Coordinate System (WCS), 67, 116 % Adds glossary to index like: % photon, xii \renewcommand*{\glsxtrautoindexentry}[1]{% \ifglshasshort{#1}% {\string\glsentrylong{#1} (\glsentryshort{#1})}% {\string\glsentrylong{#1}}% } % use long form for the sort value in the index, if provided: \renewcommand*{\glsxtrautoindexassignsort}[2]{% \ifglshaslong{#2}% {\glsletentryfield{#1}{#2}{long}}% {\glsletentryfield{#1}{#2}{sort}}% } % OK, ACRONYM shows description, then short. % Showshort first better. % Shows both when desc=long, only one needed... % OK, but me. XXX borken? %\glsdefpostname{acronym}{TEST} % This outputs something after the name, e.g. NTPTEST %\renewcommand*{\glsxtrpostdescacronym}{\glsentrylong{\glscurrententrylabel}} % This outputs something after the description % crossref for see: \renewcommand*{\glsxtrpostdescgeneral}{% \ifglshasfield{see}{\glscurrententrylabel} {, \glsxtrusesee{\glscurrententrylabel}}% {}% } % Index glossary, abbreviations, acronyms \glssetcategoryattribute{general}{dualindex}{hyperpage} \glssetcategoryattribute{abbreviation}{dualindex}{hyperpage} \glssetcategoryattribute{acronym}{dualindex}{hyperpage} % First letter upper %\glssetcategoryattribute{general}{glossname}{firstuc} %%% END GLOSSARY %%% %%% DEBUG %%% %\showoutput %\typeoutlayout %\typeoutstandardlayout %%% END DEBUG %%% %%% END OF PREAMBLE %%% %%% BEGIN DOCUMENT %%% \begin{document} %%% BEGIN FRONT MATTER %%% \frontmatter %%% HALF TITLE PAGE %%% % We want the half title to be on the recto (right/odd) page. % Needs blank verso (left/even) page. XXX ? \include{Half_Title} %%% END HALF TITLE PAGE %%% FRONTISPIECE PAGE %%% % We want the frontispiece to be on the verso (left/even) page. XXX %\include{Frontispiece} %%% END FRONTISPIECE PAGE % Set page numbers to lowercase roman numerals, and reset the count to 1 (no *) \pagenumbering{roman} %%% TITLE PAGE %%% % We want the title to be on the recto (right/odd) page. XXX % If we pad a page, it gives us two with openright \include{Title} %%% END TITLE PAGE %%% COPYRIGHT PAGE %%% \include{Copyright} %%% END COPYRIGHT PAGE %%% %%% DEDICATION PAGE %%% %\include{Dedication} %%% END DEDICATION PAGE %%% %%% EPIGRAPH PAGE %%% %\include{Epigraph} %%% END EPIGRAPH PAGE %%% %%% TABLE OF CONTENTS %%% { \maxtocdepth{subsection} \settocdepth{subsection} %\setsecnumdepth{subsection} % space between dots \renewcommand{\cftchapterdotsep}{15} % dot symbol (default is period) \renewcommand{\cftdot}{\textperiodcentered} % centered period % Set space between each entry in ToC \setlength{\cftbeforechapterskip}{5pt} \tableofcontents*} %%% END TABLE OF CONTENTS %%% %%% CHAPTER STYLE %%% \chapterstyle{jebbaski} % defined in preamble \def\topblockvspace{0.11} %%% END CHAPTER STYLE %%% %%% CHAPTER CONFIG %%% \newcommand{\chapterheader}{Blackmagic Libre} % See \chapterconf below for examples of how this is used. % value 1 is file to include % value 2 is title of chapter % value 3 is sub title of chapter \newcommand{\chapterconf}[3]{ \chapter{\emph{#2}\protect \\ {#3}} \thispagestyle{empty} \markboth{#2}{\chapterheader} {\include{#1}} } % \chapterconf{Name of file to include}{Title of Chapter} %%% END CHAPTER CONFIG %%% %%% LIST OF FIGURES %%% \clearpage \listoffigures %%% END LIST OF FIGURES %%% %%% LIST OF LISTINGS %%% %\clearpage %\listoflistings %%% END LIST OF LISTINGS %%% %%% LIST OF TABLES %%% \clearpage \listoftables %%% END LIST OF TABLES %%% %%% FRONTMATTER CHAPTERS %%% %%% FOREWARD PAGE %%% %\include{Foreward} %%% END FOREWARD PAGE %%% %%% PREFACE PAGE %%% %\include{Preface} %%% END PREFACE PAGE %%% %%% ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PAGE %%% %\include{Acknowledgements} %%% END ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PAGE %%% %%% ACRONYM %%% \printunsrtglossary[type={acronym}, style={shortlongglossary}] %%% END ACRONYM %%% % Format: % \chapterconf{Name of file to include}{Title of Chapter} \chapterconf{Introduction}{Introduction}{Free Software} %\chapterconf{Prologue}{Prologue}{Prologue} %%% END FRONTMATTER CHAPTERS %%% %%% END FRONTMATTER %%% %%% BEGIN MAINMATTER %%% \mainmatter* % Set page numbering to arabic, but don't reset numbering (*) \pagenumbering*{arabic} %% MAINMATTER CHAPTERS %%% % Format: % \chapterconf{Name of file to include}{Title of Chapter}{Subtitle} % Comment out a line to not render that chapter \chapterconf{Hardware}{Hardware}{Blackmagic Design Hardware} \chapterconf{Formats}{Formats and Codecs}{Blackmagic Design Formats and Codecs} \chapterconf{Applications}{Applications}{Libre Applications} % Don't render for now. \chapterconf{Cinema6k}{Cinema 6K}{Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K} \chapterconf{Contact}{Contact}{Email, Chat, Forum} %% END MAINMATTER CHAPTERS %%% %%% END MAINMATTER %%% %%% BEGIN BACKMATTER %%% \backmatter %%% APPENDIX %%% %\clearpage %\chapterconf{Appendix}{Appendix}{Even More for Free} %%% END APPENDIX %%% %%% ABBREVIATIONS %%% \printunsrtglossary[type={abbreviations}, style={shortlongglossary}] %%% END ABBREVIATIONS %%% %%% GLOSSARY %%% \printunsrtglossary[type={main}, style={indexgroup}] %%% END GLOSSARY %%% %%% BIBLIOGRAPHY %%% \clearpage \printbibliography %%% END BIBLIOGRAPHY %%% %%% INDEX %%% \clearpage \printindex %%% END INDEX %%% %%% COLOPHON %%% %%% skip a couple pages \pagebreak{} \thispagestyle{empty} \begingroup \vfill\null \endgroup \pagebreak{} \thispagestyle{empty} {\include{Colophon}} %%% END COLOPHON %%% %%% END BACKMATTER %%% \end{document} %%% END DOCUMENT %%%