BIN_IMAGE = blockbook-build DEB_IMAGE = blockbook-build-deb PACKAGER = $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) NO_CACHE = false UPDATE_VENDOR = 1 ARGS ?= TARGETS=$(subst .json,, $(shell ls configs/coins)) .PHONY: build build-debug test deb build: .bin-image docker run -t --rm -e PACKAGER=$(PACKAGER) -e UPDATE_VENDOR=$(UPDATE_VENDOR) -v $(CURDIR):/src -v $(CURDIR)/build:/out $(BIN_IMAGE) make build ARGS="$(ARGS)" build-debug: .bin-image docker run -t --rm -e PACKAGER=$(PACKAGER) -e UPDATE_VENDOR=$(UPDATE_VENDOR) -v $(CURDIR):/src -v $(CURDIR)/build:/out $(BIN_IMAGE) make build-debug ARGS="$(ARGS)" test: .bin-image docker run -t --rm -e PACKAGER=$(PACKAGER) -e UPDATE_VENDOR=$(UPDATE_VENDOR) -v $(CURDIR):/src --network="host" $(BIN_IMAGE) make test ARGS="$(ARGS)" test-integration: .bin-image docker run -t --rm -e PACKAGER=$(PACKAGER) -e UPDATE_VENDOR=$(UPDATE_VENDOR) -v $(CURDIR):/src --network="host" $(BIN_IMAGE) make test-integration ARGS="$(ARGS)" test-all: .bin-image docker run -t --rm -e PACKAGER=$(PACKAGER) -e UPDATE_VENDOR=$(UPDATE_VENDOR) -v $(CURDIR):/src --network="host" $(BIN_IMAGE) make test-all ARGS="$(ARGS)" deb-backend-%: .deb-image docker run -t --rm -e PACKAGER=$(PACKAGER) -e UPDATE_VENDOR=$(UPDATE_VENDOR) -v $(CURDIR):/src -v $(CURDIR)/build:/out $(DEB_IMAGE) /build/ backend $* $(ARGS) deb-blockbook-%: .deb-image docker run -t --rm -e PACKAGER=$(PACKAGER) -e UPDATE_VENDOR=$(UPDATE_VENDOR) -v $(CURDIR):/src -v $(CURDIR)/build:/out $(DEB_IMAGE) /build/ blockbook $* $(ARGS) deb-%: .deb-image docker run -t --rm -e PACKAGER=$(PACKAGER) -e UPDATE_VENDOR=$(UPDATE_VENDOR) -v $(CURDIR):/src -v $(CURDIR)/build:/out $(DEB_IMAGE) /build/ all $* $(ARGS) deb-blockbook-all: clean-deb $(addprefix deb-blockbook-, $(TARGETS)) $(addprefix all-, $(TARGETS)): all-%: clean-deb build-images deb-% all: clean-deb build-images $(addprefix deb-, $(TARGETS)) build-images: clean-images $(MAKE) .bin-image .deb-image .bin-image: @if [ $$(build/tools/ $(BIN_IMAGE):latest build/docker) != "ok" ]; then \ echo "Building image $(BIN_IMAGE)..."; \ docker build --no-cache=$(NO_CACHE) -t $(BIN_IMAGE) build/docker/bin; \ else \ echo "Image $(BIN_IMAGE) is up to date"; \ fi .deb-image: .bin-image @if [ $$(build/tools/ $(DEB_IMAGE):latest build/docker) != "ok" ]; then \ echo "Building image $(DEB_IMAGE)..."; \ docker build --no-cache=$(NO_CACHE) -t $(DEB_IMAGE) build/docker/deb; \ else \ echo "Image $(DEB_IMAGE) is up to date"; \ fi clean: clean-bin clean-deb clean-all: clean clean-images clean-bin: find build -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -delete clean-deb: rm -rf build/pkg-defs rm -f build/*.deb clean-images: clean-bin-image clean-deb-image rm -f .bin-image .deb-image # remove obsolete tag files clean-bin-image: - docker rmi $(BIN_IMAGE) clean-deb-image: - docker rmi $(DEB_IMAGE)