# translation of es.po to Français # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Christophe Teyssier , 2006. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: es\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: chris@teyssier.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-18 16:09+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-02-03 15:33+0100\n" "Last-Translator: ElChristou\n" "Language-Team: Spanish\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11\n" #: data/constellations.cpp:1 msgid "Andromeda" msgstr "Andrómeda" #: data/constellations.cpp:2 msgid "Antlia" msgstr "Máquina Neumática" #: data/constellations.cpp:3 msgid "Apus" msgstr "Ave del Paraíso" #: data/constellations.cpp:4 msgid "Aquarius" msgstr "Acuario" #: data/constellations.cpp:5 msgid "Aquila" msgstr "Águila" #: data/constellations.cpp:6 msgid "Ara" msgstr "Altar" #: data/constellations.cpp:7 msgid "Aries" msgstr "Carnero" #: data/constellations.cpp:8 msgid "Auriga" msgstr "Cochero" #: data/constellations.cpp:9 msgid "Boötes" msgstr "Boyero" #: data/constellations.cpp:10 msgid "Caelum" msgstr "Cincel" #: data/constellations.cpp:11 msgid "Camelopardalis" msgstr "Jirafa" #: data/constellations.cpp:12 msgid "Cancer" msgstr "Cangrejo" #: data/constellations.cpp:13 msgid "Canes Venatici" msgstr "Los Perros de Caza" #: data/constellations.cpp:14 msgid "Canis Major" msgstr "Can Mayor" #: data/constellations.cpp:15 msgid "Canis Minor" msgstr "Can Menor" #: data/constellations.cpp:16 msgid "Capricornus" msgstr "Capricornio" #: data/constellations.cpp:17 msgid "Carina" msgstr "Quilla" #: data/constellations.cpp:18 msgid "Cassiopeia" msgstr "Casiopea" #: data/constellations.cpp:19 msgid "Centaurus" msgstr "Centauro" #: data/constellations.cpp:20 msgid "Cepheus" msgstr "Cefeo" #: data/constellations.cpp:21 msgid "Cetus" msgstr "Ballena" #: data/constellations.cpp:22 msgid "Chamaeleon" msgstr "Camaleón" #: data/constellations.cpp:23 msgid "Circinus" msgstr "Compás" #: data/constellations.cpp:24 msgid "Columba" msgstr "Paloma" #: data/constellations.cpp:25 msgid "Coma Berenices" msgstr "Cabellera de Berenices" #: data/constellations.cpp:26 msgid "Corona Australis" msgstr "Corona Austral" #: data/constellations.cpp:27 msgid "Corona Borealis" msgstr "Corona Boreal" #: data/constellations.cpp:28 msgid "Corvus" msgstr "Cuervo" #: data/constellations.cpp:29 msgid "Crater" msgstr "Copa" #: data/constellations.cpp:30 msgid "Crux" msgstr "Cruz del Sur" #: data/constellations.cpp:31 msgid "Cygnus" msgstr "Cisne" #: data/constellations.cpp:32 msgid "Delphinus" msgstr "Delfín" #: data/constellations.cpp:33 msgid "Dorado" msgstr "Pez Dorado" #: data/constellations.cpp:34 msgid "Draco" msgstr "Dragón" #: data/constellations.cpp:35 msgid "Equuleus" msgstr "Pequeño Caballo" #: data/constellations.cpp:36 msgid "Eridanus" msgstr "Erídano" #: data/constellations.cpp:37 msgid "Fornax" msgstr "Horno" #: data/constellations.cpp:38 msgid "Gemini" msgstr "Géminis" #: data/constellations.cpp:39 msgid "Grus" msgstr "Grulla" #: data/constellations.cpp:40 msgid "Hercules" msgstr "Hércules" #: data/constellations.cpp:41 