Celestia To Do List ------------------- USER INTERFACE * More star label modes--nearest stars, brightest stars * Add preferences for text color to config file * Dialog box for displaying detailed information about a star or planet * Star browser: flag stars with planetary systems * Solar system browser: add icons * Use a slider widget for controlling ambient light level * Allow precise control of FOV VISUALS * Comets with dust and ion tails * Render dark dust bands in galaxies * Add textures to Mir model POLISH * Tutorial mode * Preload some textures to avoid loading delay * Make the demo loop * Add a demo mode that visits random targets * Compute accurate altitude above oblate planets/stars using point-to-ellipsoid distance function. SIMULATION ACCURACY * Fix apparent magnitude calculation for planets * Model the chaotic rotation of Hyperion * Account for the finite speed of light * Use more intuitive/standard fields in galaxies file--instead of axis/angle orientations, use 'angle from face on' etc. CODE * Finish assert-ing the code MISC * Make solar system creation applet, for adding hypothetical systems to a Celestia universe * Switch to UNICODE * Internationalization