package bchain import ( "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "math/big" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) // BaseParser implements data parsing/handling functionality base for all other parsers type BaseParser struct { BlockAddressesToKeep int AmountDecimalPoint int } // ParseBlock parses raw block to our Block struct - currently not implemented func (p *BaseParser) ParseBlock(b []byte) (*Block, error) { return nil, errors.New("ParseBlock: not implemented") } // ParseTx parses byte array containing transaction and returns Tx struct - currently not implemented func (p *BaseParser) ParseTx(b []byte) (*Tx, error) { return nil, errors.New("ParseTx: not implemented") } // GetAddrDescForUnknownInput returns nil AddressDescriptor func (p *BaseParser) GetAddrDescForUnknownInput(tx *Tx, input int) AddressDescriptor { var iTxid string if len(tx.Vin) > input { iTxid = tx.Vin[input].Txid } glog.Warningf("tx %v, input tx %v not found in txAddresses", tx.Txid, iTxid) return nil } const zeros = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" // AmountToBigInt converts amount in common.JSONNumber (string) to big.Int // it uses string operations to avoid problems with rounding func (p *BaseParser) AmountToBigInt(n common.JSONNumber) (big.Int, error) { var r big.Int s := string(n) i := strings.IndexByte(s, '.') d := p.AmountDecimalPoint if d > len(zeros) { d = len(zeros) } if i == -1 { s = s + zeros[:d] } else { z := d - len(s) + i + 1 if z > 0 { s = s[:i] + s[i+1:] + zeros[:z] } else { s = s[:i] + s[i+1:len(s)+z] } } if _, ok := r.SetString(s, 10); !ok { return r, errors.New("AmountToBigInt: failed to convert") } return r, nil } // AmountToDecimalString converts amount in big.Int to string with decimal point in the place defined by the parameter d func AmountToDecimalString(a *big.Int, d int) string { if a == nil { return "" } n := a.String() var s string if n[0] == '-' { n = n[1:] s = "-" } if d > len(zeros) { d = len(zeros) } if len(n) <= d { n = zeros[:d-len(n)+1] + n } i := len(n) - d ad := strings.TrimRight(n[i:], "0") if len(ad) > 0 { n = n[:i] + "." + ad } else { n = n[:i] } return s + n } // AmountToDecimalString converts amount in big.Int to string with decimal point in the correct place func (p *BaseParser) AmountToDecimalString(a *big.Int) string { return AmountToDecimalString(a, p.AmountDecimalPoint) } // AmountDecimals returns number of decimal places in amounts func (p *BaseParser) AmountDecimals() int { return p.AmountDecimalPoint } // ParseTxFromJson parses JSON message containing transaction and returns Tx struct func (p *BaseParser) ParseTxFromJson(msg json.RawMessage) (*Tx, error) { var tx Tx err := json.Unmarshal(msg, &tx) if err != nil { return nil, err } for i := range tx.Vout { vout := &tx.Vout[i] // convert vout.JsonValue to big.Int and clear it, it is only temporary value used for unmarshal vout.ValueSat, err = p.AmountToBigInt(vout.JsonValue) if err != nil { return nil, err } vout.JsonValue = "" } return &tx, nil } // PackedTxidLen returns length in bytes of packed txid func (p *BaseParser) PackedTxidLen() int { return 32 } // KeepBlockAddresses returns number of blocks which are to be kept in blockaddresses column func (p *BaseParser) KeepBlockAddresses() int { return p.BlockAddressesToKeep } // PackTxid packs txid to byte array func (p *BaseParser) PackTxid(txid string) ([]byte, error) { if txid == "" { return nil, ErrTxidMissing } return hex.DecodeString(txid) } // UnpackTxid unpacks byte array to txid func (p *BaseParser) UnpackTxid(buf []byte) (string, error) { return hex.EncodeToString(buf), nil } // PackBlockHash packs block hash to byte array func (p *BaseParser) PackBlockHash(hash string) ([]byte, error) { return hex.DecodeString(hash) } // UnpackBlockHash unpacks byte array to block hash func (p *BaseParser) UnpackBlockHash(buf []byte) (string, error) { return hex.EncodeToString(buf), nil } // GetChainType is type of the blockchain, default