#!/usr/bin/python3 # tle2ssc # Convert a TLE into an .ssc file for Celestia # # Usage: # tle2ssc [filename] # Example: # tle2ssc foo-tle.txt import os import math from math import remainder from datetime import datetime from sgp4.api import Satrec, WGS72 from skyfield.api import EarthSatellite, load, wgs84 xpdotp = 1440.0 / (2.0 * math.pi) # For now dev with just one Galileo satellite satellite_name='GSAT0101' satellite_number=37846 #satellites_url = 'http://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/galileo.txt' satellites_url = './extras/galileo-gnss/galileo.txt' satellites = load.tle_file(satellites_url) ts = load.timescale() t = ts.now() # 2022-05-20 02:17:30 #t = ts.utc(2022, 5, 20, 2, 17, 30) # Get one satellite by_number = {sat.model.satnum: sat for sat in satellites} satellite = by_number[satellite_number] # Static radius satellite_radius=0.005 # Epoch #satellite_epoch=satellite.model.jdsatepoch satellite_epoch=t.tdb # The unique satellite NORAD catalog number given in the TLE file. # Use one defined above. #satellite_number=satellite.model.satnum # Satellite classification, or else 'U' for “Unknown” satellite_classification=satellite.model.classification # International designator satellite_intldesg=satellite.model.intldesg # Full four-digit year of this element set’s epoch moment. satellite_epochyr=satellite.model.epochyr # Fractional days into the year of the epoch moment. satellite_epochdays=satellite.model.epochdays # Julian date of the epoch (computed from epochyr and epochdays). satellite_jdsatepoch=satellite.model.jdsatepoch # First time derivative of the mean motion (ignored by SGP4). satellite_ndot=satellite.model.ndot # Second time derivative of the mean motion (ignored by SGP4). satellite_nddot=satellite.model.nddot # Ballistic drag coefficient B* in inverse earth radii. satellite_bstar=satellite.model.bstar # Ephemeris type (ignored by SGP4 as determination now automatic) satellite_ephtype=satellite.model.ephtype # Element number satellite_elnum=satellite.model.elnum # Inclination in radians. Convert radians to degrees. satellite_inclination=math.degrees(satellite.model.inclo) # Satellite Inclination and Obliquity are the same satellite_obliquity=math.degrees(satellite.model.inclo) # Right ascension of ascending node in radians. Convert to degrees. satellite_ascending_node=math.degrees(satellite.model.nodeo) # Equator Ascending Node, in degrees satellite_equator_ascending_node=math.degrees(satellite.model.nodeo) # Eccentricity. satellite_eccentricity=satellite.model.ecco # Argument of perigee in radians. satellite_arg_of_pericenter=math.degrees(satellite.model.argpo) # Mean anomaly in radians. satellite_mean_anomaly=math.degrees(satellite.model.mo) # Mean motion in radians per minute. satellite_period=(1 / (satellite.model.no_kozai * xpdotp)) # Revolution number at epoch [Revs] satellite_revnum=satellite.model.revnum # Semi-Major Axis satellite_semimajor_axis=pow((pow(satellite_period,2) * 75371000000000),0.33333333) # Rotation Offset satellite_rotation_offset=((satellite_arg_of_pericenter)+(satellite_mean_anomaly)+360* ((2451545-satellite_epochdays)/satellite_period- round((2451545-satellite_epochdays)/satellite_period))) # Output for .ssc file print('"', satellite_name, '-', satellite_number, '" ','"Sol/Earth" {',sep="") print(' Class "spacecraft"') print(' # Mesh "foo.3ds" XXX') print(' radius', "%.3f" %satellite_radius) print() print(' EllipticalOrbit {') print(' Epoch', "%.8f" %satellite_epoch) print(' Period', "%.8f" %satellite_period) print(' SemiMajorAxis', "%.3f" %satellite_semimajor_axis) print(' Eccentricity', "%.8f" %satellite_eccentricity) print(' Inclination', "%.4f" %satellite_inclination) print(' AscendingNode', "%.4f" %satellite_ascending_node) print(' ArgOfPericenter', "%.4f" %satellite_arg_of_pericenter) print(' MeanAnomaly', "%.4f" %satellite_mean_anomaly) print(' }') print(' Obliquity', "%.4f" %satellite_obliquity) print(' EquatorAscendingNode', "%.4f" %satellite_equator_ascending_node) print(' RotationOffset', "%.4f" %satellite_rotation_offset) print(' # Orientation [ ]') print('}')