// command.cpp // // Copyright (C) 2001 Chris Laurel // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #include "command.h" #include #include #include "execution.h" #ifdef USE_GLCONTEXT #include #endif #include "celestiacore.h" #include "imagecapture.h" #ifdef CELX #include "celx_internal.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; using namespace celmath; //////////////// // Wait command: a no-op with no side effect other than its duration CommandWait::CommandWait(double _duration) : TimedCommand(_duration) { } void CommandWait::process(ExecutionEnvironment& /*unused*/, double /*unused*/, double /*unused*/) { } //////////////// // Select command: select a body CommandSelect::CommandSelect(string _target) : target(std::move(_target)) { } void CommandSelect::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Selection sel = env.getSimulation()->findObjectFromPath(target); env.getSimulation()->setSelection(sel); } //////////////// // Goto command: go to the selected body CommandGoto::CommandGoto(double t, double dist, Eigen::Vector3f _up, ObserverFrame::CoordinateSystem _upFrame) : gotoTime(t), distance(dist), up(_up), upFrame(_upFrame) { } void CommandGoto::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Selection sel = env.getSimulation()->getSelection(); env.getSimulation()->gotoSelection(gotoTime, sel.radius() * distance, up, upFrame); } //////////////// // GotoLongLat command: go to the selected body and hover over CommandGotoLongLat::CommandGotoLongLat(double t, double dist, float _longitude, float _latitude, Eigen::Vector3f _up) : gotoTime(t), distance(dist), longitude(_longitude), latitude(_latitude), up(_up) { } void CommandGotoLongLat::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Selection sel = env.getSimulation()->getSelection(); env.getSimulation()->gotoSelectionLongLat(gotoTime, sel.radius() * distance, longitude, latitude, up); } ///////////////////////////// // GotoLocation CommandGotoLocation::CommandGotoLocation(double t, const Eigen::Vector3d& _translation, const Eigen::Quaterniond& _rotation) : gotoTime(t), translation(_translation), rotation(_rotation) { } void CommandGotoLocation::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { UniversalCoord toPosition = UniversalCoord::CreateUly(translation); env.getSimulation()->gotoLocation(toPosition, rotation, gotoTime); } ///////////////////////////// // SetUrl CommandSetUrl::CommandSetUrl(std::string _url) : url(std::move(_url)) { } void CommandSetUrl::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getCelestiaCore()->goToUrl(url); } //////////////// // Center command: go to the selected body CommandCenter::CommandCenter(double t) : centerTime(t) { } void CommandCenter::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->centerSelection(centerTime); } //////////////// // Follow command: follow the selected body void CommandFollow::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->follow(); } //////////////// // Synchronous command: maintain the current position relative to the // surface of the currently selected object. void CommandSynchronous::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->geosynchronousFollow(); } //////////////// // Chase command: void CommandChase::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->chase(); } //////////////// // Track command: void CommandTrack::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->setTrackedObject(env.getSimulation()->getSelection()); } //////////////// // Lock command: void CommandLock::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->phaseLock(); } //////////////// // Setframe command CommandSetFrame::CommandSetFrame(ObserverFrame::CoordinateSystem _coordSys, string refName, string targetName) : coordSys(_coordSys), refObjectName(std::move(refName)), targetObjectName(std::move(targetName)) { } void CommandSetFrame::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Selection ref = env.getSimulation()->findObjectFromPath(refObjectName); Selection target; if (coordSys == ObserverFrame::PhaseLock) target = env.getSimulation()->findObjectFromPath(targetObjectName); env.getSimulation()->setFrame(coordSys, ref, target); } //////////////// // SetSurface command: select an alternate surface to show CommandSetSurface::CommandSetSurface(string _surfaceName) : surfaceName(std::move(_surfaceName)) { } void CommandSetSurface::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->getActiveObserver()->setDisplayedSurface(surfaceName); } //////////////// // Cancel command: stop all motion, set the coordinate system to absolute, // and cancel any tracking void CommandCancel::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->cancelMotion(); env.getSimulation()->setFrame(ObserverFrame::Universal, Selection()); env.getSimulation()->setTrackedObject(Selection()); } //////////////// // Print command: print text to the console