package main import ( "context" "encoding/hex" "flag" "os" "os/signal" "sync" "syscall" "time" "blockbook/bchain" "blockbook/db" "blockbook/server" "" "" ) var ( rpcURL = flag.String("rpcurl", "http://localhost:8332", "url of bitcoin RPC service") rpcUser = flag.String("rpcuser", "rpc", "rpc username") rpcPass = flag.String("rpcpass", "rpc", "rpc password") rpcTimeout = flag.Uint("rpctimeout", 25, "rpc timeout in seconds") dbPath = flag.String("path", "./data", "path to address index directory") blockHeight = flag.Int("blockheight", -1, "height of the starting block") blockUntil = flag.Int("blockuntil", -1, "height of the final block") rollbackHeight = flag.Int("rollback", -1, "rollback to the given height and quit") queryAddress = flag.String("address", "", "query contents of this address") synchronize = flag.Bool("sync", false, "synchronizes until tip, if together with zeromq, keeps index synchronized") repair = flag.Bool("repair", false, "repair the database") prof = flag.Bool("prof", false, "profile program execution") syncChunk = flag.Int("chunk", 100, "block chunk size for processing") syncWorkers = flag.Int("workers", 8, "number of workers to process blocks") dryRun = flag.Bool("dryrun", false, "do not index blocks, only download") parse = flag.Bool("parse", false, "use in-process block parsing") httpServerBinding = flag.String("httpserver", "", "http server binding [address]:port, if missing no http server") zeroMQBinding = flag.String("zeromq", "", "binding to zeromq, if missing no zeromq connection") ) var ( syncChannel = make(chan struct{}) chain *bchain.BitcoinRPC index *db.RocksDB ) func main() { flag.Parse() // override setting for glog to log only to stderr, to match the http handler flag.Lookup("logtostderr").Value.Set("true") defer glog.Flush() if *prof { defer profile.Start().Stop() } if *repair { if err := db.RepairRocksDB(*dbPath); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("RepairRocksDB %s: %v", *dbPath, err) } return } chain = bchain.NewBitcoinRPC( *rpcURL, *rpcUser, *rpcPass, time.Duration(*rpcTimeout)*time.Second) if *parse { chain.Parser = &bchain.BitcoinBlockParser{ Params: bchain.GetChainParams()[0], } } var err error index, err = db.NewRocksDB(*dbPath) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("NewRocksDB %v", err) } defer index.Close() if *rollbackHeight >= 0 { bestHeight, _, err := index.GetBestBlock() if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("rollbackHeight: %v", err) } if uint32(*rollbackHeight) > bestHeight { glog.Infof("nothing to rollback, rollbackHeight %d, bestHeight: %d", *rollbackHeight, bestHeight) } else { err = index.DisconnectBlocks(uint32(*rollbackHeight), bestHeight) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("rollbackHeight: %v", err) } } return } if *synchronize { if err := resyncIndex(); err != nil { glog.Fatal("resyncIndex ", err) } } var httpServer *server.HttpServer if *httpServerBinding != "" { httpServer, err = server.New(*httpServerBinding, index) if err != nil { glog.Fatal("https: ", err) } go func() { err = httpServer.Run() if err != nil { if err.Error() == "http: Server closed" { glog.Info(err) } else { glog.Fatal(err) } } }() } var mq *bchain.MQ if *zeroMQBinding != "" { if !*synchronize { glog.Error("zeromq connection without synchronization does not make sense, ignoring zeromq parameter") } else { go syncLoop() mq, err = bchain.NewMQ(*zeroMQBinding, mqHandler) if err != nil { glog.Fatal("mq: ", err) } } } if *blockHeight >= 0 { if *blockUntil < 0 { *blockUntil = *blockHeight } height := uint32(*blockHeight) until := uint32(*blockUntil) address := *queryAddress if address != "" { script, err := bchain.AddressToOutputScript(address) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("GetTransactions %v", err) } if err = index.GetTransactions(script, height, until, printResult); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("GetTransactions %v", err) } } else if !*synchronize { if err = connectBlocksParallel( height, until, *syncChunk, *syncWorkers, ); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("connectBlocksParallel %v", err) } } } if httpServer != nil || mq != nil { waitForSignalAndShutdown(httpServer, mq, 5*time.Second) } } func syncLoop() { for range syncChannel { resyncIndex() } } func mqHandler(m *bchain.MQMessage) { body := hex.EncodeToString(m.Body) glog.Infof("MQ: %s-%d %s", m.Topic, m.Sequence, body) if m.Topic == "hashblock" { syncChannel <- struct{}{} } else if m.Topic == "hashtx" { } else { glog.Errorf("MQ: unknown message %s-%d %s", m.Topic, m.Sequence, body) } } func waitForSignalAndShutdown(s *server.HttpServer, mq *bchain.MQ, timeout time.Duration) { stop := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(stop, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGTERM) sig := <-stop ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout) defer cancel() glog.Infof("Shutdown: %v", sig) if mq != nil { if err := mq.Shutdown(); err != nil { glog.Error("MQ.Shutdown error: ", err) } } if s != nil { if err := s.