is ChainBitcoinType func (p *BaseParser) GetChainType() ChainType { return ChainBitcoinType } // MinimumCoinbaseConfirmations returns minimum number of confirmations a coinbase transaction must have before it can be spent func (p *BaseParser) MinimumCoinbaseConfirmations() int { return 0 } // PackTx packs transaction to byte array using protobuf func (p *BaseParser) PackTx(tx *Tx, height uint32, blockTime int64) ([]byte, error) { var err error pti := make([]*ProtoTransaction_VinType, len(tx.Vin)) for i, vi := range tx.Vin { hex, err := hex.DecodeString(vi.ScriptSig.Hex) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Vin %v Hex %v", i, vi.ScriptSig.Hex) } // coinbase txs do not have Vin.txid itxid, err := p.PackTxid(vi.Txid) if err != nil && err != ErrTxidMissing { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Vin %v Txid %v", i, vi.Txid) } pti[i] = &ProtoTransaction_VinType{ Addresses: vi.Addresses, Coinbase: vi.Coinbase, ScriptSigHex: hex, Sequence: vi.Sequence, Txid: itxid, Vout: vi.Vout, } } pto := make([]*ProtoTransaction_VoutType, len(tx.Vout)) for i, vo := range tx.Vout { hex, err := hex.DecodeString(vo.ScriptPubKey.Hex) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Vout %v Hex %v", i, vo.ScriptPubKey.Hex) } pto[i] = &ProtoTransaction_VoutType{ Addresses: vo.ScriptPubKey.Addresses, N: vo.N, ScriptPubKeyHex: hex, ValueSat: vo.ValueSat.Bytes(), } } pt := &ProtoTransaction{ Blocktime: uint64(blockTime), Height: height, Locktime: tx.LockTime, Vin: pti, Vout: pto, Version: tx.Version, } if pt.Hex, err = hex.DecodeString(tx.Hex); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Hex %v", tx.Hex) } if pt.Txid, err = p.PackTxid(tx.Txid); err != nil { return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Txid %v", tx.Txid) } return proto.Marshal(pt) } // UnpackTx unpacks transaction from protobuf byte array func (p *BaseParser) UnpackTx(buf []byte) (*Tx, uint32, error) { var pt ProtoTransaction err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &pt) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } txid, err := p.UnpackTxid(pt.Txid) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } vin := make([]Vin, len(pt.Vin)) for i, pti := range pt.Vin { itxid, err := p.UnpackTxid(pti.Txid) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } vin[i] = Vin{ Addresses: pti.Addresses, Coinbase: pti.Coinbase, ScriptSig: ScriptSig{ Hex: hex.EncodeToString(pti.ScriptSigHex), }, Sequence: pti.Sequence, Txid: itxid, Vout: pti.Vout, } } vout := make([]Vout, len(pt.Vout)) for i, pto := range pt.Vout { var vs big.Int vs.SetBytes(pto.ValueSat) vout[i] = Vout{ N: pto.N, ScriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey{ Addresses: pto.Addresses, Hex: hex.EncodeToString(pto.ScriptPubKeyHex), }, ValueSat: vs, } } tx := Tx{ Blocktime: int64(pt.Blocktime), Hex: hex.EncodeToString(pt.Hex), LockTime: pt.Locktime, Time: int64(pt.Blocktime), Txid: txid, Vin: vin, Vout: vout, Version: pt.Version, } return &tx, pt.Height, nil } // IsAddrDescIndexable returns true if AddressDescriptor should be added to index // by default all AddressDescriptors are indexable func (p *BaseParser) IsAddrDescIndexable(addrDesc AddressDescriptor) bool { return true } // DerivationBasePath is unsupported func (p *BaseParser) DerivationBasePath(xpub string) (string, error) { return "", errors.New("Not supported") } // DeriveAddressDescriptors is unsupported func (p *BaseParser) DeriveAddressDescriptors(xpub string, change uint32, indexes []uint32) ([]AddressDescriptor, error) { return nil, errors.New("Not supported") } // DeriveAddressDescriptorsFromTo is unsupported func (p *BaseParser) DeriveAddressDescriptorsFromTo(xpub string, change uint32, fromIndex uint32, toIndex uint32) ([]AddressDescriptor, error) { return nil, errors.New("Not supported") } // EthereumTypeGetErc20FromTx is unsupported func (p *BaseParser) EthereumTypeGetErc20FromTx(tx *Tx) ([]Erc20Transfer, error) { return nil, errors.New("Not supported") }