CommandPrint::CommandPrint(string _text, int horig, int vorig, int hoff, int voff, double _duration ) : text(std::move(_text)), hOrigin(horig), vOrigin(vorig), hOffset(hoff), vOffset(voff), duration(_duration) { } void CommandPrint::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.showText(text, hOrigin, vOrigin, hOffset, vOffset, duration); } //////////////// // Clear screen command: clear the console of all text void CommandClearScreen::process(ExecutionEnvironment& /*unused*/) { } //////////////// // Exit command: quit the program void CommandExit::process(ExecutionEnvironment& /*unused*/) { exit(0); } //////////////// // Set time command: set the simulation time CommandSetTime::CommandSetTime(double _jd) : jd(_jd) { } void CommandSetTime::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->setTime(jd); } //////////////// // Set time rate command: set the simulation time rate CommandSetTimeRate::CommandSetTimeRate(double _rate) : rate(_rate) { } void CommandSetTimeRate::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->setTimeScale(rate); } //////////////// // Change distance command: change the distance from the selected object CommandChangeDistance::CommandChangeDistance(double _duration, double _rate) : TimedCommand(_duration), rate(_rate) { } void CommandChangeDistance::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env, double /*unused*/, double dt) { env.getSimulation()->changeOrbitDistance((float) (rate * dt)); } //////////////// // Orbit command: rotate about the selected object CommandOrbit::CommandOrbit(double _duration, const Eigen::Vector3f& axis, float rate) : TimedCommand(_duration), spin(axis * rate) { } void CommandOrbit::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env, double /*unused*/, double dt) { float v = spin.norm(); if (v != 0.0f) { auto q = Quaternionf(AngleAxisf((float) (v * dt), (spin / v).normalized())); env.getSimulation()->orbit(q); } } CommandRotate::CommandRotate(double _duration, const Eigen::Vector3f& axis, float rate) : TimedCommand(_duration), spin(axis * rate) { } void CommandRotate::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env, double /*unused*/, double dt) { float v = spin.norm(); if (v != 0.0f) { auto q = Quaternionf(AngleAxisf((float) (v * dt), (spin / v).normalized())); env.getSimulation()->rotate(q); } } CommandMove::CommandMove(double _duration, const Eigen::Vector3d& _velocity) : TimedCommand(_duration), velocity(_velocity) { } void CommandMove::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env, double /*unused*/, double dt) { Eigen::Vector3d velocityKm = velocity * dt * astro::microLightYearsToKilometers(1.0); env.getSimulation()->setObserverPosition(env.getSimulation()->getObserver().getPosition().offsetKm(velocityKm)); } //////////////// // Set position command: set the position of the camera CommandSetPosition::CommandSetPosition(const UniversalCoord& uc) : pos(uc) { } void CommandSetPosition::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->setObserverPosition(pos); } //////////////// // Set orientation command: set the orientation of the camera CommandSetOrientation::CommandSetOrientation(const Quaternionf& _orientation) : orientation(_orientation) { } void CommandSetOrientation::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->setObserverOrientation(orientation); } //////////////// // Look back command: reverse observer orientation void CommandLookBack::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->reverseObserverOrientation(); } ////////////////// // Set render flags command CommandRenderFlags::CommandRenderFlags(uint64_t _setFlags, uint64_t _clearFlags) : setFlags(_setFlags), clearFlags(_clearFlags) { } void CommandRenderFlags::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Renderer* r = env.getRenderer(); if (r != nullptr) { r->setRenderFlags(r->getRenderFlags() | setFlags); r->setRenderFlags(r->getRenderFlags() & ~clearFlags); } } ////////////////// // Set labels command CommandLabels::CommandLabels(int _setFlags, int _clearFlags) : setFlags(_setFlags), clearFlags(_clearFlags) { } void CommandLabels::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Renderer* r = env.getRenderer(); if (r != nullptr) { r->setLabelMode(r->getLabelMode() | setFlags); r->setLabelMode(r->getLabelMode() & ~clearFlags); } } ////////////////// // Set orbit flags command CommandOrbitFlags::CommandOrbitFlags(int _setFlags, int _clearFlags) : setFlags(_setFlags), clearFlags(_clearFlags) { } void CommandOrbitFlags::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Renderer* r = env.getRenderer(); if (r != nullptr) { r->setOrbitMask(r->getOrbitMask() | setFlags); r->setOrbitMask(r->getOrbitMask() & ~clearFlags); } } //////////////// // Set limiting magnitude command CommandSetVisibilityLimit::CommandSetVisibilityLimit(double mag) : magnitude(mag) { } void