package eth import ( "blockbook/bchain" "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "math/big" "strconv" "sync" "time" ethereum "" ethcommon "" ethtypes "" "" "" "" "" ) // EthereumNet type specifies the type of ethereum network type EthereumNet uint32 const ( // MainNet is production network MainNet EthereumNet = 1 // TestNet is Ropsten test network TestNet EthereumNet = 3 ) // Configuration represents json config file type Configuration struct { CoinName string `json:"coin_name"` CoinShortcut string `json:"coin_shortcut"` RPCURL string `json:"rpc_url"` RPCTimeout int `json:"rpc_timeout"` BlockAddressesToKeep int `json:"block_addresses_to_keep"` } // EthereumRPC is an interface to JSON-RPC eth service. type EthereumRPC struct { *bchain.BaseChain client *ethclient.Client rpc *rpc.Client timeout time.Duration Parser *EthereumParser Mempool *bchain.MempoolEthereumType bestHeaderLock sync.Mutex bestHeader *ethtypes.Header bestHeaderTime time.Time chanNewBlock chan *ethtypes.Header newBlockSubscription *rpc.ClientSubscription chanNewTx chan ethcommon.Hash newTxSubscription *rpc.ClientSubscription pendingTransactions map[string]struct{} pendingTransactionsLock sync.Mutex ChainConfig *Configuration isETC bool } // NewEthereumRPC returns new EthRPC instance. func NewEthereumRPC(config json.RawMessage, pushHandler func(bchain.NotificationType)) (bchain.BlockChain, error) { var err error var c Configuration err = json.Unmarshal(config, &c) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Invalid configuration file") } // keep at least 100 mappings block->addresses to allow rollback if c.BlockAddressesToKeep < 100 { c.BlockAddressesToKeep = 100 } rc, err := rpc.Dial(c.RPCURL) if err != nil { return nil, err } ec := ethclient.NewClient(rc) s := &EthereumRPC{ BaseChain: &bchain.BaseChain{}, client: ec, rpc: rc, ChainConfig: &c, pendingTransactions: make(map[string]struct{}), } // always create parser s.Parser = NewEthereumParser(c.BlockAddressesToKeep) s.timeout = time.Duration(c.RPCTimeout) * time.Second // detect ethereum classic s.isETC = s.ChainConfig.CoinName == "Ethereum Classic" // new blocks notifications handling // the subscription is done in Initialize s.chanNewBlock = make(chan *ethtypes.Header) go func() { for { h, ok := <-s.chanNewBlock if !ok { break } glog.V(2).Info("rpc: new block header ", h.Number) // update best header to the new header s.bestHeaderLock.Lock() s.bestHeader = h s.bestHeaderTime = time.Now() s.bestHeaderLock.Unlock() // notify blockbook pushHandler(bchain.NotificationNewBlock) } }() // new mempool transaction notifications handling // the subscription is done in Initialize s.chanNewTx = make(chan ethcommon.Hash) go func() { for { t, ok := <-s.chanNewTx if !ok { break } hex := t.Hex() if glog.V(2) { glog.Info("rpc: new tx ", hex) } s.pendingTransactionsLock.Lock() s.pendingTransactions[hex] = struct{}{} s.pendingTransactionsLock.Unlock() pushHandler(bchain.NotificationNewTx) } }() return s, nil } // Initialize initializes ethereum rpc interface func (b *EthereumRPC) Initialize() error { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() id, err := b.client.NetworkID(ctx) if err != nil { return err } // parameters for getInfo request switch EthereumNet(id.Uint64()) { case MainNet: b.Testnet = false b.Network = "livenet" break case TestNet: b.Testnet = true b.Network = "testnet" break default: return errors.Errorf("Unknown network id %v", id) } glog.Info("rpc: block chain ", b.Network) if b.isETC { glog.Info(b.ChainConfig.CoinName, " does not support subscription to newHeads") } else { // subscriptions if err = b.subscribe(func() (*rpc.ClientSubscription, error) { // invalidate the previous subscription - it is either the first one or there was an error b.newBlockSubscription = nil ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() sub, err := b.rpc.EthSubscribe(ctx, b.chanNewBlock, "newHeads") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "EthSubscribe newHeads") } b.newBlockSubscription = sub glog.Info("Subscribed to newHeads") return sub, nil }); err != nil { return err } } if err = b.subscribe(func() (*rpc.ClientSubscription, error) { // invalidate the previous subscription - it is either the first one or there was an error b.newTxSubscription = nil ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() sub, err := b.rpc.EthSubscribe(ctx, b.chanNewTx, "newPendingTransactions") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "EthSubscribe newPendingTransactions") } b.newTxSubscription = sub glog.Info("Subscribed to newPendingTransactions") return sub, nil }); err != nil { return err } // create mempool b.Mempool = bchain.NewMempoolEthereumType(b) return nil } // subscribe subscribes notification and tries to resubscribe in case of error func (b *EthereumRPC) subscribe(f func() (*rpc.ClientSubscription, error)) error { s, err := f() if err != nil { return err } go func() { Loop: for { // wait for error in subscription e := <-s.Err() // nil error means sub.Unsubscribe called, exit goroutine if e == nil { return } glog.Error("Subscription error ", e) timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second) // try in 1 second interval to resubscribe for { select { case e = <-s.Err(): if e == nil { return } case <-timer.C: ns, err := f() if err == nil { // subscription successful, restart wait for next error s = ns continue Loop } timer.Reset(time.Second) } } } }() return nil } // Shutdown cleans up rpc interface to ethereum func (b *EthereumRPC) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { if b.newBlockSubscription != nil { b.newBlockSubscription.Unsubscribe() } if b.newTxSubscription != nil { b.newTxSubscription.Unsubscribe() } if b.rpc != nil { b.rpc.Close() } close(b.chanNewBlock) glog.Info("rpc: shutdown") return nil } // GetCoinName returns coin name func (b *EthereumRPC) GetCoinName() string { return b.ChainConfig.CoinName } // GetSubversion returns empty string, ethereum does not have subversion func (b *EthereumRPC) GetSubversion() string { return "" } // GetChainInfo returns information about the connected backend func (b *EthereumRPC) GetChainInfo() (*bchain.ChainInfo, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() id, err := b.client.NetworkID(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } h, err := b.getBestHeader() if err != nil { return nil, err } var ver, protocol string if err := b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &ver, "web3_clientVersion"); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &protocol, "eth_protocolVersion"); err != nil { return nil, err } rv := &bchain.ChainInfo{ Blocks: int(h.Number.Int64()), Bestblockhash: h.Hash().Hex(), Difficulty: h.Difficulty.String(), Version: ver, ProtocolVersion: protocol, } idi := int(id.Uint64()) if idi == 1 { rv.Chain = "mainnet" } else { rv.Chain = "testnet " + strconv.Itoa(idi) } return rv, nil } func (b *EthereumRPC) getBestHeader() (*ethtypes.Header, error) { b.bestHeaderLock.Lock() defer b.bestHeaderLock.Unlock() // ETC does not have newBlocks subscription, bestHeader must be updated very often (each 1 second) if b.isETC { if b.bestHeaderTime.Add(1 * time.Second).Before(time.Now()) { b.bestHeader = nil } } if b.bestHeader == nil { var err error ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() b.bestHeader, err = b.client.HeaderByNumber(ctx, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } b.bestHeaderTime = time.Now() } return b.bestHeader, nil } // GetBestBlockHash returns hash of the tip of the best-block-chain func (b *EthereumRPC) GetBestBlockHash() (string, error) { h, err := b.getBestHeader() if err != nil { return "", err } return h.Hash().Hex(), nil } // GetBestBlockHeight returns height of the tip of the best-block-chain func (b *EthereumRPC) GetBestBlockHeight() (uint32, error) { h, err := b.getBestHeader() if err != nil { return 0, err } return uint32(h.Number.Uint64()), nil } // GetBlockHash returns hash of block in best-block-chain at given height func (b *EthereumRPC) GetBlockHash(height uint32) (string, error) { var n big.Int n.SetUint64(uint64(height)) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() h, err := b.client.HeaderByNumber(ctx, &n) if err != nil { if err == ethereum.NotFound { return "", bchain.ErrBlockNotFound } return "", errors.Annotatef(err, "height %v", height) } return h.Hash().Hex(), nil } func (b *EthereumRPC) ethHeaderToBlockHeader(h *rpcHeader) (*bchain.BlockHeader, error) { height, err := ethNumber(h.Number) if err != nil { return nil, err } c, err := b.computeConfirmations(uint64(height)) if err != nil { return nil, err } time, err := ethNumber(h.Time) if err != nil { return nil, err } size, err := ethNumber(h.Size) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &bchain.BlockHeader{ Hash: h.Hash, Prev: h.ParentHash, Height: uint32(height), Confirmations: int(c), Time: time, Size: int(size), }, nil } // GetBlockHeader returns header of block with given hash func (b *EthereumRPC) GetBlockHeader(hash string) (*bchain.BlockHeader, error) { raw, err := b.getBlockRaw(hash, 0, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } var h rpcHeader if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &h); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v", hash) } return b.ethHeaderToBlockHeader(&h) } func (b *EthereumRPC) computeConfirmations(n uint64) (uint32, error) { bh, err := b.getBestHeader() if err != nil { return 0, err } bn := bh.Number.Uint64() // transaction in the best block has 1 confirmation return uint32(bn - n + 1), nil } func (b *EthereumRPC) getBlockRaw(hash string, height uint32, fullTxs bool) (json.RawMessage, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() var raw json.RawMessage var err error if hash != "" { if hash == "pending" { err = b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &raw, "eth_getBlockByNumber", hash, fullTxs) } else { err = b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &raw, "eth_getBlockByHash", ethcommon.HexToHash(hash), fullTxs) } } else { err = b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &raw, "eth_getBlockByNumber", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", height), fullTxs) } if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } else if len(raw) == 0 { return nil, bchain.ErrBlockNotFound } return raw, nil } func (b *EthereumRPC) getERC20EventsForBlock(blockNumber string) (map[string][]*rpcLog, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() var logs []rpcLogWithTxHash err := b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &logs, "eth_getLogs", map[string]interface{}{ "fromBlock": blockNumber, "toBlock": blockNumber, "topics": []string{erc20TransferEventSignature}, }) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "blockNumber %v", blockNumber) } r := make(map[string][]*rpcLog) for i := range logs { l := &logs[i] r[l.Hash] = append(r[l.Hash], &l.rpcLog) } return r, nil } // GetBlock returns block with given hash or height, hash has precedence if both passed func (b *EthereumRPC) GetBlock(hash string, height uint32) (*bchain.Block, error) { raw, err := b.getBlockRaw(hash, height, true) if err != nil { return nil, err } var head rpcHeader if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &head); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } var body rpcBlockTransactions if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &body); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } bbh, err := b.ethHeaderToBlockHeader(&head) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v, height %v", hash, height) } // get ERC20 events logs, err := b.getERC20EventsForBlock(head.Number) if err != nil { return nil, err } btxs := make([]bchain.Tx, len(body.Transactions)) for i := range body.Transactions { tx := &body.Transactions[i] btx, err := b.Parser.ethTxToTx(tx, &rpcReceipt{Logs: logs[tx.Hash]}, bbh.Time, uint32(bbh.Confirmations)) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v, height %v, txid %v", hash, height, tx.Hash) } btxs[i] = *btx b.pendingTransactionsLock.Lock() delete(b.pendingTransactions, tx.Hash) b.pendingTransactionsLock.Unlock() } bbk := bchain.Block{ BlockHeader: *bbh, Txs: btxs, } return &bbk, nil } // GetBlockInfo returns extended header (more info than in bchain.BlockHeader) with a list of txids func (b *EthereumRPC) GetBlockInfo(hash