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil { glog.Error("HttpServer.Shutdown error: ", err) } } close(syncChannel) } func printResult(txid string) error { glog.Info(txid) return nil } func resyncIndex() error { remote, err := chain.GetBestBlockHash() if err != nil { return err } localBestHeight, local, err := index.GetBestBlock() if err != nil { local = "" } // If the locally indexed block is the same as the best block on the // network, we're done. if local == remote { glog.Infof("resync: synced on %d %s", localBestHeight, local) return nil } var header *bchain.BlockHeader if local != "" { // Is local tip on the best chain? header, err = chain.GetBlockHeader(local) forked := false if err != nil { if e, ok := err.(*bchain.RPCError); ok && e.Message == "Block not found" { forked = true } else { return err } } else { if header.Confirmations < 0 { forked = true } } if forked { // find and disconnect forked blocks and then synchronize again glog.Info("resync: local is forked") var height uint32 for height = localBestHeight - 1; height >= 0; height-- { local, err = index.GetBlockHash(height) if err != nil { return err } remote, err = chain.GetBlockHash(height) if err != nil { return err } if local == remote { break } } err = index.DisconnectBlocks(height+1, localBestHeight) if err != nil { return err } return resyncIndex() } } startHeight := uint32(0) var hash string if header != nil { glog.Info("resync: local is behind") hash = header.Next startHeight = localBestHeight } else { // If the local block is missing, we're indexing from the genesis block // or from the start block specified by flags if *blockHeight > 0 { startHeight = uint32(*blockHeight) } glog.Info("resync: genesis from block ", startHeight) hash, err = chain.GetBlockHash(startHeight) if err != nil { return err } } // if parallel operation is enabled and the number of blocks to be connected is large, // use parallel routine to load majority of blocks if *syncWorkers > 1 { chainBestHeight, err := chain.GetBestBlockHeight() if err != nil { return err } if chainBestHeight-startHeight > uint32(*syncChunk) { glog.Infof("resync: parallel sync of blocks %d-%d", startHeight, chainBestHeight) err = connectBlocksParallel( startHeight, chainBestHeight, *syncChunk, *syncWorkers, ) if err != nil { return err } // after parallel load finish the sync using standard way, // new blocks may have been created in the meantime return resyncIndex() } } return connectBlocks(hash) } func connectBlocks( hash string, ) error { bch := make(chan blockResult, 8) done := make(chan struct{}) defer close(done) go getBlockChain(hash, bch, done) var lastRes blockResult for res := range bch { lastRes = res if res.err != nil { return res.err } err := index.ConnectBlock(res.block) if err != nil { return err } } if lastRes.block != nil { glog.Infof("resync: synced on %d %s", lastRes.block.Height, lastRes.block.Hash) } return nil } func connectBlocksParallel( lower uint32, higher uint32, chunkSize int, numWorkers int, ) error { var wg sync.WaitGroup work := func(i int) { defer wg.Done() offset := uint32(chunkSize * i) stride := uint32(chunkSize * numWorkers) for low := lower + offset; low <= higher; low += stride { high := low + uint32(chunkSize-1) if high > higher { high = higher } err := connectBlockChunk(low, high) if err != nil { if e, ok := err.(*bchain.RPCError); ok && (e.Message == "Block height out of range" || e.Message == "Block not found") { break } glog.Fatalf("connectBlocksParallel %d-%d %v", low, high, err) } } } for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ { wg.Add(1) go work(i) } wg.Wait() return nil } func connectBlockChunk( lower uint32, higher uint32, ) error { connected, err := isBlockConnected(higher) if err != nil || connected { // if higher is over the best block, continue with lower block, otherwise return error if e, ok := err.(*bchain.RPCError); !ok || e.Message != "Block height out of range" { return err } } height := lower hash, err := chain.GetBlockHash(lower) if err != nil { return err } for height <= higher { block, err := chain.GetBlock(hash) if err != nil { return err } hash = block.Next height = block.Height + 1 if *dryRun { continue } err = index.ConnectBlock(block) if err != nil { return err } if block.Height%1000 == 0 { glog.Info("connected block ", block.Height, " ", block.Hash) } } return nil } func isBlockConnected( height uint32, ) (bool, error) { local, err := index.GetBlockHash(height) if err != nil { return false, err } remote, err := chain.GetBlockHash(height) if err != nil { return false, err } if local != remote { return false, nil } return true, nil } type blockResult struct { block *bchain.Block err error } func getBlockChain( hash string, out chan blockResult, done chan struct{}, ) { defer close(out) for hash != "" { select { case <-done: return default: } block, err := chain.GetBlock(hash) if err != nil { out <- blockResult{err: err} return } hash = block.Next out <- blockResult{block: block} } }