CommandSetVisibilityLimit::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getSimulation()->setFaintestVisible((float) magnitude); } //////////////// // Set FaintestAutoMag45deg command CommandSetFaintestAutoMag45deg::CommandSetFaintestAutoMag45deg(double mag) : magnitude(mag) { } void CommandSetFaintestAutoMag45deg::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Renderer* r = env.getRenderer(); if (r != nullptr) r->setFaintestAM45deg((float) magnitude); } //////////////// // Set ambient light command CommandSetAmbientLight::CommandSetAmbientLight(float level) : lightLevel(level) { } void CommandSetAmbientLight::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Renderer* r = env.getRenderer(); if (r != nullptr) r->setAmbientLightLevel(lightLevel); } //////////////// // Set galaxy light gain command CommandSetGalaxyLightGain::CommandSetGalaxyLightGain(float gain) : lightGain(gain) { } void CommandSetGalaxyLightGain::process(ExecutionEnvironment& /* env */) { Galaxy::setLightGain(lightGain); } //////////////// // Set command CommandSet::CommandSet(std::string _name, double _value) : name(std::move(_name)), value(_value) { } void CommandSet::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "MinOrbitSize") == 0) { if (env.getRenderer() != nullptr) env.getRenderer()->setMinimumOrbitSize((float) value); } else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "AmbientLightLevel") == 0) { if (env.getRenderer() != nullptr) env.getRenderer()->setAmbientLightLevel((float) value); } else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "FOV") == 0) { if (env.getRenderer() != nullptr) env.getSimulation()->getActiveObserver()->setFOV(degToRad((float) value)); } else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "StarDistanceLimit") == 0) { if (env.getRenderer() != nullptr) env.getRenderer()->setDistanceLimit((float) value); } else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "StarStyle") == 0) { // The cast from double to an enum requires an intermediate cast to int // Probably shouldn't be doing this at all, but other alternatives // are more trouble than they're worth. if (env.getRenderer() != nullptr) env.getRenderer()->setStarStyle((Renderer::StarStyle) (int) value); } } //////////////// // Mark object command CommandMark::CommandMark(string _target, MarkerRepresentation _rep, bool _occludable) : target(std::move(_target)), rep(_rep), occludable(_occludable) { } void CommandMark::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Selection sel = env.getSimulation()->findObjectFromPath(target); if (sel.empty()) return; if (env.getSimulation()->getUniverse() != nullptr) { env.getSimulation()->getUniverse()->markObject(sel, rep, 1, occludable); } } //////////////// // Unmark object command CommandUnmark::CommandUnmark(string _target) : target(std::move(_target)) { } void CommandUnmark::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Selection sel = env.getSimulation()->findObjectFromPath(target); if (sel.empty()) return; if (env.getSimulation()->getUniverse() != nullptr) env.getSimulation()->getUniverse()->unmarkObject(sel, 1); } /////////////// // Unmarkall command - clear all current markers void CommandUnmarkAll::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { if (env.getSimulation()->getUniverse() != nullptr) env.getSimulation()->getUniverse()->unmarkAll(); } //////////////// // Preload textures command CommandPreloadTextures::CommandPreloadTextures(string _name) : name(std::move(_name)) { } void CommandPreloadTextures::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Selection target = env.getSimulation()->findObjectFromPath(name); if (target.body() == nullptr) return; if (env.getRenderer() != nullptr) env.getRenderer()->loadTextures(target.body()); } //////////////// // Capture command CommandCapture::CommandCapture(std::string _type, std::string _filename) : type(std::move(_type)), filename(std::move(_filename)) { } void CommandCapture::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { #ifndef __APPLE__ const Renderer* r = env.getRenderer(); if (r == nullptr) return; // Get the dimensions of the current viewport array viewport; r->getViewport(viewport); if (compareIgnoringCase(type, "jpeg") == 0) { CaptureGLBufferToJPEG(filename, viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3], r); } else if (compareIgnoringCase(type, "png") == 0) { CaptureGLBufferToPNG(filename, viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3], r); } #endif } //////////////// // Set texture resolution command CommandSetTextureResolution::CommandSetTextureResolution(unsigned int _res) : res(_res) { } void CommandSetTextureResolution::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { if (env.getRenderer() != nullptr) { env.getRenderer()->setResolution(res); env.getCelestiaCore()->notifyWatchers(CelestiaCore::RenderFlagsChanged); } } //////////////// // Set RenderPath command. Left for compatibility. #ifdef USE_GLCONTEXT