{ timerate { rate 0 } labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" } renderflags { set "stars|planets" clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" } print { text "Beginning demo . . .\nPress ESC to end." origin "center" duration 2 } wait { duration 2.0 } print { text "Let's start near home . . ." row -3 } select { object "Sol/Earth" } cancel {} # goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" } # gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 } synchronous {} gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 20000 ] } wait { duration 0.1 } center { time 0.1 } wait { duration 1.0 } follow {} print { text "We're now orbiting about 12,500km above the Earth" row -3 duration 5 } orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 } print { text "Earth looks much more familiar with clouds." row -3} wait { duration 0.1 } renderflags { set "cloudmaps" } orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 6 } print { text "Next stop: the Moon." row -3 } select { object "Moon" } goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" } wait { duration 5.5 } print { text "Watch for the Earth and Sun as we orbit the Moon" row -3} orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 } print { text "Off toward the Sun." row -3} select { object "Sol" } goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] } wait { duration 8.5 } print { text "At this distance, dark sunspots are visible on the Sun's surface." row -3} orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 } print { text "Let's zoom out for an overview of the inner solar system." row -3} orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 2 } renderflags { set "orbits" } changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 } print { text "Turning on planet labels . . ." row -3} labels { set "planets" } wait { duration 1.0 } print { text "We can speed up time to watch the planets orbit the sun." row -3} timerate { rate 2592000 } wait { duration 3.0 } print { text "For each second, a month of time elapses in the simulation." row -3} wait { duration 12.0 } timerate { rate 1 } print { text "Now, time has been stopped completely." row -3} wait { duration 1.0 } print { text "Our next destination is Saturn." row -3} select { object "Saturn" } center { time 2 } wait { duration 2 } goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" } wait { duration 6.5 } renderflags { clear "orbits" } labels { clear "planets" } print { text "Several of the moons of Saturn are visible as bright dots" row -3 duration 3} orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 } select { object "Mimas" } goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" } print { text "The most prominent feature on Saturn's moon Mimas is the huge impact crater Herschel." row -3 duration 9 } orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 } changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 } select { object "Sol" } center { time 2 } print { text "Note how faint the Sun appears at this distance." row -3 } wait { duration 2 } print { text "Let's look around at the stars in the sky." row -3 duration 2 } wait { duration 2 } select { object "Alpha UMa" } center { time 2 } print { text "Northern Hemisphere residents should recognize the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major." row -3 duration 3 } wait { duration 4 } select { object "Polaris" } center { time 2 } wait { duration 2 } print { text "We're now centered on Polaris, the North Star." row -3} wait { duration 1 } labels { set "stars" } wait { duration 2 } print { text "Polaris is part of the asterism commonly called the Little Dipper." row -3} wait { duration 2 } print { text "To help us get oriented in the sky, Celestia can draw constellation diagrams for us . . ." row -3} renderflags { set "constellations" } wait { duration 2 } print { text ". . . and constellation names" row -3} labels { set "constellations" } wait { duration 2 } select { object "Alnilam" } center { time 4 } wait { duration 2 } print { text "Orion is the sky's most prominent constellation." row -3 duration 3 } wait { duration 4 } select { object "Beta Cru" } center { time 4 } wait { duration 2 } print { text "The Southern Cross is a familiar sight in Southern Hemisphere skies." row -3 duration 4 } wait { duration 4 } rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 7 } print { text "Let's enable galaxy rendering so that we can see the Milky Way" row -3 duration 4 } renderflags { set "galaxies" } rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 } rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 } select { object "Antares" } center { time 5 } wait { duration 3 } print { text "We'll now travel to Antares, a red giant star in Scorpius." row -3 duration 5 } wait { duration 2 } renderflags { clear "constellations" } labels { clear "constellations|stars" } wait { duration 1 } goto { time 8 distance 200 } wait { duration 8.5 } goto { time 5 distance 10 } wait { duration 5.0 } print { text "Even though we are now 10 times farther from Antares than\nEarth is from the Sun, the massive red giant star still looms huge in the sky." row -3} wait { duration 4.0 } print { text "Let's zoom out and get the big picture . . ." row -3} changedistance { duration 10.0 rate 2.0 } select { object "Milky Way" } print { text "We're viewing the entire Milky Way galaxy." row -3 duration 6 } orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 } print { text "Time to go home . . ." row -3} select { object "Sol/Earth" } goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" } wait { duration 20.0 } print { text "Demo completed." row -3} wait { duration 3.0 } }