## Zcash Setup Get Zcash client ``` wget https://z.cash/downloads/zcash-1.0.15-linux64.tar.gz tar xzf zcash-1.0.15-linux64.tar.gz ``` Run command to download the parameters used to create and verify shielded transactions: ``` zcash-1.0.15/bin/zcash-fetch-params ``` Data are stored in */data/zec* , in folders */data/zec/zcash* for Zcash client data, */data/zec/blockbook* for Blockbook data. Create configuration file */data/zec/zcash/zcash.conf* with content ``` daemon=1 server=1 rpcuser=rpc rpcpassword=rpc rpcport=8032 txindex=1 mainnet=1 addnode=mainnet.z.cash ``` Create script *run-zec-zcashd.sh* that starts the zcashd daemon with increased rpcworkqueue and configured zeromq ``` #!/bin/bash zcash-1.0.15/bin/zcashd -datadir=/data/zec/zcash -rpcworkqueue=32 -zmqpubhashblock=tcp:// -zmqpubrawblock=tcp:// -zmqpubhashtx=tcp:// -zmqpubrawtx=tcp:// ``` Run the *run-zec-zcashd.sh* to get initial import of data. Create blockchain configuration file */data/zec/blockbook/zec.json* ``` { "rpcURL": "", "rpcUser": "rpc", "rpcPass": "rpc", "rpcTimeout": 25, "parse": true, "zeroMQBinding": "tcp://" } ``` Create *run-zec-blockbook.sh* script that starts blockbook ``` #!/bin/bash ./blockbook -coin=zec -blockchaincfg=/data/zec/blockbook/zec.json -datadir=/data/zec/blockbook/db -sync -httpserver=:9032 -socketio=:9132 -certfile=server/testcert -explorer=https://zec-bitcore1.trezor.io $1 ``` To run blockbook with logging to file (run with nohup or daemonize using screen) ``` ./run-zec-blockbook.sh 2> /data/zec/blockbook/blockbook.log ```