CommandRenderPath::CommandRenderPath(GLContext::GLRenderPath _path) : path(_path) { } void CommandRenderPath::process(ExecutionEnvironment& /*env*/) { #if 0 GLContext* context = env.getRenderer()->getGLContext(); if (context != nullptr) { context->setRenderPath(path); env.getCelestiaCore()->notifyWatchers(CelestiaCore::RenderFlagsChanged); } #endif } #endif //////////////// // SplitView command CommandSplitView::CommandSplitView(unsigned int _view, string _splitType, double _splitPos) : view(_view), splitType(std::move(_splitType)), splitPos(_splitPos) { } void CommandSplitView::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { #ifdef CELX // because of getObservers vector observer_list; getObservers(env.getCelestiaCore(), observer_list); if (view >= 1 && view <= observer_list.size()) { Observer* obs = observer_list[view - 1]; View* view = getViewByObserver(env.getCelestiaCore(), obs); View::Type type = (compareIgnoringCase(splitType, "h") == 0) ? View::HorizontalSplit : View::VerticalSplit; env.getCelestiaCore()->splitView(type, view, (float)splitPos); } #endif } //////////////// // DeleteView command CommandDeleteView::CommandDeleteView(unsigned int _view) : view(_view) { } void CommandDeleteView::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { #ifdef CELX vector observer_list; getObservers(env.getCelestiaCore(), observer_list); if (view >= 1 && view <= observer_list.size()) { Observer* obs = observer_list[view - 1]; View* view = getViewByObserver(env.getCelestiaCore(), obs); env.getCelestiaCore()->deleteView(view); } #endif } //////////////// // SingleView command void CommandSingleView::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { #ifdef CELX View* view = getViewByObserver(env.getCelestiaCore(), env.getSimulation()->getActiveObserver()); env.getCelestiaCore()->singleView(view); #endif } //////////////// // SetActiveView command CommandSetActiveView::CommandSetActiveView(unsigned int _view) : view(_view) { } void CommandSetActiveView::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { #ifdef CELX vector observer_list; getObservers(env.getCelestiaCore(), observer_list); if (view >= 1 && view <= observer_list.size()) { Observer* obs = observer_list[view - 1]; View* view = getViewByObserver(env.getCelestiaCore(), obs); env.getCelestiaCore()->setActiveView(view); } #endif } //////////////// // SetRadius command CommandSetRadius::CommandSetRadius(string _object, double _radius) : object(std::move(_object)), radius(_radius) { } void CommandSetRadius::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Selection sel = env.getSimulation()->findObjectFromPath(object); if (sel.body() != nullptr) { Body* body = sel.body(); float iradius = body->getRadius(); if ((radius > 0)) { body->setSemiAxes(body->getSemiAxes() * ((float) radius / iradius)); } if (body->getRings() != nullptr) { RingSystem rings(0.0f, 0.0f); rings = *body->getRings(); float inner = rings.innerRadius; float outer = rings.outerRadius; rings.innerRadius = inner * (float) radius / iradius; rings.outerRadius = outer * (float) radius / iradius; body->setRings(rings); } } } //////////////// // SetLineColor command CommandSetLineColor::CommandSetLineColor(string _item, Color _color) : item(std::move(_item)), color(_color) { } void CommandSetLineColor::process(ExecutionEnvironment& /* env */) { #ifdef CELX if (CelxLua::LineColorMap.count(item) == 0) { cerr << "Unknown line style: " << item << "\n"; } else { *CelxLua::LineColorMap[item] = color; } #endif } //////////////// // SetLabelColor command CommandSetLabelColor::CommandSetLabelColor(string _item, Color _color) : item(std::move(_item)), color(_color) { } void CommandSetLabelColor::process(ExecutionEnvironment& /* env */) { #ifdef CELX if (CelxLua::LabelColorMap.count(item) == 0) { cerr << "Unknown label style: " << item << "\n"; } else { *CelxLua::LabelColorMap[item] = color; } #endif } //////////////// // SetTextColor command CommandSetTextColor::CommandSetTextColor(Color _color) : color(_color) { } void CommandSetTextColor::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getCelestiaCore()->setTextColor(color); } /////////////// // Repeat command RepeatCommand::RepeatCommand(CommandSequence* _body, int _repeatCount) : body(_body), repeatCount(_repeatCount) { for (const auto b : *body) { bodyDuration += b->getDuration(); } } RepeatCommand::~RepeatCommand() { delete execution; // delete body; } void RepeatCommand::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env, double t, double dt) { double t0 = t - dt; auto loop0 = (int) (t0 / bodyDuration); auto loop1 = (int) (t / bodyDuration); // TODO: This is bogus . . . should not be storing a reference to an // execution environment. if (execution == nullptr) execution = new Execution(*body, env); if (loop0 == loop1) { execution->tick(dt); } else { double timeLeft = (loop0 + 1) * bodyDuration - t0; execution->tick(timeLeft); for (int i = loop0 + 1; i < loop1; i++) { execution->reset(*body); execution->tick(bodyDuration); } execution->reset(*body); execution->tick(t - loop1 * bodyDuration); } } double RepeatCommand::getDuration() const { return bodyDuration * repeatCount; } // ScriptImage command CommandScriptImage::CommandScriptImage(float _duration, float _fadeafter, float _xoffset, float _yoffset, fs::path _filename, bool _fitscreen, array &_colors) : duration(_duration), fadeafter(_fadeafter), xoffset(_xoffset), yoffset(_yoffset), filename(std::move(_filename)), fitscreen(_fitscreen) { copy(_colors.begin(), _colors.end(), colors.begin()); } void CommandScriptImage::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { auto image = unique_ptr(new OverlayImage(filename, env.getRenderer())); image->setDuration(duration); image->setFadeAfter(fadeafter); image->setOffset(xoffset, yoffset); image->setColor(colors); image->fitScreen(fitscreen); env.getCelestiaCore()->setScriptImage(std::move(image)); } // Verbosity command CommandVerbosity::CommandVerbosity(int _level) : level(_level) { } void CommandVerbosity::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getCelestiaCore()->setHudDetail(level); } /////////////// // void CommandConstellations::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Universe* u = env.getSimulation()->getUniverse(); if (!u) return; AsterismList& asterisms = *u->getAsterisms(); for (const auto ast : asterisms) { if (flags.none) { ast->setActive(0); } else if (flags.all) { ast->setActive(1); } else { auto name = ast->getName(false); auto it = std::find_if(constellations.begin(), constellations.end(), [&name](Cons& c){ return compareIgnoringCase(c.name, name) == 0; }); if (it != constellations.end()) ast->setActive(it->active != 0); } } } void CommandConstellations::setValues(string cons, int act) { // ignore all above 99 constellations if (constellations.size() == MAX_CONSTELLATIONS) return; std::replace(cons.begin(), cons.end(), '_', ' '); auto it = std::find_if(constellations.begin(), constellations.end(), [&cons](Cons& c){ return compareIgnoringCase(c.name, cons) == 0; }); if (it != constellations.end()) it->active = act; else constellations.push_back({cons, act}); // If not found then add a new constellation } void CommandConstellationColor::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Universe* u = env.getSimulation()->getUniverse(); if (!u) return; AsterismList& asterisms = *u->getAsterisms(); for (const auto ast : asterisms) { if (flags.none) { ast->unsetOverrideColor(); } else if (flags.all) { ast->setOverrideColor(rgb); } else { auto name = ast->getName(false); //std::vector::iterator it; auto it = std::find_if(constellations.begin(), constellations.end(), [&name](string& c){ return compareIgnoringCase(c, name) == 0; }); if (it != constellations.end()) { if (flags.unset) ast->unsetOverrideColor(); else ast->setOverrideColor(rgb); } } } } void CommandConstellationColor::setColor(float r, float g, float b) { rgb = Color(r, g, b); flags.unset = false; } void CommandConstellationColor::unsetColor() { flags.unset = true; } void CommandConstellationColor::setConstellations(string cons) { // ignore all above 99 constellations if (constellations.size() == MAX_CONSTELLATIONS) return; std::replace(cons.begin(), cons.end(), '_', ' '); // If not found then add a new constellation if (std::none_of(constellations.begin(), constellations.end(), [&cons](string& c){ return compareIgnoringCase(c, cons) == 0; })) constellations.push_back(cons); } /////////////// // SetWindowBordersVisible command void CommandSetWindowBordersVisible::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { env.getCelestiaCore()->setFramesVisible(visible); } /////////////// // SetRingsTexture command CommandSetRingsTexture::CommandSetRingsTexture(string _object, string _textureName, string _path) : object(std::move(_object)), textureName(std::move(_textureName)), path(std::move(_path)) { } void CommandSetRingsTexture::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Selection sel = env.getSimulation()->findObjectFromPath(object); if (sel.body() != nullptr && sel.body()->getRings() != nullptr && !textureName.empty()) { sel.body()->getRings()->texture = MultiResTexture(textureName, path); } } /////////////// // LoadFragment command CommandLoadFragment::CommandLoadFragment(string _type, string _fragment, string _dir) : type(std::move(_type)), fragment(std::move(_fragment)), dir(std::move(_dir)) { } void CommandLoadFragment::process(ExecutionEnvironment& env) { Universe* u = env.getSimulation()->getUniverse(); if (u == nullptr) return; istringstream in(fragment); if (compareIgnoringCase(type, "ssc") == 0) { LoadSolarSystemObjects(in, *u, dir); } else if (compareIgnoringCase(type, "stc") == 0) { u->getStarCatalog()->load(in, dir); } else if (compareIgnoringCase(type, "dsc") == 0) { u->getDSOCatalog()->load(in, dir); } }