string) (*bchain.BlockInfo, error) { raw, err := b.getBlockRaw(hash, 0, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } var head rpcHeader var txs rpcBlockTxids if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &head); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v", hash) } if err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &txs); err != nil { return nil, err } bch, err := b.ethHeaderToBlockHeader(&head) return &bchain.BlockInfo{ BlockHeader: *bch, Difficulty: json.Number(head.Difficulty), Nonce: json.Number(head.Nonce), Txids: txs.Transactions, }, nil } // GetTransactionForMempool returns a transaction by the transaction ID. // It could be optimized for mempool, i.e. without block time and confirmations func (b *EthereumRPC) GetTransactionForMempool(txid string) (*bchain.Tx, error) { tx, err := b.GetTransaction(txid) // it there is an error getting the tx or the tx is confirmed, remove it from pending transactions if err == bchain.ErrTxNotFound || (tx != nil && tx.Confirmations > 0) { b.pendingTransactionsLock.Lock() delete(b.pendingTransactions, txid) b.pendingTransactionsLock.Unlock() } return tx, err } // GetTransaction returns a transaction by the transaction ID. func (b *EthereumRPC) GetTransaction(txid string) (*bchain.Tx, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() var tx *rpcTransaction hash := ethcommon.HexToHash(txid) err := b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &tx, "eth_getTransactionByHash", hash) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if tx == nil { return nil, bchain.ErrTxNotFound } var btx *bchain.Tx if tx.BlockNumber == "" { // mempool tx btx, err = b.Parser.ethTxToTx(tx, nil, 0, 0) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } } else { // non mempool tx - read the block header to get the block time raw, err := b.getBlockRaw(tx.BlockHash, 0, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ht struct { Time string `json:"timestamp"` } if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &ht); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v", hash) } var time int64 if time, err = ethNumber(ht.Time); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } var receipt rpcReceipt if b.isETC { var rawReceipt json.RawMessage var etcReceipt rpcEtcReceipt err = b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &rawReceipt, "eth_getTransactionReceipt", hash) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } err = json.Unmarshal(rawReceipt, &etcReceipt) if err == nil { receipt.GasUsed = etcReceipt.GasUsed receipt.Logs = etcReceipt.Logs if etcReceipt.Status == 0 { receipt.Status = "0x0" } else { receipt.Status = "0x1" } } else { err = json.Unmarshal(rawReceipt, &receipt) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "unmarshal receipt for txid %v, %v", txid, string(rawReceipt)) } } } else { err = b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &receipt, "eth_getTransactionReceipt", hash) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } } n, err := ethNumber(tx.BlockNumber) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } confirmations, err := b.computeConfirmations(uint64(n)) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } btx, err = b.Parser.ethTxToTx(tx, &receipt, time, confirmations) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid) } } return btx, nil } // GetTransactionSpecific returns json as returned by backend, with all coin specific data func (b *EthereumRPC) GetTransactionSpecific(tx *bchain.Tx) (json.RawMessage, error) { csd, ok := tx.CoinSpecificData.(completeTransaction) if !ok { ntx, err := b.GetTransaction(tx.Txid) if err != nil { return nil, err } csd, ok = ntx.CoinSpecificData.