## Ethereum Testnet Setup Get Ethereum ``` git clone https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum cd go-ethereum/ make geth ``` Data are stored in */data/eth*, in folders */data/eth/eth* for Ethereum data, */data/eth/blockbook* for Blockbook data. Run geth with rpc and websocket interfaces, bound to all ip addresses - insecure! (run with nohup or daemonize or using screen) ``` go-ethereum/build/bin/geth --syncmode "full" --cache 1024 --datadir /data/eth/eth --port "35555" --rpc --rpcport 8545 -rpcaddr --rpccorsdomain "*" --ws --wsaddr --wsport 8546 --wsorigins "*" 2>/data/eth/eth/eth.log ``` Create script that runs blockbook *run-eth-blockbook.sh* ``` #!/bin/bash cd go/src/blockbook ./blockbook -coin=eth -blockchaincfg=/data/eth/blockbook/eth.json -datadir=/data/eth/blockbook/db -sync -httpserver=:8555 -socketio=:8556 -certfile=server/testcert $1 ``` To run blockbook with logging to file (run with nohup or daemonize or using screen) ``` ./run-eth-blockbook.sh 2>/data/eth/blockbook/blockbook.log ```