package eth import ( "blockbook/bchain" "context" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "math/big" "strconv" "sync" "time" "" "" ethereum "" ethcommon "" ethtypes "" "" "" ) type EthereumNet uint32 const ( MainNet EthereumNet = 1 TestNet EthereumNet = 3 ) // EthRPC is an interface to JSON-RPC eth service. type EthRPC struct { client *ethclient.Client rpc *rpc.Client timeout time.Duration rpcURL string Parser *EthParser Testnet bool Network string Mempool *bchain.Mempool bestHeaderMu sync.Mutex bestHeader *ethtypes.Header } type configuration struct { RPCURL string `json:"rpcURL"` RPCTimeout int `json:"rpcTimeout"` } // NewEthRPC returns new EthRPC instance. func NewEthRPC(config json.RawMessage, pushHandler func(bchain.NotificationType)) (bchain.BlockChain, error) { var err error var c configuration err = json.Unmarshal(config, &c) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Invalid configuration file") } rc, err := rpc.Dial(c.RPCURL) if err != nil { return nil, err } ec := ethclient.NewClient(rc) s := &EthRPC{ client: ec, rpc: rc, rpcURL: c.RPCURL, } // always create parser s.Parser = &EthParser{} s.timeout = time.Duration(c.RPCTimeout) * time.Second return s, nil } func (b *EthRPC) Initialize() error { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() id, err := b.client.NetworkID(ctx) if err != nil { return err } // parameters for getInfo request switch EthereumNet(id.Uint64()) { case MainNet: b.Testnet = false b.Network = "livenet" break case TestNet: b.Testnet = true b.Network = "testnet" break default: return errors.Errorf("Unknown network id %v", id) } glog.Info("rpc: block chain ", b.Network) // b.Mempool = bchain.NewMempool(s, metrics) return nil } func (b *EthRPC) Shutdown() error { return nil } func (b *EthRPC) IsTestnet() bool { return b.Testnet } func (b *EthRPC) GetNetworkName() string { return b.Network } func (b *EthRPC) getBestHeader() (*ethtypes.Header, error) { b.bestHeaderMu.Lock() defer b.bestHeaderMu.Unlock() if b.bestHeader == nil { var err error ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() b.bestHeader, err = b.client.HeaderByNumber(ctx, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } } return b.bestHeader, nil } func ethHashToHash(h ethcommon.Hash) string { return h.Hex()[2:] } func (b *EthRPC) GetBestBlockHash() (string, error) { h, err := b.getBestHeader() if err != nil { return "", err } return ethHashToHash(h.Hash()), nil } func (b *EthRPC) GetBestBlockHeight() (uint32, error) { h, err := b.getBestHeader() if err != nil { return 0, err } // TODO - can it grow over 2^32 ? return uint32(h.Number.Uint64()), nil } func (b *EthRPC) GetBlockHash(height uint32) (string, error) { var n big.Int n.SetUint64(uint64(height)) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() h, err := b.client.HeaderByNumber(ctx, &n) if err != nil { if err == ethereum.NotFound { return "", bchain.ErrBlockNotFound } return "", errors.Annotatef(err, "height %v", height) } return ethHashToHash(h.Hash()), nil } func (b *EthRPC) ethHeaderToBlockHeader(h *ethtypes.Header) (*bchain.BlockHeader, error) { hn := h.Number.Uint64() c, err := b.computeConfirmations(hn) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &bchain.BlockHeader{ Hash: ethHashToHash(h.Hash()), Height: uint32(hn), Confirmations: int(c), // Next // Prev }, nil } func (b *EthRPC) GetBlockHeader(hash string) (*bchain.BlockHeader, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() h, err := b.client.HeaderByHash(ctx, ethcommon.HexToHash(hash)) if err != nil { if err == ethereum.NotFound { return nil, bchain.ErrBlockNotFound } return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v", hash) } return b.ethHeaderToBlockHeader(h) } func (b *EthRPC) computeConfirmations(n uint64) (uint32, error) { bh, err := b.getBestHeader() if err != nil { return 0, err } bn := bh.Number.Uint64() return uint32(bn - n), nil } type rpcTransaction struct { AccountNonce string `json:"nonce" gencodec:"required"` Price string `json:"gasPrice" gencodec:"required"` GasLimit string `json:"gas" gencodec:"required"` To string `json:"to" rlp:"nil"` // nil means contract creation Value string `json:"value" gencodec:"required"` Payload string `json:"input" gencodec:"required"` Hash ethcommon.Hash `json:"hash" rlp:"-"` BlockNumber string BlockHash ethcommon.Hash From string TransactionIndex string `json:"transactionIndex"` // Signature values V string `json:"v" gencodec:"required"` R string `json:"r" gencodec:"required"` S string `json:"s" gencodec:"required"` } type rpcBlock struct { Hash ethcommon.Hash `json:"hash"` Transactions []rpcTransaction `json:"transactions"` UncleHashes []ethcommon.Hash `json:"uncles"` } func ethNumber(n string) (int64, error) { if len(n) > 2 { return strconv.ParseInt(n[2:], 16, 64) } return 0, errors.Errorf("Not a number: '%v'", n) } func ethTxToTx(tx *rpcTransaction, blocktime int64, confirmations uint32) (*bchain.Tx, error) { txid := ethHashToHash(tx.Hash) n, err := ethNumber(tx.TransactionIndex) if err != nil { return nil, err } var from, to string if len(tx.To) > 2 { to = tx.To[2:] } if len(tx.From) > 2 { from = tx.From[2:] } b, err := json.Marshal(tx) if err != nil { return nil, err } h := hex.EncodeToString(b) return &bchain.Tx{ Blocktime: blocktime, Confirmations: confirmations, Hex: h, // LockTime Time: blocktime, Txid: txid, Vin: []bchain.Vin{ { Addresses: []string{from}, // Coinbase // ScriptSig // Sequence // Txid // Vout }, }, Vout: []bchain.Vout{ { N: uint32(n), // Value - cannot set, it does not fit precisely to float64 ScriptPubKey: bchain.ScriptPubKey{ // Hex Addresses: []string{to}, }, }, }, }, nil } // GetBlock returns block with given hash or height, hash has precedence if both passed func (b *EthRPC) GetBlock(hash string, height uint32) (*bchain.Block, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() var raw json.RawMessage var err error if hash != "" { err = b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &raw, "eth_getBlockByHash", ethcommon.HexToHash(hash), true) } else { err = b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &raw, "eth_getBlockByNumber", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", height), true) } if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } else if len(raw) == 0 { return nil, bchain.ErrBlockNotFound } // Decode header and transactions. var head *ethtypes.Header var body rpcBlock if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &head); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } if head == nil { return nil, bchain.ErrBlockNotFound } if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &body); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } // Quick-verify transaction and uncle lists. This mostly helps with debugging the server. if head.UncleHash == ethtypes.EmptyUncleHash && len(body.UncleHashes) > 0 { return nil, errors.Annotatef(fmt.Errorf("server returned non-empty uncle list but block header indicates no uncles"), "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } if head.UncleHash != ethtypes.EmptyUncleHash && len(body.UncleHashes) == 0 { return nil, errors.Annotatef(fmt.Errorf("server returned empty uncle list but block header indicates uncles"), "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } if head.TxHash == ethtypes.EmptyRootHash && len(body.Transactions) > 0 { return nil, errors.Annotatef(fmt.Errorf("server returned non-empty transaction list but block header indicates no transactions"), "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } if head.TxHash != ethtypes.EmptyRootHash && len(body.Transactions) == 0 { return nil, errors.Annotatef(fmt.Errorf("server returned empty transaction list but block header indicates transactions"), "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } bbh, err := b.ethHeaderToBlockHeader(head) btxs := make([]bchain.Tx, len(body.Transactions)) for i, tx := range body.Transactions { btx, err := ethTxToTx(&tx, int64(head.Time.Uint64()), uint32(bbh.Confirmations)) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v, height %v, txid %v", hash, height, tx.Hash.String()) } btxs[i] = *btx } bbk := bchain.Block{ BlockHeader: *bbh, Txs: btxs, } return &bbk, nil } // GetTransaction returns a transaction by the transaction ID. func (b *EthRPC) GetTransaction(txid string) (*bchain.Tx, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() var tx *rpcTransaction err := b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &tx, "eth_getTransactionByHash", ethcommon.HexToHash(txid)) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if tx == nil { return nil, ethereum.NotFound } else if tx.R == "" { return nil, errors.Annotatef(fmt.Errorf("server returned transaction without signature"), "txid %v", txid) } var btx *bchain.Tx if tx.BlockNumber == "" { // mempool tx btx, err = ethTxToTx(tx, 0, 0) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } } else { // non mempool tx - we must read the block header to get the block time n, err := ethNumber(tx.BlockNumber) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } h, err := b.client.HeaderByHash(ctx, tx.BlockHash) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } confirmations, err := b.computeConfirmations(uint64(n)) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } btx, err = ethTxToTx(tx, h.Time.Int64(), confirmations) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } } return btx, nil } func (b *EthRPC) GetMempool() ([]string, error) { panic("not implemented") } // EstimateFee returns fee estimation. func (b *EthRPC) EstimateFee(blocks int) (float64, error) { return b.EstimateSmartFee(blocks, true) } // EstimateSmartFee returns fee estimation. func (b *EthRPC) EstimateSmartFee(blocks int, conservative bool) (float64, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() // TODO - what parameters of msg to use to get better estimate, maybe more data from the wallet are needed a := ethcommon.HexToAddress("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890") msg := ethereum.CallMsg{ To: &a, } g, err := b.client.EstimateGas(ctx, msg) if err != nil { return 0, err } return float64(g), nil } // SendRawTransaction sends raw transaction. func (b *EthRPC) SendRawTransaction(tx string) (string, error) { panic("not implemented") } func (b *EthRPC) ResyncMempool(onNewTxAddr func(txid string, addr string)) error { panic("not implemented") } func (b *EthRPC) GetMempoolTransactions(address string) ([]string, error) { panic("not implemented") } func (b *EthRPC) GetMempoolSpentOutput(outputTxid string, vout uint32) string { panic("not implemented") } func (b *EthRPC) GetMempoolEntry(txid string) (*bchain.MempoolEntry, error) { panic("not implemented") } func (b *EthRPC) GetChainParser() bchain.BlockChainParser { return b.Parser }