(completeTransaction) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("Cannot get CoinSpecificData") } } m, err := json.Marshal(&csd) return json.RawMessage(m), err } // GetMempool returns transactions in mempool func (b *EthereumRPC) GetMempool() ([]string, error) { raw, err := b.getBlockRaw("pending", 0, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } var body rpcBlockTxids if len(raw) > 0 { if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &body); err != nil { return nil, err } } b.pendingTransactionsLock.Lock() // join transactions returned by getBlockRaw with pendingTransactions from subscription for _, txid := range body.Transactions { b.pendingTransactions[txid] = struct{}{} } txids := make([]string, len(b.pendingTransactions)) i := 0 for txid := range b.pendingTransactions { txids[i] = txid i++ } b.pendingTransactionsLock.Unlock() return txids, nil } // EstimateFee returns fee estimation func (b *EthereumRPC) EstimateFee(blocks int) (big.Int, error) { return b.EstimateSmartFee(blocks, true) } // EstimateSmartFee returns fee estimation func (b *EthereumRPC) EstimateSmartFee(blocks int, conservative bool) (big.Int, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() var r big.Int gp, err := b.client.SuggestGasPrice(ctx) if err == nil && b != nil { r = *gp } return r, err } func getStringFromMap(p string, params map[string]interface{}) (string, bool) { v, ok := params[p] if ok { s, ok := v.(string) return s, ok } return "", false } // EthereumTypeEstimateGas returns estimation of gas consumption for given transaction parameters func (b *EthereumRPC) EthereumTypeEstimateGas(params map[string]interface{}) (uint64, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() msg := ethereum.CallMsg{} s, ok := getStringFromMap("from", params) if ok && len(s) > 0 { msg.From = ethcommon.HexToAddress(s) } s, ok = getStringFromMap("to", params) if ok && len(s) > 0 { a := ethcommon.HexToAddress(s) msg.To = &a } s, ok = getStringFromMap("data", params) if ok && len(s) > 0 { msg.Data = ethcommon.FromHex(s) } return b.client.EstimateGas(ctx, msg) } // SendRawTransaction sends raw transaction func (b *EthereumRPC) SendRawTransaction(hex string) (string, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() var raw json.RawMessage err := b.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &raw, "eth_sendRawTransaction", hex) if err != nil { return "", err } else if len(raw) == 0 { return "", errors.New("SendRawTransaction: failed") } var result string if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &result); err != nil { return "", errors.Annotatef(err, "raw result %v", raw) } if result == "" { return "", errors.New("SendRawTransaction: failed, empty result") } return result, nil } // EthereumTypeGetBalance returns current balance of an address func (b *EthereumRPC) EthereumTypeGetBalance(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (*big.Int, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() return b.client.BalanceAt(ctx, ethcommon.BytesToAddress(addrDesc), nil) } // EthereumTypeGetNonce returns current balance of an address func (b *EthereumRPC) EthereumTypeGetNonce(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (uint64, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), b.timeout) defer cancel() return b.client.NonceAt(ctx, ethcommon.BytesToAddress(addrDesc), nil) } // ResyncMempool gets mempool transactions and maps output scripts to transactions. // ResyncMempool is not reentrant, it should be called from a single thread. // Return value is number of transactions in mempool func (b *EthereumRPC) ResyncMempool(onNewTxAddr bchain.OnNewTxAddrFunc) (int, error) { return b.Mempool.Resync(onNewTxAddr) } // GetMempoolTransactions returns slice of mempool transactions for given address func (b *EthereumRPC) GetMempoolTransactions(address string) ([]bchain.Outpoint, error) { return b.Mempool.GetTransactions(address) } // GetMempoolTransactionsForAddrDesc returns slice of mempool transactions for given address descriptor func (b *EthereumRPC) GetMempoolTransactionsForAddrDesc(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) ([]bchain.Outpoint, error) { return b.Mempool.GetAddrDescTransactions(addrDesc) } // GetMempoolEntry is not supported by etherem func (b *EthereumRPC) GetMempoolEntry(txid string) (*bchain.MempoolEntry, error) { return nil, errors.New("GetMempoolEntry: not supported") } // GetChainParser returns ethereum BlockChainParser func (b *EthereumRPC) GetChainParser() bchain.BlockChainParser { return b.Parser }