msgid "Horologium" msgstr "Reloj" #: data/constellations.cpp:42 msgid "Hydra" msgstr "Hidra" #: data/constellations.cpp:43 msgid "Hydrus" msgstr "Hidra macho" #: data/constellations.cpp:44 msgid "Indus" msgstr "Indio" #: data/constellations.cpp:45 msgid "Lacerta" msgstr "Lagartija" #: data/constellations.cpp:46 msgid "Leo" msgstr "Leo" #: data/constellations.cpp:47 msgid "Leo Minor" msgstr "León Menor" #: data/constellations.cpp:48 msgid "Lepus" msgstr "Liebre" #: data/constellations.cpp:49 msgid "Libra" msgstr "Libra" #: data/constellations.cpp:50 msgid "Lupus" msgstr "Lobo" #: data/constellations.cpp:51 msgid "Lynx" msgstr "Lince" #: data/constellations.cpp:52 msgid "Lyra" msgstr "Lira" #: data/constellations.cpp:53 msgid "Mensa" msgstr "Mesa" #: data/constellations.cpp:54 msgid "Microscopium" msgstr "Microscopio" #: data/constellations.cpp:55 msgid "Monoceros" msgstr "Unicornio" #: data/constellations.cpp:56 msgid "Musca" msgstr "Mosca" #: data/constellations.cpp:57 msgid "Norma" msgstr "Regla" #: data/constellations.cpp:58 msgid "Octans" msgstr "Octante" #: data/constellations.cpp:59 msgid "Ophiuchus" msgstr "Ofiuco" #: data/constellations.cpp:60 msgid "Orion" msgstr "Orión" #: data/constellations.cpp:61 msgid "Pavo" msgstr "Pavo" #: data/constellations.cpp:62 msgid "Pegasus" msgstr "Pegaso" #: data/constellations.cpp:63 msgid "Perseus" msgstr "Perseo" #: data/constellations.cpp:64 msgid "Phoenix" msgstr "Fénix" #: data/constellations.cpp:65 msgid "Pictor" msgstr "Paleta del Pintor" #: data/constellations.cpp:66 msgid "Pisces" msgstr "Piscis" #: data/constellations.cpp:67 msgid "Piscis Austrinus" msgstr "Pez Austral" #: data/constellations.cpp:68 msgid "Puppis" msgstr "Popa" #: data/constellations.cpp:69 msgid "Pyxis" msgstr "Brújula" #: data/constellations.cpp:70 msgid "Reticulum" msgstr "Retícula" #: data/constellations.cpp:71 msgid "Sagitta" msgstr "Flecha" #: data/constellations.cpp:72 msgid "Sagittarius" msgstr "Sagitario" #: data/constellations.cpp:73 msgid "Scorpius" msgstr "Escorpio" #: data/constellations.cpp:74 msgid "Sculptor" msgstr "Escultor" #: data/constellations.cpp:75 msgid "Scutum" msgstr "Escudo" #: data/constellations.cpp:76 msgid "Serpens Caput" msgstr "La cabeza de la Serpiente" #: data/constellations.cpp:77 msgid "Serpens Cauda" msgstr "La cola de la Serpiente" #: data/constellations.cpp:78 msgid "Sextans" msgstr "Sextante" #: data/constellations.cpp:79 msgid "Taurus" msgstr "Tauro" #: data/constellations.cpp:80 msgid "Telescopium" msgstr "Telescopio" #: data/constellations.cpp:81 msgid "Triangulum" msgstr "Triángulo" #: data/constellations.cpp:82 msgid "Triangulum Australe" msgstr "Triángulo Austral" #: data/constellations.cpp:83 msgid "Tucana" msgstr "Tucán" #: data/constellations.cpp:84 msgid "Ursa Major" msgstr "Osa Mayor" #: data/constellations.cpp:85 msgid "Ursa Minor" msgstr "Osa Menor" #: data/constellations.cpp:86 msgid "Vela" msgstr "Vela" #: data/constellations.cpp:87 msgid "Virgo" msgstr "Virgo" #: data/constellations.cpp:88 msgid "Volans" msgstr "Pez Volador" #: data/constellations.cpp:89 msgid "Vulpecula" msgstr "Zorra"