# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #.rst: # FindCspice # -------- # # Find the NAIF toolkit cspice headers and libraries. # # This module reports information about the Gettext cspice # installation in several variables. General variables:: # # CSPICE_FOUND - true if the cspice headers and libraries were found # CSPICE_INCLUDE_DIRS - the directory containing the cspice headers # CSPICE_LIBRARIES - cspice libraries to be linked # # The following cache variables may also be set:: # # CSPICE_INCLUDE_DIR - the directory containing the cspice headers # CSPICE_LIBRARY - the cspice library (if any) # Find include directory find_path(CSPICE_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES "SpiceUsr.h" HINTS CSPICE_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES "include" "include/cspice" DOC "cspice include directory") mark_as_advanced(CSPICE_INCLUDE_DIR) # Find CSPICE library find_library(CSPICE_LIBRARY NAMES "cspice" "libcspice" "cspice.a" HINTS CSPICE_DIR DOC "cspice libraries") mark_as_advanced(CSPICE_LIBRARY) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(CSPICE FOUND_VAR CSPICE_FOUND REQUIRED_VARS CSPICE_INCLUDE_DIR CSPICE_LIBRARY FAIL_MESSAGE "Failed to find cspice") if(CSPICE_FOUND) set(CSPICE_INCLUDE_DIRS "${CSPICE_INCLUDE_DIR}") if(CSPICE_LIBRARY) set(CSPICE_LIBRARIES "${CSPICE_LIBRARY}") else() unset(CSPICE_LIBRARIES) endif() if(NOT TARGET CSPICE::CSPICE) add_library(CSPICE::CSPICE UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(CSPICE::CSPICE PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${CSPICE_INCLUDE_DIRS}") set_target_properties(CSPICE::CSPICE PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${CSPICE_LIBRARY}") endif() endif()